Straipsnyje sprendžiama etnografinio regiono sampratos problema. Nors Etninės kultūros valstybinės globos pagrindų įstatyme apibrėžiama, kad etnografinis regionas – istoriškai susiformavusi teritorijos dalis, kurioje išlaikyta savita tarmė, tradicijos ir papročiai, integruotas baltų genčių palikimas, sunku suderinti kalbininkų, istorikų ir etnologų duomenis ir požiūrius, o analizuojant Vilniaus ir jo apylinkių priklausomybę etnografiniam regionui, straipsnyje parodoma, kad skiriasi tradicinėmis kultūros reikšmėmis paremti etnografiniai žemėlapiai, daugeliu atvejų priskiriantys Vilnių Dzūkijai, ir šiose vietovėse gyvenančių žmonių suvokimas, kad ši teritorija yra Aukštaitija.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 31 (2015): Empires and Nationalisms in the Great War: Interactions in East-Central Europe = Imperijos ir nacionalizmai Didžiajame kare: sąveikos Vidurio Rytų Europoje, pp. 137–154
The paper discusses the territorial-geopolitical aspect of the Lithuanian policy during the First World War, which is still not sufficiently studied or properly understood. It concerns the strategic line proposed by members of Lithuania’s conservative elite. The visible side of the line was a game of orientations: first pro-Russian, then pro-German. However, these orientations were based on an ethnographic principle, which created preconditions for the practical development of the Lithuanian nation. On the other hand, the ethnographic principle was related to the idea of national self-determination, raised by the democratic thought, which paved the way for Lithuanian national statehood. Therefore, the strategic line offered by some of the Lithuanian elite went beyond party ideology and became national.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 16 (2008): Baltijos regiono istorija ir kultūra: Lietuva ir Lenkija. Politinė istorija, politologija, filologija = History and Culture of Baltic Region: Lithuania and Poland. Political History, Political Sciences, Philology, pp. 211–218
The article is devoted to the new results on literary research about the power of memory in “Roadside Doggy” by Czesław Miłosz (1911-2004). Cz. Miłosz remembers episodes from his life in Vilnius, which is a proof of his special point of view. Miłosz’s journey, which started at the beginning of the previous century, has no limits in “Roadside Doggy”. “Two horses driven carriage” goes without obstructions, penetrates deeply into the mind, and reaches the farthest neighbourhoods. It is a kind of account with one’s past according to the idea that “man without memory is nearly dead and represents the inferior part of humanity.”
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 14 (2007): Baltijos regiono istorija ir kultūra: Lietuva ir Lenkija. Socialinė istorija, kultūrologija = History and Culture of Baltic Region: Lithuania and Poland. Social History, Cultural Sciences, pp. 195–207
The article concentrates on the role and importance of the intellectual culture of contemplative female orders in the societies of the onetime Vilnius. The article depicts the use of normative liturgical texts and the preaching creativity in the religious activity of the order. What was emphasized were the books functioning in the characterised environment as well as the individual and collective religious reading matter and the organisation and contents of the monasterial libraries.
Finds of footwear in the excavations in Town Hall Square and Vene, Vaimu, Sauna and Roosikrantsi streets reflect the medieval footwear fashion of Tallinn as well as of the whole of northern and Central Europe. Strap shoes, low laced shoes and high laced shoes might be considered as fashion footwear. The respective chronologies of northern Europe demonstrate the existence of thong, strap and low laced shoes and high laced shoes through many centuries, but the peaks of use – the period of the fashion – of these types do not exceed 70 to 80 years. Since Tallinn belonged to the Hanseatic League, the cultural phenomena occurring here were probably the same in Central and northern Europe.