Economy operates in a broader social system, composed of households and enterprises but also by all institutions created by people. Law and politics is created and introduced in institutions in parallel to educational, administrative activities as well as any other social activities, including those related to the natural environment we live in. These institutions operate thanks to the social capital i.e. interconnected human resources. The quality of the social capital is dependent on mutual trust and relations in the society. For this reason, social capital is of key importance for sustainable development, both as a controller of the impact of the economy on the environment as well as the basis for the future development. The environment evolves continuously, there are rapidly changing economic processes and, in consequence, their impact on the environment is changing rapidly, tool. This brings some specific challenges to the resource and quality of human knowledge and the competence level of the human capital, as the only tool for a possible reduction of all imperfections.
The article focuses on the issue of the leadership competence of the heads of progymnasiums as a factor in making schools more effective. Progymnasium is part of the Lithuanian system, an institution of general education (Forms 1 to 8), an intermediate link between an elementary school and gymnasium, which differs from basic school in higher quality of activity, the created added value, and pupils’ learning achievements. Quantitative research was conducted with the participation of 193 progymnasium teachers. The research revealed that the leadership competence of the heads of progymnasiums significantly contributed to making schools more effective in terms of participation in projects, favourable conditions for teacher initiatives, participation of community members in the self-evaluation process, creating conditions for teacher professional development, supporting and promoting initiatives, initiating the process of progress and achievement assessment, ensuring the coherence of the mission, vision, and values of the educational institution, the involvement of parents /guardians/ caregivers, promotion of communication and collaboration between community members, and the maintenance of sustainable relations with social partners. The obtained research findings are to be considered as relevant for seeking active expression of leadership of the school authorities and teachers and making progymnasiums more effective.
The subject of this study is leadership styles in educational establishments. Our tasks were as follows: to analyse leadership styles and to carry out an expert study aiming at the evaluation of leadership styles in educational establishments. The methods of investigation consisted in the analysis of scientific literature, systemisation, application of the principles of logical analysis and synthesis, generalisation, induction and deduction.
Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti Lietuvos organizacijų normas. Analizuota normų, kaip taisyklių ir standartų, samprata, jų svarba organizacijoms, normų klasifikacijos pagal tipus, jų perdavimo būdų, kuriais formalizuojamos normos organizacijose, aprašymą dokumentuose. Atlikta Lietuvos organizacijų darbuotojų anketinė apklausa. Lietuvos organizacijos paprastai formalizuoja darbo, teisines, moralines ir estetines normas. Formalios normos paprastai sudarytos vadovų, neformalios formuojamos grupių lyderių ar darbuotojų. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad organizacijos normos paprastai draudžiamojo pobūdžio ir retai skatinančios pageidautiną elgesį. Akivaizdi tendencija, kad draudžiamosios normos dažniau slopina individualius pasiekimus, nei juos skatina. Rezultatai atskleidė, kad dažniausia darbuotojai Lietuvos organizacijose neskatinami laikytis normų, bet gana dažnai baudžiama už normų nesilaikymą. Todėl, remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, rekomenduojama įtraukti darbuotojus į normų formavimo procesą, kad jos būtų labiau pripažįstamos, sukurtų teigiamą darbo atmosferą ir skatintų savikontrolę.
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas regiono asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų (ASPĮ) darbuotojų dalyvavimas pokyčių valdyme, įtraukimas į šį procesą. Aptariama darbuotojų, dirbančių viešajame sektoriuje, įtraukimo į valdymą samprata, pateikiami empirinio tyrimo, atlikto regiono ASPĮ, rezultatai, atskleidžiantys pokyčių įgyvendinimą ribojančius veiksnius, darbuotojų dalyvavimo organizacijos pokyčių valdyme galimybes bei kliūtis. Nustatyta, kad darbuotojai mato savo dalyvavimo pokyčių valdyme prasmę, kai jaučia, kad tiesioginių savo vadovų yra skatinami ir įtraukiami į pokyčių valdymo procesą. Pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip gerinti pokyčių valdymą ASPĮ.