Each responsible personality who seeks productive outcomes in the professional activity tends to experience stress. Stress is an inseparable element of the contemporary professional activity. The analysis of the causes of the experienced stress and an appropriate choice of the stress management techniques enable one to cope with stress and to prevent its negative manifestations in an organization. The aim of the research: after the investigation of the distribution of stress as a psycho-social factor and the ways of coping with it in Klaipeda district educational organizations, to make an action plan for coping with stress with the aim of improving the work climate in organizations. The material and methods. For the research, educational organizations in Klaipėda district were chosen (in accordance with the data of Klaipėda District Municipality of 2011, there were 19 organizations with the staff of 599 at the time). The survey was conducted in September 2011 in collaboration with school public health care specialists from Klaipėda District Public Health Office. 286 questionnaires were handed out, and 246 ones were returned and found appropriate for the investigation. 31 questionnaires did not meet the criterion of representativeness, and 9 people refused to participate. For the statistical processing of the obtained data, the methods of descriptive, comparative, and correlation analysis were applied. The statistical processing of the data was carried out by the SPSS 17.0 software.The outcomes. The stressors characteristic of the staff of Klaipeda district educational organizations were established: responsibility for the future of the staff in the organization; personal skills and abilities completely fail to be realised in the organization; the work is monotonousand full of tension; the necessity to suppress one’s genuine emotions and not to show one’s true feelings; andresponsibility for the actions of other staff members. Statistically significant correlations were established between the coping with stress and the skills of management oriented towards problems and emotions. Conclusions. The staff of Klaipeda district educational organizations tended to belong to Type B personality, i.e. people whose response to stress was rather calm, however, they experienced work-related stress. To reduce the stress or to cope with it, an action plan was recommended. The responsibility for the said plan implementation was to be taken by the head of the institution.
Dinamišką ir kompleksišką aplinkos turinį gali atliepti socialiai versli organizacija. Socialinis verslumas pirmiausia skatina pokyčius pačioje organizacijoje, prisiimant atsakomybę už darnų vystymą ir diegiant inovacijas, o organizacijos socialinė veikla daro poveikį bendruomenėms, regionams ir globaliai. Šioje studijoje pateikiama susisteminta informacija, atskleidžiamas tarpusavyje susijusių organizacijos socialinio verslumo, socialinės atsakomybės, darnaus vystymo, organizacijos pilietiškumo konceptų ryšys. Apibendrinant nagrinėjamus konceptus, suformuotas organizacijos socialinio verslumo ir darnios plėtros proceso modelis, išskirtos trys organizacijos verslo modelio brandos perspektyvos, susiejant kuriamą socialinę vertę ir organizacijos taikomas socialinės atsakomybės priemones, jų poveikio trukmę ir vietą. Į modelį integruota organizacijos pilietiškumo dimensija, pabrėžiant jos svarbą darnaus vystymo darbotvarkėje.
The subject of this study is to present the process of implementing the concept of e-citizen in Poland in the perspective of industry 4.0. In the global world, a significant part of public administration, including local government administration, aims to increase activity using Information and Communication Technology. This process allows introducing more efficient functioning of public administration, especially in the scope of providing services to the citizen. Changes in the functioning of public administration are forced by changes in ICT, in particular by those resulting from the current implementation of the concept of industry 4.0. The result of the research was a description not only the legal bases or development policies of public e-administration, but first and foremost to indicate its practical implementation effects. As part of the practical effects, the study will present examples of the effects of e-administration implementation in the Otwock County. In particular, the attention will be paid to the implementation of elements of computerization of administration by the local authorities, and how it affects local sustainable development.
The article analyzes the usage of epighaph fonts in old cemetries of Klaipėda region. The attention is mainly focused on gothic style type Fraktur. This German type was a basic script in German territories since Middle Ages until World War II. The German type is an inherent part of culture in Minor Lithuania. 1st part of the analyses deals with historical dissemination of printing Fraktur in German-speaking countries, with the purpose to illustrate the significance of this gothic style type in the society. The main target of the research is to explicate the relationship between different script types and languages, and to assess specifics of usage of the Fraktur regarding on period, ethnic and social aspects, material and technical features.
The article presents the evaluation of organizational culture of SC „Klaipėdos kartonas“. The employees’ attitude towards the importance and influence of OK, values, symbols, history, heroes, traditions and communication is evaluated by questioner created by authors of article. The survey revealed that employees appreciate their OK positively. They are guided by the values of organization in their work. The employees know the values and their impact, the history of organization, and have their heroes-employees. Common traditions are prevalent in organization. The communication in organization is business-like. Statistically important difference was revealed: managers of all levels expressed more agreement for statements about all elements of OK; meanwhile employees without subordinates expressed less agreement or disagreement. It is suggested to involve employees without subordinates in processes of formation and implementation of OK more actively.
