On purpose to increase the demand for insurance services in Lithuania there still remains a problem of how consumers perceive this service as well as what components, influencing their decision to purchase non-life insurance products, they accentuate in the price of insurance service. Emphasizing the assumptions of sustainable economic development in Lithuania and attempting to form regional policy by means of research, the study was implemented in order to identify factors and causal relationships that determine non-life insurance product purchasing motives in Lithuania. The study conducted a survey of Klaipeda city residents who buy various insurance products in different insurance companies. In total 420 respondents participated in this survey. To verify the results of the research three tests were applied: Pearson‘s Chi-square test, Fisher test (Fisher’s exact) and Cramer’s V test. It was identified that friends’ recommendations do not affect consumer‘s choice for insurance products. Higher rates of benefits as well as flexible pricing policy were not important factors choosing an insurance company. High insurance product’s cost and unclear conditions set in the contracts do not encourage consumers to purchase them. In the course of the research significant relationships between the consumer’s choice to insure by specific insurance product and consumer’s discount-enhanced motivation to purchase insurance products were not observed. All measured insurance products did not reflect statistically significant correlations between the decision to get insured and the knowledge about the prices in other insurance companies.
Changes caused by globalization changed consumer behaviour. It is passed from the era of items to the era of services causingemotions. On the other hand, it’s still a speculation, whether globalization affects the behaviour of Lithuanian people in choosingtourism. The research found that the Lithuanian residents still live in the era of items. For them is most important material safetyand image through items. To meet these needs Lithuanian residents prefer traveling abroad. Outbound tourism is attractive for thepopulation of Lithuania, but they frequently travel in Lithuanian territory. Lithuanian tourists are planning travel usually by themselves;this process is combined with rational. Economic, demographic and cultural factors have the greatest influence on the choiceof Lithuanians to make trips. Social, psychological and situational factors in the marketing mix have less impact.
Emphasizing sustainable economic development preconditions in Lithuania and in order to research the formation of regional policy, the article was made on Lithuania financial crisis impact on the economy, comparative study. It was found that in the literature lacks of general method to compare the different financial crises that have occurred in different regions, countries or at different intervals impact to economic indicators, so was created financial crisis impact on countries economy index, to compare this diferent impact. The study identified three financial crisis which negatively affected Lithuanian economy – “Lithunia banking crisis” (1995), “Russian financial crisis” (1998) and “Global Financial Crisis” (2008). Based on this new index calculations, the financial crisis affect was compared and found that the greatest negative impact on the economy caused the Global financial crisis (2008). Examining the specifics of Lithuania’s economy noted that all of the financial crisis affected the gross domestic product growth, labor market and the country budget balance. Meanwhile, the impact on other macroeconomic indicators of the crisis depended on the crises specifics and was different.
An aging population is defined in the scientific literature as changes in the structural age composition of the population, which leads to growth in the population of those who are 60 years and older. The aging of population is a social and economic problem that needs to be understood and addressed. Aging of the population has a significant impact on national economies, as well as within individual regions of the country. The old age index has a significant impact on regional supply of services. It is worth stressing that in order to improve a community’s quality of life and reduce disparities between regions, it is necessary to continually assess the level of development and regional development opportunities. Evaluation of the regional socio-economic situation should be performed periodically, so that regional policy measures can be directed to the areas of greatest need.
Straipsnyje, nustačius, kad produkto vertės sampratos dvilypis aspektas kainodaroje apibendrintai nenagrinėtas, pasitelkus mokslinėsliteratūros sisteminimo ir analizės metodus apibūdintos dvi skirtingos vertės sąvokos: vertė vartotojui ir vartotojų suvokiama vertė.Pripažįstant, kad vartotojų pasirinkimas priklauso nuo to, kokią vertę jam teikia įmonės pasiūlymas, kainodaros proceso etapai analizuojamivertės kūrimo vartotojui ir vartotojų suvokiamos vertės susiejimo aspektu. Rekomenduojama vertės kūrimo, nustatymo, teikimoir palaikymo etapuose atlikti veiksmus, susijusius su produkto vertės vartotojui kūrimu ir tobulinimu, bei veiksmus, susijusiussu vartotojų suvokiamos vertės nustatymu. Aprašyti produkto vertės vartotojui kūrimo modeliai: ekonominio pelno teorija (EVA),produkto kūrimo proceso (PKP) vartotojo vertės modelis, rizikos vertės metodas dizaino struktūros matrica (DSM). Akcentuojantdarnaus ekonominio vystymosi prielaidas Lietuvoje ir siekiant tyrimų pagrindu kurti regioninę politiką, sudarytas integruotas modelis,kuris atskleidžia produkto vertės kūrimo etapus kainodaros procese.
The article reveals the essence of relationship marketing concepts and expression in Klaipeda health care institutions. Investigated the following main relationship marketing dimensions: trust, commitment, interdependence, reciprocity, cooperation, power, communication, satisfaction, value, justice and empathy. It is stated that the direct impact on consumer loyalty in health care market has the confidence, commitment and satisfaction. Relationship marketing principles – mutual interaction and power – in health care market only partially causes consumers loyalty.
