The object of this publication is the anecdotes about famous people and personages of the movies and literature. The research helped to identify the most popular personages and describe the images of them. It can be done conclusion that in the anecdotes which are told in Lithuanian the personages of movies and literature are more popular than the real famous people (politicians, sportsmen or pop stars). The images of personages are ambivalent, they can be shown in positive situations but more often these personages are negative: the features of the characters are drawn ironically; the results of their activities are estimated in the mocking and even scornful way.
The article deals with the issues related to the specifics of the incantation as a genre of oral folklore, history of collecting, publishing and the beginning of their studying in Russia. The main emphasis is put on the first monographic work dedicated to conspiracies. Scientific portrait of the author is represented, his work, translations and reprinting are analyzed. Features that have made the book classic are established.
The article analyses the historical context of the life and activities of Jesus of Nazareth, and includes the person of Pontius Pilate. At the centre of the Christian faith has always been and is the figure of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Christology occupies an important place in theological studies. No theological study will be complete without a deeper look at Jesus Christ. Christology has received particular attention throughout the centuries, but studies over the last few decades, especially in the second half of the twentieth century, place particular emphasis on the historical person and context of Jesus Christ. In this context, various historical figures are found. This includes Pontius Pilate. This deputy of the Roman emperor ruled Palestine at the very time when Jesus Christ lived and acted in it. He entered history as one of his participants in the trial, initially trying to justify Jesus, but eventually condemning him and perishing with the “Jewish hands”.
Journal:Archaeologia Baltica
Volume 15 (2011): Archaeology, Religion and Folklore in the Baltic Sea Region, pp. 31–34
Lake Sauka is the largest lake in the district of Augšzeme in Latvia. It features very often in tales and legends, which mostly relate the story of its flight and its settling down in its present location. The nearest place from where it might have flown is approximately 30 kilometres away, but the most distant place is about 70 kilometres away. The places of origin, flight routes and conditions of settling down mentioned in numerous tales, when confronted with modern knowledge about the layout of archaeological sites, allow us to see yet unknown connections between the mythical world reflected in tales, and the real world represented by the relief and by archaeological sites.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 17 (2008): Nauji požiūriai į Klaipėdos miesto ir krašto praeitį = The City and Region of Klaipėda: New Approaches to the Past, pp. 51–62
The aim of this article is to define the wooden building types, identification issues, problems of dating structures built in the 16th – 18th century, and to determine the beginnings of masonry construction in Klaipėda. The identified development of Klaipėda construction from wooden towards masonry buildings as well as chronological definitions of the building types and construction materials used, enables review of previously conducted archaeological and the dating of findings.