The goal of this study is to evaluate the importance of the risk factors for agricultural producers in the country and to propose support measures for agricultural production in order to avoid or reduce the negative effects of risk factors. The object of this study is the opinion of Lithuanian agricultural producers about their risks. In order to perform an analysis of the risk factors disclosed in the literature a questionnaire was prepared, as well as grouping model of risk factors. A questionnaire-based survey resulted ranking of the risk factors faced by country agricultural producers.
The aim of the research is to develop methods that would allow comparingthe statistical parameters of Latviaat differing administrative divisions, thereby solvingthe problems that arise in the case of discrepancy of borders. As part of thework, the developed method was implemented in order to assess the suitabilityof the created tool for mathematical analysis of statistical parameters on Latvia. Theterritory examined in the work is Latvia; the discrepancy of borderswas examined by comparing the parish borders of 1935 with the parishes of 2000.Therefore it was necessary to create a transfer matrix in order to link theadministrative borders of both periods. The transfer matrix was prepared in GISenvironment, combining the parish borders of 1935 and 2000. By conductingtransformation of parish parameters at differing administrative divisions andmaking a transfer from the parish borders of 1935 to 2000, it is possible toobtain relatively accurate value of the relevant parameter within thepresent-day borders. The obtained value can be used as a quantitativeindicator, allowing for quantitative comparison of temporal changes of therelevant parameter at differing administrative divisions, and the value ofthose changes in the examined territories can be used in subsequent statisticalanalysis of the results. By transforming the arable land proportion in ruralparishes of 1935 in accordance with the parish borders of 2000, it was possibleto carry out temporal comparison of this parameter with its value in 2001.
Retail store image, customer evaluation of merchandise value and intention to purchase have been studied as a most important constructsof the retail domain. It is considered from previous research, that store image is expressed in terms of tangible and intangibledimensions as assessed by consumers. Consumers are affected by the store’s attributes and consider image associations in order toassess perceived benefits and attitudes. This study develops a proposition that store image makes an influence on the level of perceivedproduct value. As recent research has shown, perceived value is related to willingness to pay a higher price. Accordingly, thisstudy posits a path model of store image, product value perception and willingness to pay a premium price. The proposed theoreticalframework entails insights on the differences in retail image – customer attitude relationship according to customer characteristics –gender and income. Therefore I hypothesize the impact of gender and income on the perceived merchandise value and willingnessto pay a premium price. Analyzing the path model, this paper investigates the influence of retail image and customer characteristicson the important retail outcomes. The results suggest a link of retail store image and perceived value of merchandise, also the hypothesizedassumptions of the link of customer income and endogenous variables of perceived value of merchandise and willingnessto pay a higher price were supported by the results. Findings of the structural model do not support the effect of the gender on therelationship between retail image and resultant variables of perceived value of merchandise and willingness to pay a higher price.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 157–170
During the soviet times pedagogy in Latvia develops in difficult and controversial conditions. It becomes a specific area of influence and a propaganda tool, in which ideologised guidelines of soviet pedagogy prevail. So far Soviet experience in education theory and practice (1940–1941, 1944–1990) has not been fully identified and evaluated because it is “recent” history. People living during the soviet times have developed self-experience, based on which conclusions can be made. At the same time young people develop this experience in their daily life (communicating with people, watching and reading in the mass media), thus based on other people’s experience. One of the sources promoting teachers’ historical experience is study courses The History of Pedagogy and Literature Didactics, in which future teachers gain knowledge about the historical development of pedagogy, learn different ideas proposed by famous educators, acquire skill in analysing pedagogical ideas in the context of a particular historical period, assess different offerings of pedagogy and their application in nowadays pedagogical situations. At the same time in the study course Literature Didactics future teachers enrich their knowledge about the development of Didactics of Latvian Literature during the soviet period, master their skills in critical evaluation of study contents, study programs, materials, additional materials, study aims, methods and approaches as well as teacher student interaction during the lesson.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 157–164
The process of internationalization and awareness of the other are procedures of presently existing strategies in higher education. Currently, as a part of transcultural education, a growing amount of alternative cross-border educational programs are offered. Critics have suggested that practices focus less on contemporary gender issues in international educations than on issues of language and culture. Globally, employees in health and social care professions are predominantly female, which thus attracts reflective learning on issues connected to gender. This article illuminates an example where Swedish and Danish nursing students participating in an exchange program in Öresund Region have shown gender responsiveness and preconceptions during their clinical practice abroad. Further, this article proposes some ways forward to a more pedagogical approach to increase vocational awareness of gender issues.