This article uncovers opportunities and strategies on how to implement common measures allowing to boost academic excellence
synergising access to digital research infrastructure and resources, to understand the current state of knowledge and identify gaps,
contradictions and emerging trends, a conceptual framework that outlines the key theoretical constructs. Closed and open-question
surveys were used to identify the path of pooling digital research infrastructure resources on the input of all partners in the consortium
of the European Universities Alliance. The article is based on survey responses from nine universities across nine countries.
The Alliance’s partner universities have decided to collaborate by sharing physical and virtual resources, infrastructure and best
practices. The article focuses on identifying university infrastructure, finding synergies between digital infrastructures, and exploring
possibilities for sharing physical and virtual infrastructure. It highlights how the Alliance prioritises collaboration between partner
universities and improves the overall entity by creating synergies of digital infrastructure. The conclusion suggests that the European
Union’s financial support for physical and digital infrastructure, as part of the R&I agenda, would help alliances deepen connections
and collaboration with partners and stakeholders.