Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 191–206
The article analyzes the quality of education services efficiency, effectiveness and accessibility aspects. The theoretical part of the article discusses the concept of education and their range of services. A detailed presentation of educational and social services. Describes the attitude of the respondents to provide educational services. Research period 2007–2014. Empirical research carried out in Lithuania: Klaipėda, Telšiai, Tauragė, Šiauliai and Kaunas. Empirical research participated 520 respondents (IX–XII / II–IV G students).
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 127–136
There are very limitted investigations in Lithuania on appearance matters. Research results reavealed that attitudes towards his/her appearance is one of the leading personal identity factors which influenze psyhosocial developement and this is particular actual for adolescents. Research study done in 1999–2000 perfomed in Lithuanian cities revealed that among factors influenzing appearance matters among adolescents mass media is most important: 60–80 percent of adolescent girls reported that TV or press influenzed their opinion about their appearance problems. The study surveyed 227 respondents. The study was conducted at the University of Klaipeda. In order to find out how much appearance matters we did an investigation with staff and students of our university. The data acquired would be helpful to present collected information for better understanding of the subject.egative control of the weight and more anxiety.
Volume 77, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 103–118
The authors of this article examine the evaluation of education service quality from parents’ perspective, since parents as well as their children are the consumers of these service. Often there is a trend in Lithuania that education services are provided to children; even though, the service provision contract is signed between the education institution and parents. On the other hand, a part of services of specialists of education assistance are dedicated to parents. Moreover, parent education, cooperation and communication process is between the education institution and parents. The education institution is not able to solve most of the problems without the assistance of parents. Therefore, the authors present the point of view of 400 parents towards the quality of the provided education services.
Volume 85, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 84–96
Straipsnyje analizuojamas profesinio mokymo proceso kokybės valdymas. Aptariami teoriniai profesinių mokyklų kokybės valdymo aspektai, pristatomi juridiniai dokumentai, reglamentuojantys kokybės valdymą, ir atlikto tyrimo duomenys. Iš viso atliekant tyrimą apklausti 628 tyrimo dalyviai (240 mokytojų, 340 mokinių ir 48 mokyklų vadovai). Atsitiktiniu atrankos metodu pasirinkta po tris profesinio mokymo mokyklas iš kiekvieno Lietuvos regiono (Marijampolės, Alytaus, Utenos, Panevėžio, Šiaulių, Telšių, Tauragės, Klaipėdos, Kauno, Vilniaus).
The article presents a study of the physical activity of older students (15 to 18 years old) during the lockdown period. It analyses whether students’ physical activity changed during the lockdown period after the introduction of certain restrictions in a survey of 150 respondents at the General Education and Vocational Training Centre. Summarising the results of the survey, it can be stated that one third (30%) of the respondents spent three to four hours a week with friends and family during the lockdown. The respondents also actively participated in volunteering: as many as 30% devoted some time to this activity. It also turned out that a third of respondents (30%) spent between three and four hours at a computer. The study found that physical activity did not decrease during lockdown, only the nature of activities and the physical activity changed. It should be noted that those students who were active in sports prior to the announcement of the lockdown restrictions remained physically active.