Problema transformatsii Vostochnoi Prussii v Kaliningradskuiu oblast' v dokumental'nykh publikatsiiakh i nauchnykh issledovaniiakh | Transformation from the East Prussia to Kaliningrad Region in Sources Publications and Scientific Research
Volume 18 (2009): Antrojo pasaulinio karo pabaiga Rytų Prūsijoje: faktai ir istorinės įžvalgos = End of the Second World War in East Prussia: Facts and Historical Perception, pp. 71–86
Pub. online: 8 September 2009
Type: Article
Open Access
8 September 2009
8 September 2009
The history of the founding of the Kaliningrad region, as part of the USSR, is one of the most vital issues for Kaliningrad historians. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, this problem is actively investigated. The article presents the background and history of these investigations, draws the characterization of them, defines the main historical documents published on this issue, point out the progress of the regional researchers and gives general characteristics of contemporary Kaliningrad historiography.