Self-leadership as self-directed leadership is based on the values of the whole person according to all his/her natural needs to strive not only for their sociobiological satisfaction, but also for God, a spirituality, nobility, higher meaning based on incomparable ideals. The pursuit of values is aided by following leaders, including clergy as moral authorities. This is especially necessary from a point of view of the special psychological experiences in the maritime business. The moral and business authority of the leader is valid for employees as the most important psychological support for their activities. Transcendental motivation is noble and very practical in all cases of professional and personal life. Ideally, becoming a leader is based on authentic following God as the great Leader. There are many opportunities to strengthen the self-leadership of maritime business participants on the basis of secular values. The difference is that parents, brothers or sisters, a friend, a clergyman, TV shows, and movies are more involved in the formation of sociocentric values. Parents, wife, familiar seafarer, teachers, board leaders or leaders in a port company, clergyman, TV shows, films, and NGOs are the most significant moral authorities for the transcendent values of maritime business participants.
We are participants of ever changing peripherization. A growing external control over social sciences has been spotted lately in academic community. This inspires to investigate a Lithuanian case on the discourse of regional governance in order to understand the impact of social research methodology in the processes of peripherization. With the intention to deemphasize domination, the article describes eleven stories designed for constituting methodological meanings of regional governance (RG) arrived at while reflecting upon public, academic and legal written texts. Texts were chosen to illustrate variety of international and national discourses, which manage the chain of reasoning on RG. The article ends with some insights on understanding RG and its methodological roots associated with three sets of principles drawn from qualitative research, quantitative research and discourse research.
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 129–140
The article reveals the content of individual and differentiated approaches to teaching of primary school children with mental development disorders. Learning objectives and the ways to achieve them. The forms of activity organization are determined to develop children’s abilities to acquire and apply skills. Appropriateness of programmed learning as a part of the differentiated approach is analyzed to educate children with mental development disorders. Practical aspects of individual approach and differentiation are presented with the example of teaching of primary school-children at a special needs school.
The article discusses the question of whether everyday life in an ordinary small Lithuanian town is indeed inactive, stagnant, empty and immobile. Mobility in everyday life is analysed through the habits of locals in the town of Josvainiai, and relations with the nearest cities and relatives living abroad. In analysing mobility, the main focus is on areas of everyday life such as work, consumption, communication and leisure. The article analyses data from a field study carried out in Josvainiai from July 2019 to January 2020.
Human resource management uses social networks to identify new employees. This research investigates if people use social networks to identify employment opportunities and how they improve their networks to get easier and quicker access to information and resources. Researchers worldwide devote their attention to different aspects of identification of new employees via social networks. The authors of the paper have done empirical research based on an online survey with 298 respondents, and the data obtained from the survey has been analysed using various statistical tools. The number of suitable candidates for employment is decreasing and companies need knowledge about the employment seeking process to have an effective and efficient recruiting strategy. This paper studies the information channel on employment possibilities, i.e. social network, and how individuals develop and improve their networks for the employment seeking process. Moreover, the authors analyse how people use social networks in the employment seeking process compared with other channels on possible employment opportunities.
This article open national connection of spring Pydlyassha folklore on the base of comparison with repertoire of neighbour ethnographical regions. The comparative analysys of song examples from Pydlyassha is realized on the foundation comparison of main motive of Pydlyassha spring songs and neighbouring ethnographical songs. The article also analyses existing different kind of names for spring calendar songs on the territory of Pydlyassha and other neighbouring regions.
Straipsnyje analizuojami įmonių socialinės atsakomybės įgyvendinimo regioniniai skirtumai. Mokslininkų darbuose pripažįstama, kad įmonių socialinės atsakomybės įgyvendinimo skirtumai egzistuoja įvairiuose regionuose, atsižvelgiant į pabrėžiamus aspektus, įmonių socialinės atsakomybės sritis, teikiamas ataskaitas ir pan. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama išanalizuoti įmonių socialinės atsakomybės regioninius skirtumus, regionus suskirstant pagal socialinius-ekonominius modelius. Europos valstybes susiskirsčius pagal socialinius-ekonominius modelius ir jas įvertinus, remiantis taikomais tarptautiniais standartais bei gairėmis, nustatyta, kad Rytų ir Vidurio Europos regionas atsilieka, kontinentinis ir skandinaviškasis regionai pirmauja pagal GRI ataskaitų teikimą. Viduržiemio jūros regionas išsiskiria mažų ir vidutinių įmonių aktyvumu teikiant GRI ataskaitas, diegiant SA8000 standartą ar dalyvaujant Jungtinių Tautų Pasaulinio susitarimo tinkle.
In order to be distinguished from the conventional verbal interactional context deliberate violations of the metadiscursive matrix are employed: 1) the informal register instead of the formal; 2) gradable adjectives and superlatives violate the expectation of objectivity and accuracy; 3) the self-conscious pragmatic-rhetoric strategies; 4) ample use of vulgarisms and offensive addresses; 5) a diversity of rhetoric means. These idiosyncratic variations function as the strategy of identification with the audience, and the effects achieved are as follows: 1) gaining attention; 2) distinguishing oneself from the context of similar speakers; 3) gaining and demonstrating power; 4) suspense; 5) convincing and persuasion for taking action.
The article presents the picture of the Christian angel in a genre of Lithuanian folklore, legends. The texts in question reveal the attitude of traditional Lithuanian society to angels as acting in the divine and earthly spheres. The research and the identification of the most popular scenes have revealed that the most important features of the legendary angel are the fulfilment of God›s will, and the protection of man and his soul. The article concludes that the legends of Lithuanian peasants about the activities of angels strengthened religion, promoted behaviour according to the norms of the community, and ensured a sense of security.