Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 223–238
The article seeks to reveal the importance of critical evaluation of authority of social workers. The problem of authority and different meanings attached to the role of a social worker are discussed and the practical and theoretical value of the research study is revealed. The article presents the theoretical explanations of the concept of authority and its ethical implications for social work practice at a children day care center. It also discusses the empirical findings of the qualitative case study conducted at the day care center X. The perceptions of its practitioners, what authority of a social worker means and consists of and how to gain it, are peresented. The article includes a detailed description of the specific context of the case study and indicates the selected research methods. The degree of reliability and validity of research study are also discussed. The empirical data of the case study is analyzed and discussed and conclusions are presented.
We will analyse the cultural phenomenon as a product created by human genius. We will ask how works the interaction of culture and human life today and how cultural transformation influences the process of modelling perceptions of man himself. We will analyse how the cultural perception of what is “normal” or what is “value” is replaced by what is pleasant and useful. How a new concept of normality and value is created. We are creating a society on the foundation of exceptions without borders or a respectful and tolerant society?
Volume 81, Issue 3 (2018), pp. 111–126
The purpose of the article is to present a discourse of public health ethics, as a social action, and research development. The following problematic questions have been framed to achieve the above purpose: what are the reasons for multiple meanings of public health concept? How is the concept of public in the context of pubic health understood? What are the possible approaches to the analysis of public health ethics? What are the major differences between public health ethics and healthcare ethics? The first part of the article makes an analysis of multiple meanings of the concept of public health. The second part addresses the concept of public in the context of public health. In the third part, there are analytical approaches to public health ethics reflected (professional ethics, applied ethics, representation ethics, critical ethics). The fourth part of the article focuses on differences between public health ethics and healthcare ethics. A summarising historical discourse on the development of public health ethics reveals the dynamics of theoretical approaches to the purpose of the article.
Volume 83, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 80–98
At the focus of this article, the motivation of a social worker is presented as an important aspect of effective professional functioning, which approaches the human being as a personality able to create and accumulate unique experiences. A holistic in-depth analysis of the process of motivation is employed to search for links between different motivational dimensions, such as the personality of the social worker, and the behavioural and environmental effects on professional identity. The aim to theoretically ground the motivation of a social worker as a prerequisite for an effective professional functioning requires carrying out research into the theoretical construct of motivation in order to explain it on a poly-systemic level and distinguish its components: stimulus, identification of stimulus, adaptation phase of an identified stimulus, action, and action control. The explanation and fixation of active elements of motivation take place in a vertical system of relations, where most attention is paid to causal ties and continuity of the social worker’s professional motivation.