2015 m. anglų kalba buvo publikuotas Dariaus Barono ir Stepheno C. Rowello veikalas The Conversion of Lithuania: from Pagan Barbarians to Late Medieval Christians (resp. Lietuvos virsmas: pagonys barbarai tampa vėlyvųjų viduramžių krikščionimis).Recenzuojama knyga – Lietuvos istorijos instituto tyrėjų, šioje mokslo įstaigoje 2013–2015 m. vykdžiusių Europos struktūrinių fondų projektą, administruotą Lietuvos mokslo tarybos, „Lietuvos atsivertimas: pagonys barbarai tampa vėlyvųjų viduramžių krikščionimis“, finansuotą pagal Žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtros veiksmų programos 3 prioriteto „Tyrėjų gebėjimų stiprinimas“ VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K priemonę „Parama mokslininkų ir kitų tyrėjų mokslinei veiklai (visuotinė dotacija)“, veiklos rezultatas, kažkodėl išleista Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos instituto.
The article presents an analysis of Lithuanian folk entomonyms (insect names). The methodological approach is based on complex linguistic research, where semasiological and onomasiological aspects are combined. The main sources of empirical material are the LKŽe and 13 dialect dictionaries. Detailed analysis of lexicographical sources helped to establish the boundaries of the thematic group of entomonyms. Entomonyms are studied as the result of a nomination and motivation process. The analysis helped to determine the relationship between motivated and unmotivated members of the thematic group, the dominant nomination types, ways, instruments, the most important features of motivation, and the variety of models of motivation.
The aim of the authors is to distinguish the ethical values’ promotion opportunities in foreign language acquisition process at primary school by use of the synergy of the teacher trainers and the emerging teachers.The article focuses on the semantic lexical units reflecting ethical values in foreign language text-books and innovative practices introduced with the aim to establish their input into development of learners’ abilities, skills and competencies, emotional and aesthetic experiences, self-assessment, communication experience, creativity, comprehension and assessment of culture diversity.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos vietos turizmo galimybės. Kadangi visame pasaulyje prognozuojamas turizmo srautų augimas, šalims svarbu pritraukti kuo daugiau vietos ir užsienio šalių turistų. Tad turizmo organizatoriams, siekiant išskirtinumo, reikia ieškoti unikalių aspektų vietos turizmo rinkodaros komunikacijos požiūriu. Šiuo straipsniu siekiama atskleisti, kaip socialinės medijų formos funkcionuoja renkantis vietos turizmo organizatorių keliones. Nustatyta, kad socialinės medijos laikomos vienos perspektyviausių ir labiausiai naudojamų pasaulyje rinkodaros priemonių vietos turizmo plėtrai. Nors įvairūs socialinių medijų rinkodaros aspektai turizme sulaukia vis daugiau tyrėjų dėmesio, dažniau įtraukiami ir į Lietuvos turizmo rinkodaros strategijas, tačiau nėra išsamesnių teorinių ir pirminių jų naudojimo tikslingumo tyrimų, netirtas ir ryšys su vietos kelionės tikslu. Straipsnyje pastebima, kad vis sudėtingiau socialines medijas atsirinkti. Atliekant tyrimą taikyti šie metodai: mokslinės literatūros lyginamoji analizė ir sintezė, anketinė apklausa, grafinio modeliavimo metodas. Identifikuotos įtaigiausios Lietuvos keliautojams socialinių medijų formos, kurios ateityje iš vietos turizmo organizatorių pareikalaus ne tik efektyviai veikiančių rinkodaros priemonių, bet ir jose pateikiamo įdomaus, netradiciniais sprendimais paremto keliones pristatančio informacijos turinio.
The research andanalysis of strengths and weaknesses of national innovation system is extremelyimportant to successful and efficient innovation support policymaking.Innovation support policies should take into consideration all specifies ofnational innovation system in the country, not being one-size-fits-all. Untilnow, little analysis on the Latvian innovation system was made. The paper aimsto show Latvian innovative performance and to propose factors forwell-functioning innovation system of Latvia. This research gives apossibility to researchers and policy-makers to investigate the mismatchbetween policies and problems and identify policy gaps.
The subject of this paper is to present the shape, the legal basis and the prospects for the development of the European Union regional policy. This policy assumes great importance in the face of weakening of state’s structures due to the European Union bodies and decentralization of management of local affairs. The EU regional policy is a very problematic area and requires extensive studies. Thus, I confined myself to analyze the development of basis of the EU regional policy primarily through the prism of treaty law. The analysis showed a rate of development which process still continues. Despite a good legal basis, the EU regional policy still requires constant adjustment, especially when it comes to rationalizing subsidies. The passive regional policy leads to promote only the economically under developed areas. Therefore, it is necessary for the implementation of programs to support the innovation, especially in highly developed regions, which are the engine of the whole European Union economy.
“The book “Small States In A Global Economy: Crisis, Cooperation and Contributions” written by Professor Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson is informative and basically about a wide range of economic issues of Iceland and the Baltic States during pre, per and post 2008 financial crisis.Professor Hilmarsson has applied case study method in order to analyse various economic issues with the use of qualitative and quantitative data. In his writings, he has used his observation and experience of working for the World Bank for 12 years in three continents and working as a Special Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Iceland. Besides, the author has used data provided by International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, International Finance Corporation, European Union, Statistics Iceland etc. Besides, scholarly articles, books and e-mail etc. have been used as a valuable source for the writings.
The article analyzes the links between the hymnals of Prussian Lithuanians (M. Mažvydas, B. Vilentas, A. F. Šimelpenigis and others) and local German publications until 1750. It is assumed that the Prussian Lithuanians prepared their official hymns by using books relied on indigenous Germans. The main conclusion was that Prussia and all diferent national groups had a common treasure of hymns, which could be freely adjusted and supplemented.
Johann Jacob Quandt (1686–1772), professor primarius of theology at the University of Königsberg, chief court preacher, and General Superintendent of Prussia, is known as a publisher of Lithuanian books, supervisor of the Lithuanian Language Seminar, and a historiographer of Lithuanian writings. Quandt made his name as one of the first historiographers of Lithuanian writings by German forewords in Lithuanian books published under his guidance, the first printed Bible (11735), hymnal Iß naujo pérweizdėtos ir pagérintos Giesmû-Knygos (11732) and postil Trumpas ir prástas Ißguldimas wissû Nedėlês ir ßwentû Dienû Ewangeliû (11750). The article deals with the information on Lithuanian writings presented by Quandt in the manuscript Preußische Presbyterologie (Prussian Presbyterology, before 1772), which is currently stored in Berlin, in the Secret State Archives Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (GStA PK: XX. HA Hist. StA Königsberg, Hs, Nr. 2, Bd. 1–5).