The article is the publication of an ash-pan discovered almost three decades ago in the southeast part of the underground burial site of the Mount of Giants (the southern outskirts of Pionersky). This ash-pan, as well as a number of plots in eight other Sambian burial grounds, contains the remains of kurs (a rite of the Aschenplatz-2 type) that appeared on the Amber Coast in the mid-11th century after the termination of contacts between the Prussians and the Scandinavians. This westward movement of inhabitants of the Lithuanian coast was accompanied by or preceded by the settlement of the Curonian Spit beside the Curonian Lagoon, and was largely due to the unwillingness of the Prussians (for cult reasons?) to engage in navigation and settle on the seashore. The Curonians took their place in northern Sambia.
Džiaugiamės ir sveikiname mons. prof. Arvydą Ramoną už jo indėlį į lietuvišką krikščionišką – katalikišką – teologijos lobyną. Dar iki šiol pasigendame rimtų teologinių monografijų Lietuvos padangėje. Manau, kad ir mons. prof. A. Ramonas džiaugiasi savo darbo vaisiais, kuriais gali šiandien su visais pasidalyti. Monografijos temos aktualumas ir puslapių skaičius leidžia iš karto nuspėti, kad bus kalbama rimtai, išsamiai, nuosekliai, detaliai ir logiškai. Tai nėra pirmasis jo kūrinys, taigi Autoriaus braižas daugeliui yra pažįstamas. Monografija yra skirta tikinčiajam, nors joje nemažai diskutuojama dėl netikėjimo dalykų. Netikintis ar abejojantis žmogus skaitydamas šią knygą susidurtų su daugybe informacijos, kuri jam būtų sunkiai suprantama. Tuo noriu pasakyti, kad skaitant jau būtina turėti tam tikrą tikėjimo arba teologinį supratimą, geriausiu atveju – reikiamą norą tuos dalykus pažinti.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama meno kūrinio motyvų analizės problema. Bandoma sujungti esamas motyvų analizės teorijos kryptis, taip pat – nubrėžti perspektyvias tolesnių tyrimų kryptis. Atskleisti pagrindiniai principai, kuriais literatūrinių kategorijų sistemoje grindžiamas terminas motyvas. Atlikus analizę, suformuoti kriterijai, pagal kuriuos galima atpažinti dominuojančius motyvus poezijoje.
The analysis of the pre-Christian Baltic culture, in the centre of which there is a pagan religious logic, reveals the issue of credibility of its records. Therefore, the article attempts to review and to verify mythical material directly related to fir tree and pear tree, described by Matthaeus Praetorius (Matthäus Prätorius) in his manuscript “Deliciae Prussicae or Prussian Theater” (Deliciae Prussicae, oder Preussische Schaubühne, the end of the17th century). In parallel with this, the article discusses interpretations by more significant researchers of the 19th–21st centuries who were concerned with Praetorius’s mythical material on fir tree and pear tree. The context of the researches of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries has shown that the researchers of earlier periods did not consider the question of reliability of Matthaeus Praetorius’s mythical material. The present research also allowed to trace the varying tendency of reliability of Praetorius’s described mythical data directly related to fir tree and pear tree.
Convergence is one the main targets of enlarged EU. According to the analysis of the main sustainable consumption and productionindicators, except domestic material consumption, convergence has been taking place in new EU member states over the period ofeconomic growth in 2000–2007. However, as indicated by the results due to the global economic crisis in 2009 differences betweenthe countries have increased: the convergence rate – the coefficient of variation – increased. In overall terms, countries in CEE haveimproved in most cases and converged to the average of the group. However, in terms of sustainable development, convergencenot always indicates positive changes. New EU member states while striving to reach higher economic level should maintain lowerlevels of consumption, waste generation and pollution. Much more attention to energy and resource efficiency and decoupling ofeconomic growth and resource consumption is to be paid.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 223–238
The article seeks to reveal the importance of critical evaluation of authority of social workers. The problem of authority and different meanings attached to the role of a social worker are discussed and the practical and theoretical value of the research study is revealed. The article presents the theoretical explanations of the concept of authority and its ethical implications for social work practice at a children day care center. It also discusses the empirical findings of the qualitative case study conducted at the day care center X. The perceptions of its practitioners, what authority of a social worker means and consists of and how to gain it, are peresented. The article includes a detailed description of the specific context of the case study and indicates the selected research methods. The degree of reliability and validity of research study are also discussed. The empirical data of the case study is analyzed and discussed and conclusions are presented.
