Nowadays, in times of socio-economic and especially information technology development, the issue of human relations becomes more and more important. The aim of the article was to analyse the role of social media in shaping relations between universities and students. Given that aim the authors carried out research where in the framework of international cooperation prepared a research tool and conducted pilot studies. Students of selected universities, including Polish and Lithuanian ones, were a target group of the study. The conducted research clearly indicated the dominant role of Facebook as a communication portal used by students within universities. It appeared to be the most recognised primary tool for both rapid information flow and relationship building. The findings may be of interest to universities and public institutions or private actors, and, in particular, to social network operators.
The rapid development of internet and technologies in the 21th century is providing an opportunity for the development of digital democracy – citizen engagement in the decision-making process in an easier, faster and more contemporary way. The paper analysis Latvian public administration’s attitude to the development of digital democracy in Latvia, looking into digital engagement as a possible solution that could foster the low rates of civic and political participation in Latvia. Research methods of the paper consists of an analysis of academic publications on digital democracy and political engagement, and survey to the representatives of the public administration in Latvia. Conclusions of the paper suggest that there are good preconditions for the development of digital democracy in Latvia, however, there is a need for a common regulation for how digital communication and online participation is coordinated. Public institutions should pay more attention to Latvian youth, educating them about public administration and political engagement, thus ensuring that gradually Latvian citizens become more knowledgeable about advantages and necessity to participate in the decision-making process of public administration in Latvia.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the aspects of application of Fast Track Solution SAP Business One Model to the business curriculum of a university study programme. With the SAP Business One, students gain knowledge and understanding on how different areas of business interact and integrate and how information technology-based infrastructure simplify business operations. In addition, this research article introduces and identifies the SAP Business One modules that can be applied to the present business curriculums of university studies, which leads to a blended learning approach when education addresses the needs of industry. Blended learning, as a learning approach that applies the SAP Business One modules, complements the skills required by industries thus fostering the industry-based learning approach. Theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience will make business students gain competitive advantage and competency in innovativeness.
Civic engagement is a core value of democracy that approves legitimacy of democracy itself and decisions made by public institutions. In Latvia, civic engagement rates are decreasing, thus for public institutions it is important to find new ways how to engage citizens in the decision-making process. In the twenty-first century, it means that public institutions should also be present in social media. The objectives of the article are to identify foreign experience how public institutions are using social media for civic engagement and evaluate the reasons for Latvian public institutions to learn from this foreign experience. Accordingly, methods of the research are analysis of scientific publications covering examples about digital democracy, civic engagement and use of social media by public institutions, as well as analysis of data about the Internet and social media usage in Latvia. The study findings suggest that Latvian public institutions are already using social media for one-way communication. Moreover, in Latvia, availability of the Internet and participation rates in social media are above the EU average, thus there is potential to use social media also for two-way communication and foster civic engagement.
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