Najnowsze lituanizmy w wariancie oficjalnym języka polskiego na Litwie | Recent Lexical Borrowings from Lithuanian in the Official Version of the Polish Language in Lithuania
There are three prefaces in Christian Gottlieb Mielcke’s (1733–1807) dictionary Littauisch-deutsches und Deutsch-littauisches Wörter-Buch (1800). The first is written by the compiler himself; the second by Daniel Jenisch (1762–1804), a Berlin theologian and linguist; and the third by Christoph Friedrich Heilsberg (1726/7–1807), a counsellor in the Königsberg Chamber of War and Domains and inspector of East Prussian schools. The ‘Friend’s Note’ (Nachschrift eines
Freundes) of the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) is placed after all of them. It is a friendly, quite short, one-and-a-half-page commentary on the Lithuanians and their language, written in free form, and cannot be called a true preface.
The article analyses the circumstances of the appearance of Kant’s ‘Friend’s Note’ in the dictionary, and discusses the ideas expressed in it.
The main objective of this study is to describe the main characteristics of the Spanish interlanguage of a group of Lithuanian learners, as well as to establish differences in the evolution of the interlanguage among learners of the basic and advanced levels. Four main types of errors will be studied: morphosyntactic, lexical, phonetic and orthographic, using linguistic and statistical criteria and trying to offer as complete analysis as it is possible, both in the descriptive plan and in explaining the hypotheses about the cause of the errors. The purpose is to get data for improving the teaching methodology and for creation of specific materials for teaching Spanish, aimed at native speakers of Lithuanian.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 16 (2008): Baltijos regiono istorija ir kultūra: Lietuva ir Lenkija. Politinė istorija, politologija, filologija = History and Culture of Baltic Region: Lithuania and Poland. Political History, Political Sciences, Philology, pp. 179–187
The article is devoted to the literary and historical studies on the heritage of the Lithuanian poet Jan Kochanowski (1530-1584). He was a nobleman and a citizen of Sandomierz district in Malopolska region. It is possible he thought about himself like about a polish nobleman, just about a Pole. It appears that there are not any problems to define his nationality. It seems that we have not also problems with “the national identity” of his writings. The main criterion in this process was a question of using Polish language, however not always. This national perspective had made the deep divisions between the ‘own’ and the ‘alien’ culture. Firstly we would be asked if Jan Kochanowski was the strange poet from the outside. The same questions we would be asked about other writers who had lived in Lithuania in 16th–17th centuries but who were born in the Polish Kingdom: Piotr Skarga, Andrzej Wolan, Daniel Naborowski and Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski, etc.