The article deals with the “theater” of entertainment world as issue of mediated society. Modern Western society can be called a mediated society for a strong impact of new, global media. Under these conditions, society, culture and everyday life is increasingly interpreted using a model of theatre and theatrical metaphors. Theatre is becoming one of the key concepts of the modern Western social categories, such as the use of concepts as simulation or society of the spectacle. Regarding to the wide spread of the new – digital media, especially the Internet, in recent decades of Western society, has increased the consumption of popular culture, one might say, began the era of the entertainment world. This study – one of the first attempts to analyze the philosophical Lithuania entertainment world phenomenon: the genesis, structure, impact on society. This article analyzes the phenomenon of entertainment world: its genesis, structure, impact on society. The objective: to explore the causes and trends of mass spread of the phenomenon of entertainment world in contemporary Western culture as an integral part of a technological breakthrough result of new media. The analysis of the phenomenon of entertainment world aims to: 1) explore genesis, causes and objectives of the world of entertainment as a cultural phenomenon and to reflect critically its forms of thinking and lifestyle; 2) reveal the structure of the entertainment world in twenty-first century society of the spectacle; 3) analyze the influence of the media impact to the entertainment world.
Pirmieji švyturiai buvo paprasčiausi LAUŽAI, uždegti aukštesnėje pakrantės vietoje, kad saviškiai, išėję jūron, rastų kelią namo. Homeras VIII a. pr. Kr. „Iliadoje“ aprašė Trojos karą: „Kai užgęsta saulė – ant kranto uždegami signaliniai laužai.“ Norint, kad laužas matytųsi iš toliau, reikėjo ugnį kelti aukštyn. Net du antikos švyturiai yra „Septyniuose pasaulio stebukluose“ –Aleksandrijos (Pharos) (280–247 m. pr. Kr.) ir Rodo Kolosas (292–280 m. pr. Kr.). Prasidėjus laivybai, nusidriekė jūrų keliai iš Viduržemio jūros, aplink Europą ir iki Skandinavijos. Pakeliui, besiplečiant Romos imperijai, pakrantėse dygo pirmieji švyturiai – Ostia, Genua, La Coruna, Cordouan, Dover, Hook.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 221–236
The article highlights that a modern society focuses on exclusive body care along with appearance of individuals and especially adolescents. Physical exterior of a person seems to be receiving an increasingly growing attention in everyday life situations, as beauty ideals shift in social environments along with requirements to comply with and pursue them. Research, analyzing body dissatisfaction, has received wide attention in a scholarly environment. Body related dissatisfaction has become a highly relevant issue, as it links to eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa and others, however there is a gap in research analyzing the pedagogical side of such issue. It is highly relevant to be aware of and understand body and body weight related problems because difficulties emerged during the early adolescence might persist during adulthood as well. Research aim – to reveal how adolescents perceive their physique and individual parts of their body and compare these self-assessments based on a gender. In 2012, using a research method of an anonymous survey a total of 1347 adolescents from 8th grades were surveyed. The research uses a questionnaire to study physique related self-assessment, designed by the author. Results obtained from the conducted research allow to conclude that research participants feel more dissatisfied with individual phenotype-dependent morphological and functional features of a body, which can be altered through well-chosen physical exercising. It was identified that research participants are more satisfied with individual morphological and functional features of a body, inherited from parents, i.e. genotype-dependent, which cannot be altered through exercising. Findings also reveal that respondents are mostly dissatisfied with shape, largeness and size of individual body parts as well as muscle weakness. Results also allow to conclude that significance attributed to certain elements of physique is gender-dependent.