Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 123–140
The first paragraph is dedicated to theoretical insights into the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in in the process of adult education. It analyzes the significance of ICT application in educational process, functional capabilities of the use of educational portals, educational programs, Google service system in educational process and presents the theoretical model of the realization of ICT in adult education. The second part of the paragraph is devoted to empirical research in order to present the approach of adult learners to the use of Google service system as the possibility of functional application of a separate ICT unit in adult education. The article conceptualizes the realization vista of ICT in adult education. The investigation reveals the aspects of services of Google system as ICT, its usage and realization.
Published patent applications. All published applications for inventions subdivided into the three groups. The number of applicants (inventors) in the separate application are ascertained. The number of published applications in the International Patent Classification sections for the 2005-2014 years are ascertained. Selecting published applications R&D and high technology development directions are described.
Kadsėkmingai funkcionuotų, organizacijos neišvengiamai turi taikytis prie kintančiųvisuomenės vertybių: nuo nuolankumo darbo santykiams prie partnerystės ryšių,nuo greito ir lengviausio pelno prie ilgalaikės plėtros tendencijos, nuo naudossiekimo tik sau prie atsakomybės visuomenei ir gamtai. Visa tai diktuojabūtinybę įmonėms imtis socialiai atsakingos veiklos, nes darni, atsakinga iretiška veikla yra kiekvienos organizacijos didžiausia vertybė. Įmonės,vykdydamos socialiai atsakingą veiklą, įsipareigoja nebūti abejingos visuomenėsinteresams. Visuomenė iš organizacijų tikisi vis daugiau, todėl organizacijosprivalo prisitaikyti, siekdamos sėkmingai veikti. Straipsnyje tiriamasvisuomenės požiūris į įmonių socialinę atsakomybę (toliau – ĮSA), akcentuojant,kiek pati visuomenė prisideda prie socialinės atsakomybės puoselėjimo.
Volume 83, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 123–146
The article discusses the declining juvenile crime rate in Klaipėda between 1995 and 2019. The city of Klaipėda was chosen as an empirical illustration allowing not only to focus on a social phenomenon but also to identify possible directions of wider interpretation and causal links. The authors have already presented a sociological reconstruction of the identities of Klaipėda between 1990 and 2010,* and therefore the dynamics of juvenile crime discussed in the light of new statistical, sociological and especially legal perspectives should be approached as a continuation of the analysis of juvenile crime in Klaipėda. Placing juvenile crime in the context of social problems, the authors see legal changes and programmes in juvenile justice as possible reasons for the declining juvenile crime rate. However, with the conclusions and discussion in the article being based on four hypothetical assumptions for the declining crime rate (delinquency is caused by the process of juvenile biological and social development; a completely opposite hypothesis: with the end of maturation, delinquent behaviour also ceases; links between delinquency and socially vulnerable families; a return to K. Mannheim’s idea of a contract between the elite of society and youth) provoke a continuation of research in the field of youth crime.
Thanks to the brilliant innovation of the expanding online transportation companies, the Indonesian people are able to obtain an affordable means of transportation. This three major ride-sharing companies (Go-Jek, Grab, and Uber) provide services which not only limited to transportation service but also providing services for food delivery, courier service, and even shopping assistance by utilizing gigantic armada of motorbikes and cars which owned by their ‘driver partners’. These companies are competing to gain market share by implementing the same strategy which is offering the lowest price. This paper would discuss the Indonesian online transportation price war by using price comparison analysis between three companies. The analysis revealed that Uber was the winner of the price war, however, their ‘lowest price strategy’ would lead to their downfall not only in Indonesia but in all of South East Asia.
For the first time in Ukrainian and world musicology, based on previously unexplored archival materials, information on one of Yakiv Yatsynevych’s most popular works – arranging of the folk song “Susidka” has been reconstructed and supplemented. In the process of research in Central State Archives Museum of Literature and Arts of Ukraine (Kyiv) were found out many valuable sources. Among them, more than twenty letters which are the correspondence of composer’s wife – Iryna Yatsynevych with the musicologist Leonid Kaufman; a letter to I. Yatsynevych from her brother, Methodiy Pavlovsky and from the editorial office of the vocal literature of the State Musical Publishing House; articles from the periodicals and posters of concerts, which inform about the performance of the work, original musical manuscript of “Susidka”. As a result of work, all founded documents were included to scientific circulation. The materials give an opportunity to supplement the history of the creation of work, to determine its place in the stage life of the twentieth century, to find out the “detective” story by I. Yatsynevych about the appropriation of the composer’s work by another artist and to establish that Y. Yatsynevych’s “Susidka” is not just a processing of folk song, but almost original author’s composition.
Straipsnyje iš ekonomikos teorijos metodologinių pozicijų aptariamos matematikos naudojimo ekonomikos teorijoje ribos, orientuojantis į austrų ekonomikos mokyklos požiūrį šiuo klausimu.
The spiritual aspect is one of essential components of human existence; therefore, it becomes an integral part of holistic support to a human being. Christian spiritual assistance in its various forms is becoming gradually established in our country, and there are attempts to define it in both juridical and theological or psychological aspects. Therefore, it requires a deeper glance and a more detailed analysis. In relation to this problem, the article deals with features of Christian spiritual assistance in the context of perception of spirituality and its relation to psychological support. Relevant approaches to spirituality, features of spiritual and psychological counselling as well as importance of Christ-centred spiritual assistance are discussed.
Straipsnyje analizuojama muziejų paskirtis ir jų veiklos kismas keičiantis visuomenei. Muziejai turėtų ne tik atlikti kaupiamąją, šviečiamąją, bet ir auklėjamąją funkcijas, siekdami pritraukti išrankius (ypač jaunesnio amžiaus) lankytojus, todėl svarbu paslaugas modernizuoti. Pritaikius stebėjimo metodą, aplankyti 22 muziejai Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje. Taikant teorijoje išskirtus paslaugų modernizavimo kriterijus muziejuose nustatyta, kad vis dar daugelio jų lankymo laikas nepatrauklus, pasigendama paslaugų žmonėms su negalia, trūksta įtraukimo į muziejinę veiklą, elementarių paslaugų, kaip kavinių, parduotuvių, kur lankytojai galėtų nusipirkti replikas, eksponatų suvenyrų kopijas.
To manage competitiveness, an objective assessment tool is required. An error in choosing a measurement method can lead to the adoption of erroneous management decisions. The purpose of the article is to assess the competitiveness of light industry enterprises in Ukraine, to identify factors ensuring their competitiveness, and to develop recommendations for determining the feasibility of investing in the procurement and implementation of modern innovative technologies. The article summarises the views of the scientific community on features of the development of industrial enterprises in current market conditions, and the need to attract modern innovative technologies as a component in increasing their competitiveness. In determining the level of competitiveness of enterprises, it has been suggested to take into account factors determining the level of information reliability and weapons. To evaluate the individual component competitiveness of the enterprise, it is proposed to calculate an integral assessment based on the use of taxonomic analysis. An analysis of the innovative activities of Ukrainian industrial enterprises has been carried out. A flow chart determining the feasibility of purchasing innovative specialised equipment has been developed; it will simultaneously maximise the likelihood of attracting investment capital, with the simultaneous establishment of business cooperation with state authorities and local government.