Lapkričio mėnesį, kai krikščioniškajame pasaulyje nuodugniau apmąstomas santykis su mirusiaisiais, man vienam pirmųjų teko pasinerti į monografijos „Krikščioniškoji eschatologija“ mirties apmąstymų gelmes. Džiaugiuosi, kad dar neišgyvenęs savosios mirties gelmių, pirmiausia galėjau nerti į paskutiniųjų dalykų gelmes per knygos puslapius, kuriuose formuojamas teisingas, atviras, viltingas požiūris į mirtį. Tad norisi pasidalinti keliomis įžvalgomis, kilusiomis skaitant Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos akademiko A. Ramono monografiją, kurioje pateikiama žmonijos kelrodžio į amžinybę paieška, akademiškai atskleidžiamas paskutiniųjų dalykų grožis.
Teologijos mokslo raida Lietuvoje, po Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo 1990 m. gavusi naują impulsą, nors ir tapo dinamiškesnė, vis dėlto dar nėra intensyvi. Atitinkamuose recenzuojamuose moksliniuose Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų leidiniuose sukaupta išties nemažai mokslinių teologinių straipsnių, reikšmingi mokslo darbai nuveikti moralės teologijos (bioetikos) srityje, pamažu stiebiasi ir kitos teologijos mokslo sritys. Tačiau akivaizdu, kad monografijos lygmeniu apie teologinius lietuvių autorių veikalus kalbame dar retai. Todėl Klaipėdos universiteto prof. Arvydo Ramono indėlis į teologijos mokslo raidą Lietuvoje ypač vertingas ir svarus, turint mintyje ne tik recenzuojamą monografiją, bet ir tai, kad autorius apskritai intensyviai rašo teologinėmis temomis, publikuoja knygas ir jau ne pirmą monografiją.
23rd October 2017 commemorated the 30th anniversary of the Council of Europe Declaration of Santiago de Compostela. After the declaration was made, routes of the Camino de Santiago were drawn throughout Europe and Lithuania as well. This article briefly presents the sources and development of the Way of Saint James and its extensions into Lithuania. Commemorating the anniversaries of the establishment of the Samogitian diocese (1417) and Telšiai diocese (1926), the attention is focused on the routes of the Camino de Santiago in the territory of the Telšiai diocese.
The article deals with the attitude to Protestantism in the post-soviet Russia. Formation of Protestantism in Russia can be considered in the present paper. Thus, the purposes of this research are to examine formation of Protestantism in Russia, to analyze attitude of Russians to Protestantism and to identify its reasons. The author’s periodization of Protestantism formation in Russia is proposed. This periodization is based on 3 criteria: types of Protestants activities at each stage; the government’s attitude to it; its functions. It is shown that the establishment of the Russian Protestantism version took five basic steps. In modern Russia, Protestantism has its own history, values it gained its traditions, and it has its own distinctive character. Protestant churches are ready to actively participate in solving the pressing issues facing the people of the country. The authors suggest that the most authoritative of them can and should acquire the status of social partners of state institutions and significantly contribute to the spiritual and moral education of young people, to overcoming child homelessness and neglect, to family strengthening, to improvement of moral atmosphere in society and to the formation of high standards of business, economic and work ethic. The positive development of this process and its dynamics are largely dependent on Russian Protestants consolidation and on their willingness and ability to develop and strengthen interfaith relations and cooperation. According to the article, the attitude of most Russians to Protestantism is largely negative, although most of them have friends or acquaintances among the followers of this religion. The reasons for this are stereotypes in the public opinion of Russians: about the church itself (simplification of ceremonies, of the Bible, of the decoration of the church), and about the personal qualities of the congregation (the rejection of community service and charity, lack of citizenship).
The article analyses the problem of saving the unborn life in the context of crisis pregnancy. The dimension of spiritual counselling is actualised as an essential factor of integral assistance for women experiencing a crisis pregnancy. Problems of a crisis pregnancy are addressed on both personal and social levels. The most significant circumstances influencing the final decision in a crisis pregnancy are highlighted: woman’s maturity and values as well as a comprehensive specialist help comprising the aspects of both physical and spiritual assistance.
