The article deals the beliefs about the whirlwind in Ukrainian demonology. On the basis of the empiric materials the аuthor considered the features of human behavior at a meeting with whirlwind and consequent after contact’s with him; retraces whirlwind’s connection with other mythological characters – a devil, a sorcerer, a witch, self-murderer spirits and others.
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 168–185
The article analyses the management of a virtual project team in international companies. It provides a theoretical overview of virtual project team management, and the results of the research are presented. A qualitative study was carried out in which a structured interview was used to interview managers working in international companies who lead virtual project teams. The study involved nine informants, working in Lithuania, the United Kingdom, the United States, Bangladesh, France, Malaysia and Poland. The results of the study revealed the influence of information and communication technologies in managing a virtual project team, how emotional and motivational processes are managed, the importance of trust to a virtual project team, and how team management is improving. To summarise the research, the results provide a virtual project team management model that benefits companies and virtual project team managers who strive for the productive management of these teams.
The book The Economic Crisis and its Aftermath in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Do As We Say and Not As We Do written by Professor Dr. Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson is unique in many respects. It provides a broad view about the Nordic-Baltic countries, their response to the crisis of 2008/09 and the post-crisis consequences. Both regional and international aspects have been analyzed, namely regional institutions such as the European Union (EU) and global institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the operational sphere where policy choices of these nations get influenced. The author points out that Barry Eichengreen (Professor of Economics and Political Science at UC Berkeley) suggested that the title of this book should include: ‘Do as we say and not as we do’, reflecting author’s view mainly to a comparison between how Nordic countries may want the Baltic States to respond to crisis as compared to how they would respond themselves in comparable situations. In order to support this statement, the author mentions some instances, for example, comparison of how Finland and Sweden responded to the banking crisis they experienced in the early 1990s with how the Baltic States responded to the 2008/09 global economic and financial crisis, arguably under Nordic (mainly Swedish) influence. All those countries are then influenced by regional and global institutions. Thus, the author framed the title of the book as “The Economic Crisis and its Aftermath in the Nordic and Baltic Countries: Do as we say and not as we do”.
This article examines a specific kind of sacrifice to the pagan Lithuanian and Prussian gods recorded in the written sources of the 16th and 17th centuries, sacrifices made in and by water. There is a total of just ten such records known. Both Lithuanian and Prussian tribes practiced this kind of sacrifice. It is noteworthy that sacrifices involving water were not made to a single deity, but rather to several different gods; that the kind of sacrifice varied and that the most diverse sorts of intentions were pursued in making the sacrifice.
Definitions and sets of indicators as wellas approaches on sustainable development are compiled, discussed and evaluated inthis paper. The researched region embraces forfive urban and district municipalities in western Lithuaniaand Latviain the total area of 1393.93 km2. The scheme of steps of assessmentof sustainability with selected sets of indicators relevant for the sea shoreregion of Lithuania and Latviais presented and discussed.
Today, in knowledge and information technology era, the world’s businesses, both large and small, are increasingly seeking to use information technologies – especially information systems. There are implemented and maintained several of information systems: resource view based, customer orientated, document exchange information systems and universal ones, as opposed to specialized, and contains a lot more functionality offer. Information systems are implemented to ensure the core business functionality by automating certain processes, providing benefits such as business process transparency, arrangement and actualization. By the use of information systems certain services became popular, which are related with the established information system maintenance – the ongoing process of auditing, risk identification and management, and compliance regulations, laws, standards and guidelines. Such compliance is essential for the better functioning of information systems and aligns its activities. This article explores a theory of IT outsourcing and IT Compliance definition to give an idea of the need for it, and point to the benefits organizations can in carrying out these processes – system dynamics modeling research method was used in following research.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama šiuo metu aktuali tema – stresas kaip psichosocialinis veiksnys ugdymo organizacijose. Aptariamos stresopriežastys ir stresorių klasifikacija, ugdymo organizacijos darbo ypatumai, pristatoma tyrimo metodika, kontingento imtis, streso,kaip psichosocialinio veiksnio, tyrimo rezultatų analizė Klaipėdos rajono ugdymo organizacijose.
Lietuvos žemės ūkio sektoriuje vyrauja smulkūs ūkiai, kuriems veikti rinkos sąlygomis sudėtinga. Tad norėdami įgyti konkurencinį pranašumą, valdyti žemės ūkio produkcijos rinkas, gerinti produkcijos kokybę, spręsti socialinius ir aplinkosaugos klausimus, turi jungtis į didesnius darinius – steigti kooperatyvus ir gamintojų organizacijas. Tyrimu siekta atskleisti gamintojų organizacijų (GO) raidą ES šalyse ir pasiūlyti būdų, kaip sparčiau vystytis Lietuvoje? Darbe atlikta ekonominės literatūros ir teisinės dokumentacijos žemės ūkio produkcijos rinkų reguliavimo ir žemdirbių kooperatyvų klausimais analizė. Taikytas iš dalies standartizuotas interviu su Lietuvos ir Airijos, Italijos, Latvijos, Lenkijos, Olandijos, Prancūzijos, Švedijos, Vokietijos kooperatyvų bei GO vadovais ir specialistais. Siekiant aktyvinti kooperatyvus ir GO, būtina parengti ir priimti ilgalaikę strategiją, kurioje numatyti gamintojų organizacijų plėtros kryptis ir pagrindines priemones: produkcijos realizavimas, ūkininkų ir kooperatyvų vadovų mokymai (konsultavimas), paramos gavimo supaprastinimas ir kt.