Šiame straipsnyje siekiama nustatyti psichologinės sutarties veiksnius, kurie turi įtakos X ir Y kartų darbuotojų įsipareigojimui organizacijai. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, apklausti 287 X ir Y kartų atstovai iš 20 Lietuvos paslaugų įmonių. Nustatyta, kad X kartos darbuotojai pasižymi didesniu emociniu ir normatyviniu įsipareigojimu organizacijai nei Y kartos darbuotojai. Tačiau nepastebėta statistiškai reikšmingų skirtumų, kalbant apie abiejų kartų tęstinį įsipareigojimą organizacijai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad tik keletas skirtingų psichologinės sutarties veiksnių lemia X ir Y kartų darbuotojų emocinį įsipareigojimą: X kartos darbuotojams karjeros raida, Y kartos darbuotojams – socialinė atmosfera.
The aim of the paper is to define the legal basis of registration of the on-line press with the use of the analytical method. The press in the Polish law is defined as a periodical publication transmitted by print, audio or audio and video, or published on the Internet, or have both printed / audio / video and on-line issues. The registration is mandatory only for daily newspapers and magazines, whether they are traditional or on-line publications. Lack of registration can happen due to the court or due to the publisher, the latter being a petty offence. Registration requirements for the on-line press are constant conflict issues in contemporary Poland as it is the subject of wide interpretation. The Press Law was enacted thirty years ago and has been slowly amended, though the lack of unified interpretation makes it difficult for the people engaged in on-line activity to know, understand, and predict the legal frame of their work.
This article analyses relationship between theological since and psychology. Bible’s and Catholic Church teaching regarding person’s dignity, free will and equality are presented. From that perspective analysed methods used by representatives of cognitive and experience psychology schools in process of spiritual – psychological counselling. Spiritual counselling is understood as open to religious feeling (faith) relationship between too persons or between person and the group. Church, by proclaiming Gospel, brings hope to the people, gives meaning to the life and death, love and suffering, brings existential foundation to the daily life. Such spiritual counselling gives truthful assessment of the person’s situation and helps to see in the light of faith, meaning that the person is helped by the spiritual counsellor to go throe crisis situation getting strength from the faith. Article gives special notice to the personal faith of the counsellor and its importance in his service. Counsellor wile using different psychological methods should fill them with Christian approach to the human person, and by doing so help ones who find them selves in crisis or trying to find answers to the existential questions of life’s meaning. Every psychology school has it methods to understand and to help human persons. Article takes special notice of the cognitive and experience psychology schools and their methods and how they treat human person looking from the Christian perspective of human dignity, his freedom of will and unconditional worth in it self. It is noticed special need to see human as person created by God, seeking to see him more than a victim of circumstances or a person afflicted by different fears and complexes.
Typology is a rich strand of biblical interpretation, present in both the Old and New Testaments. It reveals the deepest truth about Jesus Christ as the Merciful Saviour. Biblical typology illuminates the consistent fulfilment of God’s salvatory plan. This article depicts the story of Joseph, son of Israel, from the Old Testament as a prototype of forgiveness corresponding to Jesus Christ’s forgiving and salvatory activity in the New Testament. The parallel between Joseph and Jesus displays the development of forgiveness in the stories of the Old and New Testaments. This article presents fourteen typological parallels between Joseph and Jesus revealing the course of salvatory forgiveness.
The visit of Pope Francis as the Supreme Pontiff to Lithuania was noted as a valuable phenomenon. Modern young people, which individually try to enrich their identity, had an opportunity to perceive and internalize this valuable phenomenon at different levels. The object of the research is a visit of the Pontiff as a valuable phenomenon. The subject of the research is a valuable youth’s position through the internalization of the mentioned valuable phenomenon. The aim of the article is a revelation of attributes of a valuable youth’s position through the internalization of the visit of the Pontiff as a valuable phenomenon. The tasks of the research are as follows: to discuss the valuable position of young people in relation to the essence and meaning of the Pontiff’s visit; to highlight their emotional experience during the visit; to characterize the valuable youth’s position in terms of their aspirations and behavior. The type of the research: this is a semi-deep and pilot study. Methodological and epistemological principles are as follows: the paradigm of universal development, idealism, humanism, existential phenomenology and neo-Thomism.
A short description of the relationship between Physics, Philosophy and Theology is: Physics neglects or passes by Natural Realism, which is the origin of Philosophy. In turn, Natural Realism is backed up by Judeo-Christian revelation. Therefore, Physics neglects or passes by Theology. That relationship between Physics and Theology is widely used as a background for exercising an intense pressure on Theology. The defence of Theology should begin by pointing out certain shortcomings of Physics and formulating a philosophical control of these shortcomings. This is tantamount to turning Physics instead of Theology into a “site under construction”. Only a “controlled” Physics and Theology are adequate discussion partners. The author of this article is a Catholic. However, the ideas expressed are, by and large, acceptable for Orthodox and Lutheran Christians as well, with possible differences only regarding natural theology.
The aim of the study is to analyse new axes of cleavages which came into existence in Poland after 2005. The analysis is presented in the context of generally accepted notions and concepts of political cleavages. The methods used for the analysis are: comparative method and historical method. Findings of the research are presented in the following way. First, the author determines that cleavages in Poland only partially correspond to classical cleavages, then identifies and analyses new stimulators of political cleavages in Poland, which appeared after 2005. A significant role in the consolidation of cleavages played political parties, which instead of translating the existing social conflicts to the level of authority, became the creators of cleavages.
The article draws attention to the distinctive features of Louis Passarge’s art of travel writing and to his originality best seen in the descriptive rendering of the Curonian landscape. The author offers many interesting ethnographic and historical details to describe the customs, the social relationships – the way of life prevalent among late nineteenth century Curonians. Passarge’s philological analyses, no less than his descriptions of landscapes, show that he was a writer of considerable talent. The article’s conclusions suggest that, in addition to factual information, Passarge’s work provides esthetic enjoyment as well as evidence of the intellectual attributes that characterized the writer.