Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 112–126
meeting their needs is the social services. Individuals with psycho-social disabilities still experience social exclusion and a lack of services. The prevailing system of social services in Lithuania is more general, and less focused on the individual needs of a person with a disability. In order to ensure the functioning of a person with a psycho-social disability in public life, changes in the provision of social services are necessary. An important aspect is inter-institutional cooperation at all levels. In Lithuania, local government is responsible for the provision of social services. In this article, we analyse the accessibility of social services for people with psycho-social disabilities based on a case study. The results of the research reveal the availability and functioning of help for people with psycho-social disabilities in community life. The practical significance of the study is useful for improving the accessibility of services for people with psycho-social disabilities in the context of social inclusion in the community.
The article analyzes the factors that influence the quality of the study. Quality of study and its assurance are priority tasks in the European higher education area. The key provisions of the Bologna Process focus on the paradigm shift in higher education. The Berlin Communique (2003) identifies the need for quality assurance at institutional, national and European level as well as for the development of common quality assurance criteria and methodologies. The Bergen Communiqué (2005) emphasized the importance of research for the improvement of studies, and endorsed the European qualifications framework for higher education based on learning outcomes. They are defined by the Dublin Descriptors (2005), which describe knowledge and understanding specific to each cycle, the application of knowledge and understanding, as well as decision-making, communication and learning to learn skills (2014-2020 Case Study of the Suitability and Compatibility of European Union Funds Investment in Training Programs, 2018). The Leuven Communique (2009) emphasizes student-centered studies, which remain a priority in the European Higher Education Area Quality Assurance Regulations and Guidelines (2015). The article analyzes the attitude of students of pedagogical studies towards the factors that influence the quality of studies. Students from Lithuanian and Romanian regional universities (Klaipėda University and 1 Decembrie 1918 University) participated in the study, 553 persons studying in various forms, undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The study was conducted with the aim of increasing internationalization and developing partnerships with European Union universities. Close collaboration in research helps to disseminate best practice in improving the quality of studies. This international study is theoretically and empirically based on the research methodology and statistical methods have identified the most important factors that determine the quality of the study process. It is researched how students’ attitudes towards individual study process quality factors depend on their study evaluation, learning motivation, age and other parameters. The dissemination of the research results will help the academic community of the universities to carry out similar research and to improve the quality of studies on this basis.
This study consists of three main themes: (1) An overview is given about the main findings of the economic theories associated withemployment and labour / paid work; reinterpretation of the concept of labour is also provided, divided into pre-industrial, industrialand post-industrial periods, which the author aligns with the periods of the economic thought. The author interprets globalizationas a factor influencing the transition between industrial and post-industrial periods; and she elaborately introduces its economicsocialand labour market impacts. Among the potential alternatives of employment of the future, this thesis investigates the atypicalforms of employment, public employment and social (solidarity) economy. (2) Central-Eastern European countries and regions areanalyzed, as the territorial unit of the research, from labour market and employment aspects. Afterwards, the author evaluates theemployment situation of her closer environment, Northern Hungary. (3) Afterwards, she contributes suggestions to the criteria ofcreating a more efficient regional employment policy. The aim of this research was analysed the regional labour market situation bythe Central-Eastern European countries and regions, in particular by the North Hungarian region and was gave some proposals for apossible, efficient regional employment policy. Therefore through the multiple transformation of work concept, the demand for alternativeemployment forms has increased along with the significant change of the content. The author believes that these alternativefields and the regional employment policy can provide the answer for global labour market problems in the future. At the beginningof her research, she hypothesised that the position of the North Hungarian region is significantly determined by its special economicand social context which can be derived from the end of communism. The author used Hoover-index, tested the Okun’s law inCentral-Eastern European countries and regions, calculated the Markov-chain model and used factor analysis methods.
The global tourism marketwitnesses the increasingly intensifying processes of altering competition andcustomer needs. Competition is taking place not only among tourism serviceproviders, but also among other participants in the leisure services market –entertainment business organizations, trade and leisure centres. Within the European tourismsystem the highest potential to increase the market share currently belongs tothe Central and Eastern European states, which include Lithuania as well. Seeking to makeuse of these opportunities, it is indispensable not only to create tourisminfrastructure, but also to search for other ways of representing uniquetourism services. World Tourism Organization experts carried out a number ofsurveys, the goal of which was to determine the aims and presumptions of atouristic travel. It was established that even in the presence of changingleisure and holiday habits and fashions, one of the most important factors forchoosing a target travel destination remains the touristic attractiveness ofplaces of interest.
