Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 143–150
The study of psychological well-being is a really important issue of the modern society and the contemporary science. Many mental disorders and psychosomatic diseases are anteceded by mood decline, experience of ill-being. If the sense of satisfaction is absent, tensions, inconsistency in actions appear and overall functional efficiency decreases. The life style of very many people has undergone dramatic changes over the last 20 years. One of the main reasons for these changes is emergence of the Internet and its special faculty – social networks. It is well known that communications are a necessary structural component of psychological well-being. Emergence of social networks has expanded communicative opportunities to virtual infinity; at the same time, such communications swallow up personal time and efforts. This article makes an attempt to analyze peculiarities of personal behavior in social networks depending on a personal level of psychological well-being. Students of the Kyiv National University (Kyiv, Ukraine) and working youth have been examined with Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being and our structured interview. The obtained results show differences in attitudes and behavioral patterns in social networks depending on a person’s level of psychological well-being.
Volume 69, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 143–160
The paper presents the discourse of the social work professionalization from the viewpoints of practice, research, academic activity, and professional identity, by revealing the expression of social worker competencies in the changing society. By means of evaluating the 20-year-experience of social worker training in Lithuania, the authors reveal the identity of social work at two levels: professional (academisation and practice) and legal (profession and study status). For the purpose, a novel approach to the formation of the social work theory, study methods, and the education of intercultural communication and lifelong learning is employed.
The article deals with the peculiarities of the concept of motivation in word formative, nominative, linguacognitive aspects, as well as a general understanding of motivation in connection with the doctrine of the process of semiosis and the internal form of the word. In particular, the motivation in the derivational aspect is understood as the process of formation of the semantic and formal connection of the derived word with the formative one within the sign code of the language system, in the nominative – the formal and semantic connection between words as signs (expression and content plans), realized in the formation of words; in linguacognitive – the establishment of a semantic and formal dependence between the motivator and the derivative by a nominative unit (a motivated sign) based on the connections of different components of the knowledge structure about what is meant in the ethnic consciousness.
Teologijos mokslo raida Lietuvoje, po Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo 1990 m. gavusi naują impulsą, nors ir tapo dinamiškesnė, vis dėlto dar nėra intensyvi. Atitinkamuose recenzuojamuose moksliniuose Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų leidiniuose sukaupta išties nemažai mokslinių teologinių straipsnių, reikšmingi mokslo darbai nuveikti moralės teologijos (bioetikos) srityje, pamažu stiebiasi ir kitos teologijos mokslo sritys. Tačiau akivaizdu, kad monografijos lygmeniu apie teologinius lietuvių autorių veikalus kalbame dar retai. Todėl Klaipėdos universiteto prof. Arvydo Ramono indėlis į teologijos mokslo raidą Lietuvoje ypač vertingas ir svarus, turint mintyje ne tik recenzuojamą monografiją, bet ir tai, kad autorius apskritai intensyviai rašo teologinėmis temomis, publikuoja knygas ir jau ne pirmą monografiją.
The research aim is to analyse the peculiarities for application of immovable property tax in Latvia and to assess the main factors affecting the amount of immovable property tax and contradicting the basic principles for imposing taxes. It is essential to review the methods how the State Land Service determines cadastral values for real estate, since the cadastral value is the base for calculation of immovable property tax. The revision is required as the establishment of a fair tax system is impossible without adequate and comparable cadastral values. In the future, land shall be valued pursuant to lease and not to expropriation transactions in Latvia, while the cadastral valuation of buildings might be done consistent with the method of expenses by determining construction expenses of buildings. The issue on mass inspection of physical condition of buildings and data updating shall be solved in Latvia. In addition, an issue on possibilities to apply the most fair procedure for tax calculation shall be solved on the governmental level, i.e. to calculate taxes consistent with procedure for the use of immovable property registered in the Land Register as well as to cancel the limitation for increase of immovable property tax stated by the municipality and to regulate the tax burden through tax rates.
This paper presents an overview of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities development in the Baltic Sea. The value of the paper lies in its seek to demonstrate how the process of interaction between the shipping and energy networks unfolds through infrastructural developments of ports. The analysis is based on mapping, cartographic and spatial contextual methods. The mapping of gas supply networks, LNG facilities and traffic patterns establish the originality of this research. It shows that factors motivating the development of LNG terminals in the Baltic ports come from areas of energy and maritime policy. Moreover, in future, the emerging LNG infrastructure may have an effect on port competition in the Baltic Sea Region.
In context of the cultural identity and regional studies, the article evaluates the contribution of researchers from Kurzeme Institute of Humanities, Liepāja University, into research and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Kurzeme region. The aim, the main tasks, the development of conception and the course of implementation of The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Kurzeme Culture (since 2012) are described as well as its thematic sections (biographies of the prominent personalities in literature and theatre, and the cultural values they have created after Latvia regained its independence). The examples give an insight into the dictionary’s content and provide the evidence for analysis of the main problems in material selection, development of the body, structure and content of the dictionary entries. The article also indicates the possible solutions in the future (development of other thematic sections, addition of audio and video recordings) and discusses the possibility of digitization of the dictionary in order to ensure its accessibility to large audiences.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 141–158
Lithuania has been placed 35th out of 187 countries in the UNO Human Development Report 2014, which measures a Human Social Development Index. This is the best result in the history of the country. According to this indicator, since 2010, Lithuania has joined the club of 49 most developed countries in the planet. Despite the fact, poverty, which expresses the essential consequences of social differentiation, has deeply rooted in the social discourse of Lithuania. To understand the controversy of the official statistics and the reality of life, we can no longer think of poverty, deprivation and social exclusion stereotypically. These social phenomena are taking new shapes in the postmodern existence. Therefore, the article presents a philosophical explanation of the change in the perception of two social categories – time and work, which illustrate a dramatic shift of our social life towards the postmodern existence, based on the works of J. Habermas and Z. Bauman. Social categories of time and work are among the elements of social-existential change, which reflect clear differences of philosophical discourses and social consciousness of modernity and postmodernity from the earlier traditions of philosophical thought development. Today these categories acquire the power to reveal new forms of social inequality.
Volume 80, Issue 2 (2018), pp. 141–160
The article aims to analyse the criteria and procedures of assessment of pupils’ musical compositions. The review of the criterion-referenced evaluation of creative works is presented, the methodology of evaluation of the musical creative product and conditions for its application are discussed. The question is whether the criteria of assessment of a musical composition are applied in reality, i.e. during contests while evaluating pupils’ compositions. In order to answer this question the aim of the research was to reveal the experience of jury members in assessment of pupils’ musical compositions. To achieve the aim pursued, in-depth interviews with 5 composers who evaluated pupils’ musical compositions in national and international contests were carried out. The research results presented focus on the criteria of evaluation of musical compositions, on the factors influencing assessment as well as evaluation process itself.