Straipsnyje analizuojami teoriniai vartotojų elgseną paslaugų sektoriuje lemiantys veiksniai. Šiandienos visuomenėje ypač svarbus yra vartotojo individualumas bei įmonės gebėjimas prisitaikyti prie besikeičiančių kiekvieno kliento poreikių. Teorinė analizė atskleidė, kad medicininių įstaigų veiklos kokybės įvertinimas yra pacientų pasitenkinimas suteiktomis paslaugomis. Remiantis atlikto tyrimo rezultatais išskiriami ir apibendrinami aplinkos veiksniai, kurie turi tendenciją vyrauti daugelio pacientų elgsenoje bei sprendimo priėmimo situacijose, renkantis odontologinių medicininių paslaugų teikėją Vakarų Lietuvoje. Privačių klinikų pasirinkimą lemia paslaugų pasiūla ir prieinamumas, fizinė aplinka, įstaigos veiklos vertinimas bei vidinės nuostatos. Viešas klinikas renkasi mažesnes pajamas gaunantys respondentai.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 63–82
The article reveals the essence of the concept of relationship marketing and relationship marketing major dimensions: trust, commitment, mutual dependence, reciprocity, cooperation, power, communication, satisfaction, value, fairness and empathy. Composed relationships between consumers and health care institutions support theoretical model which states that a direct effect on customer loyalty in individual health care market has confidence, commitment and satisfaction. Relationship marketing principles – interoperability and power – in personal care market only partially determines the consumer loyalty.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama finansų krizių sąvoka, aptariami finansų krizių skirstymo teoriniai aspektai. Nustačius, kad finansų krizių klasifikavimas ir skirstymas pagal panašius požymius leistų jas geriau suprasti ir palengvintų jų poveikio ekonomikai analizę, sudaryta finansų krizių tipų klasifikacinė lentelė. Apibendrinamojoje finansų krizių tipų klasifikacinėje lentelėje pateikiami finansų krizių tipai, nurodomos pagrindinės jų kilimo priežastys, pristatyti pagrindiniai poveikio ekonomikai rodikliai bei išvardyti istoriniai šių finansų krizių tipų pavyzdžiai. Tyrimo metu nustatytos trys Lietuvos ekonomiką neigiamai paveikusios finansų krizės – „Bankų krizė“ (1995), „Rusijos finansų krizė“ (1998) ir „Globali finansų krizė“ (2008), apibrėžtos jų kilimo priežastys. Akcentuojant darnaus ekonominio vystymosi prielaidas Lietuvoje ir siekiant tyrimų pagrindu kurti regioninę politiką, šios finansų krizės suklasifikuotos pagal sudarytą tipologiją.
The article identified that while insurance companies offering for their customers the same coverage for the same risk, insurance price gains a high importance. Most of the clients are sensitive to the insurance prices level, however, for the consumers to choose desired insurance product according to its price between different insurance companies is very difficult. Therefore, using research methodology to form regional policy, made in Lithuania market operating insurance companies non-life insurance products prices comparative analysis. This study highlight non-life insurance types, i.e., insurance against accidents (in the same structure and insurance against sickness), transport insurance, property insurance, travel insurance, third party liability insurance rates. It should be emphasized that different types of non-life insurance prices can be influenced by different factors. The Compulsory motor third party liability insurance (further CMTPL) price of the insurance affects the value of the vehicle, first registration, the gender of the vehicle driver, age, place of residence, driving experience, recurrence of insured events, the insurance contract signature period (which is important because insurance companies in this case applies price discounts), the vehicle’s engine power. Insurance against accidences and travel insurance prices are determined by user’s gender, age, work type. Property insurance price depends on the value of the property. In order to be able to compare with each other different insurance companies, operating in Lithuania, insurance prices, was formed for different non-life insurance type’s model and used in all cases in representative Lithuania major city. After systemizing in Lithuania sold non-life insurance product prices observed that in different insurance companies they are significantly different. The most varies vehicle insurance the same insurance types the scale of premiums in different companies. Insurance against accidents prices in different insurance companies can vary up to five times. Collected insurance prices data analysis revealed differences in prices reaching up to 5 times of various insurance products in Lithuania operating different non-life insurance companies. Insurance companies may have several priority insurance products which they are trying to sell in the market for even lower than the lowest market price. At the same time the incurred losses may transfer to the other types of insurance therefore other types of insurance price may be much higher that the competitors in the same market. The most important of insurance proposal is not a price, but risk indemnity insurance amount and refunds. Therefore, once again, it should be mentioned that on the basis of price analyse insurance products offerings appropriate. Very often to compare with each other different companies presented insurance product prices for the average consumer is impossible. For the consumer the content (conditions) and the price structure of the insurance product must be clear, in order that the consumer purchasing insurance would feel calm and safe. It should be noted that the consumer hardly realizing the value of the insurance product, i.e., price, insurance companies require a new approach to pricing strategy formation importance and the same pricing in general.