Volume 84, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 111–133
As a career develops throughout a person’s life, the andragogue consultant involved in this process, providing career guidance for adults, counselling, information and career development services, is particularly relevant. The article analyses, both theoretically and empirically, what characterises the process of providing career guidance services to adults, and how the andragogue consultant’s activities are manifested in providing support, guidance and counselling to those pursuing their lives and careers. Thus, the theoretical discourse of career guidance service andragogue consultant activity is analysed, and empirically substantiated career guidance service features, and links with andragogue consultant activities, are provided. The qualitative research carried out reveals that the characteristics of career guidance services are revealed through the activities of the andragogue as a competent career and life consultant. The summarised theoretical, documentary and empirical analysis suggests that the andragogue consultant’s career guidance, client-centred, needs-based approach is designed to help an adult choose their education and employment, career planning and management competencies, and create and develop a career.
Volume 81, Issue 3 (2018), pp. 111–126
The purpose of the article is to present a discourse of public health ethics, as a social action, and research development. The following problematic questions have been framed to achieve the above purpose: what are the reasons for multiple meanings of public health concept? How is the concept of public in the context of pubic health understood? What are the possible approaches to the analysis of public health ethics? What are the major differences between public health ethics and healthcare ethics? The first part of the article makes an analysis of multiple meanings of the concept of public health. The second part addresses the concept of public in the context of public health. In the third part, there are analytical approaches to public health ethics reflected (professional ethics, applied ethics, representation ethics, critical ethics). The fourth part of the article focuses on differences between public health ethics and healthcare ethics. A summarising historical discourse on the development of public health ethics reveals the dynamics of theoretical approaches to the purpose of the article.
Šiame straipsnyje atskleidžiama mokslinių tyrimų problematika, susijusi su technologijų sąlygotų pokyčių įgyvendinimu: aprašyti technopokyčio, informacinių technologijų projekto ir organizacinio pokyčio programos skirtumai, įvardyti technologijų sąlygoto pokyčio įgyvendinimo etapai, palyginti darbuotojų technologinių pokyčių priėmimo tyrimo modeliai. Ši teorinė analizė naudinga konstruojant darbuotojų pasipriešinimo technologiniams pokyčiams valdymo modelius ir strategijas.
Organizacinės kultūros tyrimai atliekami įvairių tipų organizacijose, taikant įvairias metodikas ir klausimynus. Šiame straipsnyje, išanalizavus 15 skirtingų organizacinės kultūros vertinimo metodikų, išskirti dažniausiai organizacinei kultūrai vertinti taikomi pasikartojantys kriterijai. Remiantis šiais kriterijais sudarytas organizacinės kultūros vertinimo klausimynas. Atliktas ekspertinis tyrimas aiškinantis klausimyno tinkamumą. Atsižvelgus į ekspertų pastabas klausimynas pakoreguotas ir pritaikytas atlikti kiekybinį tyrimą socialiai atsakingose įmonėse.
This article based on declassified materials of the Belorussian SSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs analyses the problems of regional development, discussed by UNESCO during the “Year of Africa” and the participation of the Republic representatives in this discussion. The approaches to solving regional problems generated by the Organization in the 1950s are stated. The paper considers the international situation and the preparations for the 11th session of the General Conference. Positions of session participants and its results are characterized in the article. The author holds to the concept of significant actuation of the Belorussian SSR in international organizations of the UN system during the years of the Khrushchev’s Thaw and the conversion of UNESCO by mid-60s into the priority in this area of foreign-policy activities of the Republic. After the signing of the UN Charter in 1945 the Republic became the subject of international relations and international law, but continued to remain the subject of the Soviet federation, which limited its sovereignty and affected its international activities.
The territorial government election held in 2018 had significant influence not only on the current situation in Poland but also on the functioning of the country on the international scene. This event was very important for building the future political situation in Poland and it was a kind of prediction before the European Parliament election, the Polish Parliament election and before the Presidential election which are coming in the following years. The results of this election showed not only what can happen but also how Poland may function in the international environment – the Polish cooperation with other countries in the region and Poland’s functioning in the European Union. The subject of this research is to analyse the territorial government election in Poland in 2018 and to show what kind of changes were done in the Polish electoral law. Also, there are some indications presented how the role of local government should be shaped in the near future. The paper is also discussing some issues related with the way how Poland will function in the future with the focus on international cooperation, especially the cooperation with neighbouring countries and the European Union. The method which was used in this study is the observation method and the analysis of the situation in Poland as well as the analysis of changes in the electoral law in Poland. The aim of this paper is to show what changes should take place in the near future in the role and shape of territorial governments in Poland on different levels seeking to improve the functioning of these very important bodies of the political system in Poland.