Socialinės medijos šiomis dienomis vaidina svarbų vaidmenį visuomenės gyvenime ir užima didelę dalį mūsų laiko. Ši technologinė revoliucija taip pat paveikė ir verslo sritį. Vartotojams suteikus daugiau kontrolės socialinių medijų platformose, verslininkai buvo priversti naudoti tiek atvirąsias, tiek paslėptąsias reklamos strategijas. Tyrimo tikslas yra nustatyti, kokias kalbines, vaizdines ir kitas įtaigos priemones naudoja reklamos ekspertai paslėptosiose ir atvirosiose reklamos strategijose. Siekiant supaprastinti šios plačios srities tyrimo eigą ir sumažinti apdorojamų duomenų kiekį, analizei buvo pasirinkta viešbučių verslo platforma. Kalbinės, vaizdinės ir įtaigos priemonės yra naudojamos viešbučių verslo socialinių medijų reklamos strategijose. Nors šios priemonės ir individualiai perteikia tam tikrą reikšmę, pagrindinė reklamos vertė atsiskleidžia tik esant visų trijų priemonių samplaikai. Analizė buvo atlikta iš dviejų perspektyvų – atvirųjų ir paslėptųjų strategijų. Atvirosiose strategijose iš reklamų išrinkti kalbiniai bei vaizdiniai pavyzdžiai. Uždarosiose strategijose šaltiniai suskirstyti į tris sritis – vartotojų generuojamas turinys, socialinių medijų konkursai ir kompanijos bei nuomonės formuotojų reklama.
The article deals with written Lithuanian language requests found on, the main portal for real estate (RE) classifieds (other specialised or general classifieds portals, such as,,, were omitted because they contain a relatively small number of ads; and besides, many of their RE ads overlap with the classifieds published on and the politeness of such requests. The empirical material, consisting of 1,000 speech acts, was gathered between 6 April 2020 and 30 May 2021. The study aims to determine the types of applicable strategies according to the degree of the directness of the requests, examine internal and external modifications of request cores, and ultimately identify the main forms of addresses.
Mikelis Šapalas (1827-1884), a teacher in Lankupiai and a Prussian-Lithuanian literary figure, edited a small collection of hymns called Naujos nobaʒnos Giesmes (New Devotional Hymns), which was published 1860 in Memel (Klaipėda) at the Vaikinis printing house. The aim of this article is to expand on the repertoire of Šapalas’ hymn book, and to consider the reasons for the choice of hymns, the extent to which the repertoire was influenced by the activities of the missions organised by the Protestants, and the social issues of the time. The article also seeks to show the importance of the collection to later hymnody works.
Trisdešimtasis žurnalo „Res humanitariae“ numeris žymi reikšmingą postūmį savoje istorijoje. Nuo 2007 metų, kai buvo išleisti pirmieji numeriai, nuosekliai plėstas temų ir autorių ratas, peržengtos humanitarinių mokslų ribos. Tai atspindi greitėjantį gyvenimo tempą, mokslinės minties raidą, pokyčius Klaipėdos universitete.
Studying Macedonian culture, we can not help noticing the particular role of folklore ensembles in fostering traditional music and dances, with a view to cherishing the national characteristics. This process is directed by the highest political bodies, which have disseminated the idea in a few spheres. Firstly, by means of actualization of certain matrices in the national folk ensemble Tanec, which was the benchmark followed by amateur ensembles. On the other hand, state television and radio MRTV, started broadcasting performances of folk music ensembles and programs with specific contents, i.e. where folklore prevailed. Analyzing the situation with the folk dance ensemble Tanec, we can notice that its Statute, as well as its first director Mr Manuel Chuchkov (senior political official) emphasized application, promotion and actualization of folklore in the context of socio-ideological engagement. Several papers written by Chuchkov, consider the usage of folk dances by placing them in historical and ideological contents. Such are the examples of folk dances from this period, into which drama elements are imputed, giving the dances specific historical features and being supposed to encourage patriotic feelings. Folklore used to be used as a tool in the socialist period, but it is still being actualized, in Macedonia nowadays.
The article presents the realization of singular nominative case of active voice past tense feminine gender participles. It discusses what information on derivation of this kind of participles is given in some Lithuanian linguistics studies (grammars, morphology textbooks, study books, encyclopaedias, etc.). The focus is on the modern usage of active voice past tense participles of feminine gender. The research is based on rich empirical material: examples are drawn from the texts of 27 authors (mainly works of poetry and prose) and Corpus of Contemporary Lithuanian Language (non-fiction, journalism, and spoken language). In the light of the analysis of the empirical material it is concluded that besides normative active voice feminine past tense participles with ending (dirbus-i), the modern language (especially in the artistic and journalistic texts) allows the usage of the variant without ending (dirbus) which is rarely mentioned in the works of linguistics.
The article studies history of formation and defines the main priorities in the activity of “the Union of the Ukrainian Professional Musicians in Lviv” during 1934–1939, in particular – in the activity of its performing section. New organizing methods in the preparation and conducting of the artistic events and formation of professional priorities and criteria have been characterized. Among more important aspects of “The Union of the Ukrainian Professional Musicians in Lviv” – organization of the thematic and jubilee concerts aimed at the active introduction of concert life in Lviv with the participation of the most brilliant Lviv composers and performers, organization and conducting of the performing contests, creation of music programs of the Ukrainian music on Lviv radio with the participation of the leading soloists-instrumentalists and chamber ensembles.
The article deals with the semantic analysis of antonymous Lithuanian adjectives šiltas–šaltas and their equivalents in English – adjectives warm–cold. Semantics and usage peculiarities of the adjectives are discussed and compared on the basis of corpus data, drawn from the Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language and the British National Corpus. Methods of corpus linguistics are applied to reveal collocability of the adjectives, prototypes and evaluation of the qualities they denote. Prototypical temperature meaning of the adjectives and its metaphorical extensions are discussed in the framework of cognitive linguistics (prototype theory and conceptual metaphor theory).
In the middle of the twentieth century, when European ethnomusicology started developing on the initiative of Bela Bartok, Filaret Kolessa and Stanislaw Lyudkevich, began to develop a methodology for the study of music dialects, the young Ukrainian scientist Volodymyr Hoshovsky joined the process. He went his own way. His innovative approach was to combine the work of related sciences: lingual geography and ethnomusicology. Ukrainian ethnomusicologist Vira Madyar-Novak examines the first publications of V. Hoshovsky in the context of music dialectology, expands and clarifies information about the early stage of his work.
2017 m. gegužės 11–12 d. Klaipėdoje vyko respublikinė mokslinė konferencija „Veritas Ethnologica: etnologijos doktorantų tyrimų gairės“. Konferencija siekiama kelti etnologijos mokslo krypties doktorantų disertacijų ir jų pagrindu atliekamų tyrimų kokybę, skatinti mokslinį bendradarbiavimą, diskusijas. Renginio pavadinimas sufleruoja, kad doktorantų susirinkime daugiausia dėmesio buvo skiriama atliktų, atliekamų, planuojamų tyrimų pristatymams, kuriais bandoma atskleisti vienokią ar kitokią tautos etninėje kultūroje perteikiamą „tiesą“. Jaunųjų mokslininkų susirinkime tyrimus iš viso pristatė šešiolika dalyvių iš Klaipėdos universiteto (KU), Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto (VDU), Lietuvos istorijos instituto (LII), Vilniaus universiteto (VU), Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademijos (LMTA), Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos instituto (LLTI).