Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 19–34
In the article the paradigm of traditional public administration is analysed by trying to accomplish the critique of the model in the cultural dimension direction and by identifying the crucial elements of post-modernism which, according to the authors, had made an impact for the formation of such a model. There are also revealed the parameters of post-modernism in metanarrative theories of rationality, as the grounded technological and instrumental relation towards traditional paradigm principles by stressing the hierarchical governance, bureaucratic relations, control mechanisms, rational organisational structure and functional division with professionalism. By identifying the main traits of traditional paradigm, the aspects and tendencies of post-modernist organisations are revealed and the controversial answer to the question about the relevance of traditional public administration model is presented.
Labour places sustainable development in rural regions are determinate the stratification internal and external, from different management levels, environment. The environment factors constantly changeable and interdependent. The open labour places development process is not self-contained, there is need professional management of the process considering many factors, which can be ascribable to the internal (near and distant) and external (near and distant) environment (regional, national, EU) factors groups. The aim of this research is to identify the factors of labour places sustainable development in Lithuanian rural regions. There were used analysis and synthesis, graphic depiction, logical and systematic thinking, comparison, SWOT, structured interviews, deep personal interviews, abstraction and other methods. In the research were analysed labour places sustainable development theoretical aspects, defined labour places sustainable development, identified determining factors of labour places sustainable development in Lithuanian rural regions, was find the possibilities for sustaining development of labour places and the benefits of rapprochement between working positions and place of residence. Interaction of all above factors (synergy) must be considered during the investigation along with the above factors in order initiate development and employment cycle of rural areas.Executed pilot SWOT analysis of job development in rural areas has shown that there are some restricted ranges of issues that abandon job development in rural areas. Liberality of labour forces, non-focused employment of the above resources, and lack of competitive advantage relevancy needed for territory development, absence of sustained and balanced development could be named as common subjects of all municipalities. For a long time workplaces and employment rates have been non-core preferences in case of decision making and implementation of strategic solutions, social and development policies. Implementation of measures, established within Lithuanian rural area development programmes, has been directed towards solution of problems occurred long time ago (not to development of countryside potential). Yet the problem could conceal the opportunity, not all figures involved in the development of rural areas could identify it, it means that long-term development of rural areas could show only initial signs of sustained development, and the balance between other development directions and (or) targets, i. e. economic, social and environmental, used for implementation of active work places is rather weak.Integrated employment development remains the main challenge based on the ongoing monitoring and responding to external changes. Research area is broad and complicated, but it is necessary to investigate vitality and resilience of labour places, the degree of labour places sustainability in the future.
Volume 84, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 19–36
The current global situation after Covid-19 presents the situation of youth in Europe as a synthesis for an international strategy of national youth policies instigated by the Council of Europe ‘Supporting Young People in Europe: Principles, Policy, Practice’. We look at youth policy as an initiative within other policy areas, which affect not only young people but all of society. The article presents the social and demographic situation of youth in the EU, and the state of play regarding welfare and poverty, education, employment, family issues, health and behaviour, and the future of youth in the EU.
Maitinimo įstaigų populiarumo Lietuvoje didėjimas pagrindžia vartotojų pasitenkinimo šiomis įstaigomis tyrimo aktualumą. Vertinant itališkos virtuvės atitikimą tradiciniam lietuvio skoniui, tyrimą nuspręsta atlikti picerijų sektoriuje. Tiriant siekta įvertinti vartotojų pasitenkinimą Kauno miesto picerijomis. Tyrimo duomenys leidžia daryti išvadą, kad siekiant didesnio vartotojų pasitenkinimo picerijomis, svarbiausia suderinti vartotojų lūkesčius ir produktų bei aptarnavimo kokybę. Apibendrinus atlikto tyrimo rezultatus, sudarytas vartotojų pasitenkinimo Kauno miesto picerijomis modelis, kuris gali būti taikomas apskaičiuojant vartotojų pasitenkinimą visomis picerijomis arba konkrečia Kauno miesto picerija, taip pat adaptuotas kitų miestų picerijų ar kitų maitinimo įstaigų vartotojų pasitenkinimui matuoti.
The article is devoted to marketing decision making by different generations. Author have analysed generations, its different formulationsin the world and Latvia. Author described generations of Latvian consumers, analysing statistical data and research results ofadvertising agency DDB Latvia and Gfk. The Development of Generations has significantly influenced the consumption, consumerbehavior, buying process. Very special role in the article is devoted to the generations what will help companies and individuals towork more efficiency in distribution of goods and services in the market. Relevant information about the consumer obtained in atimely manner enables an enterprise to plan their work on the market more successfully.
Thearticle aims to show why and how trust and its components of are importantwithin organizational context. Trust in virtual teams is a rathernew and little studied field. Explicitunderstandings of what is a virtual team together with which dimensions definesuch team are provided. Afterwards, the article discuss what specificchallenges virtual teams face when attempting to establish trust between itsmembers providing knowledge on what actions and behaviors can build trust in avirtual team and overcome the challenges specific to virtual teams. Due tocertain virtual teams’ specifics (geographic dispersion, electronic dependence,dynamic structure and cultural diversity) trust in these teams is usually low. Basedon the empirical research results methods for building trust in the virtualteam are suggested.
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas paskirų organizacinės kultūros charakteristikų suvokimas (pozityvus vertinimas), atsižvelgiant į padalinio vadovo emocinį intelektą. Pripažįstant, kad organizacijos išskirtinumui konkurencinėje aplinkoje reikšmingos įtakos turi jos organizacinė kultūra, svarbu tinkamai išnaudoti visų galimų veiksnių poveikį, tarp kurių įvardytinas ir vadovo emocinis intelektas. Straipsnio koncepcija remiasi esamos ir suvokiamos organizacinės kultūros išskyrimu: objektyvi (egzistuojanti, matoma) ir subjektyvi (suvokiama, nematoma). Atliktas empirinis tyrimas (anketinė apklausa) leidžia teigti, kad tarp vadovų emocinio intelekto ir organizacinės kultūros pozityvaus vertinimo egzistuoja statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys. Koreliacinės analizės rezultatai atskleidė, kad aukštas vadovo emocinio intelekto lygis gali būti vienas iš veiksnių, nulemiančių didesnę darbuotojų asmeninės iniciatyvos laisvę, organizacijos ir darbuotojų asmeninių tikslų suderinimą, stipresnį vadovo paramos ir identiškumo jausmą bei darbuotojų pasitenkinimą atlygio sistema.
This article aims to review economic advantages of the one of the most modern cutting edge technologies, namely blockchain for eProcurement. As eProcurement (including its part – Supply chain) is a concept consisting of plenty of different processes, therefore specific advantages per such major different processes are explained. Assumptions and pre-conditions of Blockchain application are explained. Article‘s main conclusion is that due to the main characteristics of Blockchain technology (safety, transparency, reliability, speed and cost efficiency) payment settlement and products‘ shipping tracking/inventory management are eProcurement‘s phases that could benefit from this technology the most, among others (such as analysis – requirements‘ gathering, sourcing/vendors‘ selection and contract management cycle).