The article analyses expression of anxiety in human self-perception in the context of the original sin. This phenomenon is examined from the perspective of psychological and theological sciences considering how these two scientific branches could serve in the interpretation of the causes of human anxiety. In the context of scientific analysis a person experiences anxiety as a subconscious state which causes feelings of insecurity, helplessness and spiritual distress as a lack of the meaning of life. This anxiety has its own cause – the original sin. The conclusions of the research highlight four operational spheres of anxiety: failure to understand reality, loss of identity, guilt and shame. These issues threaten the person with non-existence, self-loss, deserved and undeserved punishment as well as fear to be estranged and isolated. Restoration of the authentic humanity is possible only by the power of the divine Incarnation.
This article emphasizes the line of the Christian moral attitude in accordance with didactically significant and attractive insights of the writer Jonas Juškaitis, by positioning the Christian moral attitude and its presentation. The way of religious self-consciousness of the writer is discussed. Some of his ideas, associated with the possibilities of developing a Christian attitude, are revealed, taking into account a popular narrow approach to the human being, to the overall development of the personality, and higher education. The type of the research is theoretical descriptive. The main research methods are analysis, interpretation and synthesis. The methodological principles of the research are: neotomism, which is the basis for the development of the moral attitude of the individual, i.e. the system of his/her moral experiences, aspirations and behavior; and the system of universal education that does not allow to deny personal value and dignity, bases the complex development of the personality and helps to abandon a narrow technocratic approach to the essence and purpose of human existence.
A person is a sexual being expressing oneself as a man or a woman. People exercise relationships and possess a certain gender identity. However, as a result of the sin and damaged sexuality, there is an incentive to use oneself and others as instruments whereas it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to build and maintain relationships and to experience sexuality (femininity or masculinity) and one’s gender the way that the Creator has planned for the human nature. Restoration of these sin-damaged abilities of relationships, sexuality and gender identity is possible by turning to God, recognizing His plan for people and believing in His power and willingness to restore within a person what has been ruined. Different practices of Christian faith, psychotherapy or self-help groups serve this purpose. One of the ways to render assistance is programs of “Living Water”. In Lithuania there are two active programs: “Living Water” and “In the Beginning”. In a number of cases these programs have a positive impact on personal relationships, sexuality and gender identity.This article focuses on God’s plan, personal relationships, sexuality and gender identity, which were all corrupted by the sin, discusses possible solutions to restore what has been damaged by the sin, as well as presents the analysis of the outcomes of the research on the influence of the programs of “Living Water” on women’s personal relationships, sexuality and gender identity.
The Ark of the Covenant, Blessed Virgin Mary and the Tabernacle are visible signs of God’s presence. In the era of the Old Testament, God, who surpasses all that is on Earth, descends to the sacred tent with the Ark of the Covenant. At the time of the New Testament, the closeness and holiness of God was carried within Blessed Virgin Mary. And in the period of the Church Jesus stays with the mankind in the Holy Eucharist which is kept in the Tabernacle. This article presents the continuity of the Holiest Place, which expresses God’s visible presence, throughout three time periods: the Ark of the Covenant at the time of the Old Testament, Blessed Virgin Mary at the time of the New Testament and the Tabernacle at the time of the Church. While reviewing the development of the Holiest Place we can see God’s desire to manifest and present Himself to the man. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us ... full of grace and truth” (John 1: 14).
The first part of the article is intended to reveal theoretical assumptions for a parish priest’s andragogical functions and possibilities for expansion thereof within a community. The second one – empirical research – is intended to present the approach of X community members towards the andragogical functions exercised by the parish priest within the community as well as competencies required for exercising thereof. The article supports andragogical functions exercised by religious denomination leaders – parish priests, possibilities for expansion thereof, in cooperation with adult educator and andragogists, through sharing of experience and collaborating for the benefit of community. The developed empirical research methodology might be helpful to priests of other parishes, too, in exercising the andragogical functions within the community. This article provides recommendations to andragogists and leaders of religious denominations – parish priests, in terms of improvement of the andragogical functions exercising process.