Reading, writing, and recording the architecture: how astronomical cycles may be reflected in the architectural construction at Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA
Considerable changes to the Lithuanian education system are associated with higher academic achievements, the development of students’ critical thinking and research skills, and sustainable practices of integrated teaching and learning in science and mathematics. It is also acknowledged that STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics) educational approaches address the objectives of integrated learning and teaching effectively. The same objectives are reflected in all the IB programmes. In the scientific discourse on the use of STEAM in science, there is a lack of research and examples of pedagogical practices with insights into different educational programmes and teachers’ experiences. The qualitative research (semi-structured interview) focuses on the points of view of teachers who implement the international baccalaureate primary years programme (IBPYP), and have a high level of project-based learning experience, of the possibilities of STEAM project implementation (6). The research findings reveal that teachers acknowledge the benefits of STEAM projects in terms of developing students’ research, critical thinking and independent learning skills, while implementing integrated teaching and learning strategies. The informants also recognise the importance of STEAM education in planning and organising integrated mathematics and science lessons.
Journal:Archaeologia Baltica
Volume 14 (2010): Underwater Archaeology in the Baltic Region, pp. 234–240
The Early Medieval Scalva region, situated on the Lower Neman,* was, it seems, already relatively densely populated in the Migration Period. The concentration of Migration Period cemeteries on the eastern outskirts of the later city of Tilsit might indicate this. The Am Philosophengang necropolis was one of these sites. Completely unknown until recently, the cemetery is now being ‘rediscovered’ on the basis of archive records
Journal:Archaeologia Baltica
Volume 10 (2008): Astronomy and Cosmology in Folk Traditions and Cultural Heritage, pp. 226–233
This paper presents a preliminary approach to the problem of royal tomb orientation in ancient Egypt from the early dynastic mausoleums at the necropolis of Umm al Qab to the impressive subterranean chambers of the tombs at the Valley of the Kings (Biban al Muluk). This clearly shows that the correct orientation of the monuments, from the earlier mastabas to the later hypogea, was mandatory and that the sky plays a key role in understanding ancient Egyptian funerary monuments.
Journal:Archaeologia Baltica
Volume 10 (2008): Astronomy and Cosmology in Folk Traditions and Cultural Heritage, pp. 195–199
The so-called ‘Neo-Pythagorean Basilica’ at Porta Maggiore in Rome is one of the most famous and most discussed hypogeal monuments in Rome. It was certainly in use for a short time during the first half of the first century AD, but its purpose is still far from clear. The most probable interpretation is that it was a temple dedicated to Neo-Pythagorean cults. We describe here the preliminary results of a detailed archaeoastronomical study of the Basilica undertaken in order to contribute to the understanding of the role of this fascinating monument.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 17 (2008): Nauji požiūriai į Klaipėdos miesto ir krašto praeitį = The City and Region of Klaipėda: New Approaches to the Past, pp. 51–62
The aim of this article is to define the wooden building types, identification issues, problems of dating structures built in the 16th – 18th century, and to determine the beginnings of masonry construction in Klaipėda. The identified development of Klaipėda construction from wooden towards masonry buildings as well as chronological definitions of the building types and construction materials used, enables review of previously conducted archaeological and the dating of findings.