Emigracijos procesai, vykstantys Lietuvoje, vis dar kelia nerimą dėl didėjančio masto, todėl svarbi tiek mokslinė, tiek praktinėproblema ir siekiamybė ištirti emigracijos priežastis bei įvertinti galimas pasekmes šaliai. Straipsnyje analizuojamos emigracijosLietuvoje priežastys ir padariniai. Lietuvoje ir užsienyje gyvenančių respondentų atsakymai patvirtino nuomonę, kad išvykstamadažniausia dėl ekonominių priežasčių, deja, kvalifikuoti darbuotojai dažniau išvyksta siekdami didesnių saviraiškos, karjeros galimybių.Padariniai: pablogėjusi demografinė situacija, mažėjantis gimstamumas, silpstanti atsakomybė už artimus žmones, į biudžetąnesurenkami pinigai.
The current tendencies of a global society are obvious: the labour market is expanding, people are travelling for various reasons all over the world, every organisation can have foreign workers with different cultural backgrounds, the internationalisation of studies HEIs is constantly being implemented, etc. Successful and effective daily life depends on the readiness of people of any age to be open to global change and innovation. The intense pace of life requires adaptation to new circumstances and the use of internationally recognised tools to address global challenges. This article reveals the benefits of intercultural communication in a global society. This form of communication influences the quality of modern life, and strengthens positive attitudes towards new trends in the labour market, global business, immigrants and foreigners. In addition, intercultural communication can be used to promote local culture to others, and to become familiar with other cultures. The analysis and survey of various sources provides valuable evidence that intercultural communication is beneficial to the quality of daily and professional life, and creates a competitive advantage for labour market professionals. According to the results of the survey, intercultural communication is useful for strengthening self-esteem and confidence, developing new competencies, studying abroad, and managing careers in business.
Moterų ir vyrų savybių skirtumai, jų reikšmė karjerai, organizacijų veiksmingumui ir toliau išlieka mokslinių diskusijų objektu. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos sociokultūrinės, psichologinės ir organizacinės šių savybių skirtingo suvokimo priežastys. Skiriami esminiai psichologiniai efektai, lyčių savybių specifikos vertinimo stereotipai ir kiti galimi įtakos turintys veiksniai. Empiriniame tyrime analizuojamos savybės, priskiriamos vyrams ir moterims, vertinamos darbo aplinkos, elgesio bei vadovų preferencijos lyties aspektu. Tyrimas atliktas taikant kiekybinį metodą ir faktorinę analizę.
The article deals with innovative approaches to shaping the social atmosphere in work teams in selected children’s and family centres which are also directly influenced by the manager’s personality, leadership styles, and by the application of managerial functions. The aim of the paper is to present survey results about the social atmosphere in work teams in selected children’s and family centres, and to make recommendations for the effective formation of work teams with stakeholders’ benefits. The survey’s institutional objects are children’s and family centres, and the survey’s personnel subjects are employees in individual work teams. The processes of the analysis and evaluation of the selected social facility’s social atmosphere in the work team were chosen as the survey’s subject. The methodology came from a practical survey, by applying the ‘Kollárik social atmosphere scale’, using a guided interview and the analysis of internal documents. It used mainly methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction, application and mathematical recalculation. The sources of information were primary survey results from the selected social facility. The research results were achieved in accordance with the aim of the contribution. The level of social atmosphere and teamwork is excellent.