There are three prefaces in Christian Gottlieb Mielcke’s (1733–1807) dictionary Littauisch-deutsches und Deutsch-littauisches Wörter-Buch (1800). The first is written by the compiler himself; the second by Daniel Jenisch (1762–1804), a Berlin theologian and linguist; and the third by Christoph Friedrich Heilsberg (1726/7–1807), a counsellor in the Königsberg Chamber of War and Domains and inspector of East Prussian schools. The ‘Friend’s Note’ (Nachschrift eines
Freundes) of the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) is placed after all of them. It is a friendly, quite short, one-and-a-half-page commentary on the Lithuanians and their language, written in free form, and cannot be called a true preface.
The article analyses the circumstances of the appearance of Kant’s ‘Friend’s Note’ in the dictionary, and discusses the ideas expressed in it.
This paper presents development of school buildings influenced by certain principles of educational paradigm and new educational ideas. The research is interdisciplinary, as it questions how physical education environment complies with the concept of education. Importance of study, which involves analysis of the educational nature and the architectural space is evident not only in Lithuania but also in the whole world at the moment of change of the educational nature, when the existing buildings are renewed according to the changed needs, and new educational architectural objects are built rarely. This article covers a review of period until the year 1940 of Lithuanian schools architecture and educational provisions in a wider context, necessary for further studies to find out whether the changing educational tasks and teaching methods have changed the school buildings.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 191–204
This article analyse fundamental blog media features and overviews the blog use possibilities. The research is being conducted using theoretical induction, deduction and analogy research methods. Focuses in the short social media history, identified areas of research, analyse blog’s content characteristics, blog media definitions and classifications are compared.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 191–206
The article analyzes the quality of education services efficiency, effectiveness and accessibility aspects. The theoretical part of the article discusses the concept of education and their range of services. A detailed presentation of educational and social services. Describes the attitude of the respondents to provide educational services. Research period 2007–2014. Empirical research carried out in Lithuania: Klaipėda, Telšiai, Tauragė, Šiauliai and Kaunas. Empirical research participated 520 respondents (IX–XII / II–IV G students).
The main purpose of this article is twofold. The first objective is to follow the main trends in the development in the Latvian’s monetary policy and the European Monetary system accession process, with a focus on the local currency stability problems. It discusses the process and strategies for choice of the strategy as well as the main issues that have arisen in the accession process. The second objective of this article is to investigate the on-going monetary policy of the Bank of Latvia, to analyse the basic principles of its operations and influence on national economic growth. Both objectives fully corresponding to the article’s research object, i.e. to a monetary policy of the Bank of Latvia. Regarding the developed countries the general monetary policy objectives deals not only with maintenance of stability of the exchange rate and general price level, but also with stimulation of economic development, growth of employment and incomes of the citizens. The period from 2003 till 2010 is being investigated. We use a wide range of research methods, such as: grouping method, method of comparison of financial ratios and etc.
This article aims to compare the change of living standard in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia after joining the European Union. The characteristics of living standard are analyzing before joining the EU and after 2004. It is also compared changes of living standard characteristics after the economic crisis. Indicators of living standard, such as the average monthly gross wages, consumer price index, purchasing power, unemployment rate, at-risk-of-poverty rate and others are calculated and compared. The three Baltic states are not only compared with each other, but are also analyzed in the context of the EU. Thus, it can be stated that among the three Baltic States, Estonia is distinguished by highest living standard. Although before the integration Lithuania was ahead of Latvia, but now Lithuania was lower than Latvia by particular characteristics of living standard.
For successful economic transition to the new stage of development improvements in business environment, as also the entrepreneurswho are ready to start your own business and to set up new companies. One of the main challenges the EU Member States face isthe need to boost their level of entrepreneurship and to become more competitive in the global market. That was one of the mainobjectives set by the Lisbon European Council, in March 2000, with a view to improving the Union’s performance in terms of employment,economic reform and social cohesion. Entrepreneurship is not only a driving force in the creation of new jobs, but it alsoincreases and enhances competitiveness and growth, personal fulfilment and the achievement of social objectives. The authors payspecific attention to the need to examine factors that affect the business environment development and entrepreneurship in regions ofLatvia, which determinethe complexity of the existing conditions and factors in each region in Latvia.
Straipsnyje pateikti veiksniai, įgalinantys organizacijų tinklą efektyviaiveikti, jų sąveikos rezultatas yra pridėtinės vertės kūrimas. Nustatyta, kad tinklasgali būti įvardijamas kaip efektyvus, jei turimas bendras tikslas, sukurta politika,turimi įvairių rūšių ištekliai, kurių reikia veiklai vykdyti, koordinuotaorganizacinė valdymo struktūra, užtikrintas optimalus[1]valdymas ir nuolatinė komunikacija. Straipsnyje parodoma šių veiksnių svarba,užtikrinant organizacijų tinklo veiklos efektyvumą. Pateikta veiksnių,įgalinančių organizacijų tinklą efektyviai veikti, principinė schema.
The article notifies the significance of the cultural dialogue which has the history of four centuries, the dialogue between Prussian Lithuania and Lithuania Proper. Taken into account are the peculiarities of ethnic formation of both areas, as well as different strategies of assimilation policy used by Prussia and Russia. Consequently, these different strategies were accepted differently and yielded different effect. The activity of two cultural societies, that of Litauische literarische Gesellschaft, and that of Birutė is taken for comparison in the aspect of rising Lithuanian national self-consciousness, and the emphasis is laid upon sociopsichological aspects of the dialogue (which was not always direct) rather than upon historical or cultural parallels. To refresh run-of-the-mill academic attitude and discourse, unconventional literary means of the detective genre are put to use as a compositional and stylistic instrument.