The issue of active citizenship is very topical in modern society. Particular attention is paid to the promotion of civic activity by youth and the creation of positive experience. National surveys show increasing engagement among young people in various activities, but they also show that young people are more likely to notice and see the threats posed by active citizenship. Therefore, the article aims to research the attitude of young people towards an assessment of active citizenship in society, the threats and benefits it brings. Qualitative research methods were used to gain a detailed and comprehensive understanding of attitudes: analysis of literature, focus group discussion, and content analysis. In the discussions, informants mentioned most often that citizenship is viewed both positively and negatively (especially in relation to political activity). The study revealed that when discussing the risks of active citizenship, young people mentioned most often the physical threats to the health and life of an active citizen when performing compulsory or voluntary military service. Other possible active citizenship threats indicated were: provoking intolerance and encouraging confrontation between different groups. The discussion also identified the perceived and noticed benefits of active citizenship to young people. Those most frequently mentioned by the informants were: helping groups or professions in difficulty; creating a better environment through basic putting in order and doing one’s duty. Some of the statements by the informants show that examples of active citizenship create a sense of community and tolerance, as well as being ‘contagious’ (setting an example) and encouraging young people to join various organisations.
The article presents the evaluation of organizational culture of SC „Klaipėdos kartonas“. The employees’ attitude towards the importance and influence of OK, values, symbols, history, heroes, traditions and communication is evaluated by questioner created by authors of article. The survey revealed that employees appreciate their OK positively. They are guided by the values of organization in their work. The employees know the values and their impact, the history of organization, and have their heroes-employees. Common traditions are prevalent in organization. The communication in organization is business-like. Statistically important difference was revealed: managers of all levels expressed more agreement for statements about all elements of OK; meanwhile employees without subordinates expressed less agreement or disagreement. It is suggested to involve employees without subordinates in processes of formation and implementation of OK more actively.
Emigracijos procesai, vykstantys Lietuvoje, vis dar kelia nerimą dėl didėjančio masto, todėl svarbi tiek mokslinė, tiek praktinėproblema ir siekiamybė ištirti emigracijos priežastis bei įvertinti galimas pasekmes šaliai. Straipsnyje analizuojamos emigracijosLietuvoje priežastys ir padariniai. Lietuvoje ir užsienyje gyvenančių respondentų atsakymai patvirtino nuomonę, kad išvykstamadažniausia dėl ekonominių priežasčių, deja, kvalifikuoti darbuotojai dažniau išvyksta siekdami didesnių saviraiškos, karjeros galimybių.Padariniai: pablogėjusi demografinė situacija, mažėjantis gimstamumas, silpstanti atsakomybė už artimus žmones, į biudžetąnesurenkami pinigai.
This paper describes the difference between business social network sites and private social network sites under consideration of the employment seeking process. The objective of the paper is to explain the different use of social network sites for different purpose. The use of social network sites can be explained with social capital theory which has been tested with the collected data. This paper test if the social capital theory can be expanded to explain social network sites under consideration of the employment seeking process for Xing as business SNS and Facebook as private SNS. The purpose of this article: According the survey to analyze the difference of social network sites explained with the employment seeking process. The research methods: analysis of scientific literature, interpretation, quantitative research, data analysis using SPSS program. The research method has been an online survey with 271 young SNS members who are participants for the research project. The sample has a gender bias which has to be under consideration by the interpretation of the results.
Human resource management uses social networks to identify new employees. This research investigates if people use social networks to identify employment opportunities and how they improve their networks to get easier and quicker access to information and resources. Researchers worldwide devote their attention to different aspects of identification of new employees via social networks. The authors of the paper have done empirical research based on an online survey with 298 respondents, and the data obtained from the survey has been analysed using various statistical tools. The number of suitable candidates for employment is decreasing and companies need knowledge about the employment seeking process to have an effective and efficient recruiting strategy. This paper studies the information channel on employment possibilities, i.e. social network, and how individuals develop and improve their networks for the employment seeking process. Moreover, the authors analyse how people use social networks in the employment seeking process compared with other channels on possible employment opportunities.
Kadsėkmingai funkcionuotų, organizacijos neišvengiamai turi taikytis prie kintančiųvisuomenės vertybių: nuo nuolankumo darbo santykiams prie partnerystės ryšių,nuo greito ir lengviausio pelno prie ilgalaikės plėtros tendencijos, nuo naudossiekimo tik sau prie atsakomybės visuomenei ir gamtai. Visa tai diktuojabūtinybę įmonėms imtis socialiai atsakingos veiklos, nes darni, atsakinga iretiška veikla yra kiekvienos organizacijos didžiausia vertybė. Įmonės,vykdydamos socialiai atsakingą veiklą, įsipareigoja nebūti abejingos visuomenėsinteresams. Visuomenė iš organizacijų tikisi vis daugiau, todėl organizacijosprivalo prisitaikyti, siekdamos sėkmingai veikti. Straipsnyje tiriamasvisuomenės požiūris į įmonių socialinę atsakomybę (toliau – ĮSA), akcentuojant,kiek pati visuomenė prisideda prie socialinės atsakomybės puoselėjimo.