Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje vaikai patenka į krizines situacijas, susiduria su šeimos problemomis, jiems kyla mokymosi sunkumų, visa tai veikia jų socialinę ir emocinę brandą. Vaikų ugdymu ir apsauga rūpinasi daug įvairių organizacijų, vis dėlto, be institucinės globos, jiems ypač svarbi individuali suaugusiojo parama ir socialinis palaikymas, tad kuriamos įvairios socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos programos, kurios rengia suaugusius savanorius, kurie pasiryžta tapti vaikų mentoriais. Straipsnyje analizuojamos savanorių, dalyvaujančių programoje “Big Brothers / Big Sisters” (BB / BS), veiklos galimybės teikiant pagalbą vaikams. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo trys grupės informantų: vaikai, tėvai (globėjai), savanoriai (16 dalyvių). Kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad visų trijų grupių informantai įžvelgia neabejotiną šios programos naudą vaikams. Savanoriai šioje programoje ne tik tampa vedliais sprendžiant vaikui iškylančias gyvenimiškas problemas „čia ir dabar“, bet ir sudaro geresnes sąlygas jų saviraiškai, padeda tobulinti vaikų bendravimo įgūdžius, skatina labiau pasitikėti savimi. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad šioje programoje dirbantiems savanoriams ypač svarbi profesionali programos koordinatoriaus pagalba, dalijimasis patirtimi su kitais savanoriais ir jos reflektavimas.
Bibliotherapy is used in children’s day centers in order to provide assistance to children and adolescents from social risk families. There is evidence found in scientific literature that the application of bibliotherapy at day centers is useful for strengthening self-sufficiency, and if applied purposefully, it enables to cope with psychological problems, promotes spiritual growth and qualitative development, raises self-esteem, self-knowledge, understanding, and frees from perceptions that prevents from recognizing personal unpleasant feelings. The professional application of bibliotherapy at day centers, by working with children and adolescents, creates assumptions to strengthen the motivation regarding self-cognition, self-development and learning. The aim of this research is to answer to the question of how bibliotherapy can be applied in social pedagogical activities at children’s day centers (CDC). After a qualitative research had been accomplished (of social educators, parents whose children attend CDC), it was found that the application of bibliotherapy is justified in solving various social-pedagogical problems of children and youth (especially those associated with dealing with motivation problems of adolescent learning).
In an ever-changing world, the goals of education and the expectations of education policy makers, society and parents for the education system are also changing. Pre-school educational institutions need teachers with professional excellence and leadership skills who are constantly improving their competencies. In this context, the management of a teacher’s career is becoming a particularly important issue. In the management of a teacher’s career, not only the motivation of the teacher himself but also the role of the headmaster is very important in creating conditions and providing opportunities for the development of a teacher’s career. The article reveals the attitude of headmasters in pre-school educational institutions to the possibilities of pedagogue career management. It presents the results of qualitative research (interviews with headmasters in pre-school institutions), which revealed that headmasters understand the importance of teachers’ career management both for the teacher himself and for the quality of the institution’s activities. Some headmasters take care of a teacher’s career, creating conditions for improving competencies, and providing financial and psychological support. However, not all headmasters in pre-school institutions create favourable conditions for the development of a teacher’s career by delegating this function to the teacher himself.