Tyrimas atliktas alternatyviąją mediciną praktikuojančių asmenų grupėje, siekiant užfiksuoti minėtoje grupėje paplitusias ligos ir sveikatos traktuotes XXI a. pradžios Lietuvoje. Autorės atliktame kokybiniame (empiriniame) tyrime 2016–2019 m. (tyrimas tęsiamas; atlikta 30 giluminių interviu su alternatyvią mediciną praktikuojančiais asmenimis) Lietuvos didžiuosiuose miestuose išryškėjoa, kad alternatyvius gydymo(si) metodus praktikuojantys asmenys ligą ir sveikatą interpretuoja ne vien kaip fizinio, bet ir kaip filosofinio – metafizinio – pasaulio dalį. Tyrimo duomenys atskleidė sveikatos (gerovės) kaip harmonijos, pusiausvyros būsenos tarp asmens išorinio (fizinio) ir vidinio pasaulių tarsi mikro- ir makropasaulių bei jų dinamiškų sąsajų, tarpusavio rezonanso traktuotę. Liga, arba negalavimas, yra interpretuojama kaip balanso, savojo kelio, švaros praradimas.
Theoretical analysis of research literature has revealed that prevention of risk or at least mitigation of the negative impact of risk factors on the company‘s employees requires reliable management of ergonomic factors risk, which can occur due to insufficient management of processes, quality, possible emergency situations, accidents. The above aim can be achieved by various preventive measures, just keeping in mind that the procedures of the management of ergonomic risk factors are based on assessment of ergonomic risk factors and priorities focusing on the relevant occupational safety aspects in the business company. However, prior to drafting an accident prevention plan, each company should consider the general environment of the company, conditions, and available resources.
Cross-border cooperation is one of the advantages of the EU that presented conditions for economic growth of all Member States when the organization was formed. The aim of the work was to look for quantitative indicators and data processing methods that would characterize cross-border interactions, while looking for and marking out high-integration regions. The authors’ previous studies (Paiders, Paiders, 2010) were aimed at conducting measurements of cross-border interactions in the cluster of European states. In this work, the authors use the already-familiar methodology and indicators in order to analyze the cross-border interactions of African states. The layout of highly integrated borders allowed marking out four groups of African states with the greatest economic integration with neighboring states.
Innovation is often recognized as a vital source of competitive advantage for business. Taking into account the conditions of increasing globalization at a high level of intensity as well as a rapidly changing technological landscape and also continuous customer demands for new products and services on the modern market, it is needed to assume that businesses have to innovate in order to survive and prosper in the contemporary environment. In the context of the paper at hand the main attention is given to the analysis of the theoretical and empirical aspects of the concept of innovation. There were applied such economic science research methods as monographic, grouping, reference, generalization, graphical analysis and content analysis.
The article aims to show that the main and most important prerequisite for successful hotel business growth in current promptly changing business environment becomes development of innovation in the hotel industry. Though the term innovation is already widely defined by many researchers, it is considered in the article as a subject for future discussions leading to proposed scientific classification of innovations based on selected criterions. Evaluation of the process of innovation appearance in the hotel market allowed creation of the model, presenting the main influences and attributes of the whole innovation process in a hotel industry. Afterwards, the article discusses some specific innovation tools that are essential for hotel enterprises and which could be challenging for hoteliers in Ukrainian market nowadays. Based on the empirical research results, the obstacles which hinder up-to-date innovative operations in Ukrainian Radisson chain hospitality market are discussed. As well, concerning prospective innovation trends for Radisson Hotels in Ukraine, advices for future innovation implementation were proposed.
The migrant entrepreneur plays a crucial role in economic development of the city. However, scant attention has been given to the study of the characteristics of migrant entrepreneurs in the context of urban areas in Asia, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, this paper identifies the main characteristics of migrant entrepreneurs in South Jakarta. The research itself involves sixty-eight first-generation migrant entrepreneurs as respondents of the survey. The characteristics of migrant entrepreneurs are analysed using descriptive statistics method of frequency distribution analysis. The analysis has been conducted based on background characteristics, cultural characteristics, business-related goals, business strategy, and performance. The analysis has revealed that the existence of migrant entrepreneurs in Jakarta has a positive impact not only on the development of the city but also on the development of their own homeland.
The Nordic Baltic region (5+3) is now closely interlinked via trade, investment, mobility of people, and banking. All the countries in this group have pursued some form of integration with the European Union (EU). Six of them are EU member states, four of them are members of the euro area, and all of them are within the European Economic Area (EEA) and are Schengen member states. But can these small countries as a group cooperate more closely and perhaps exercise more collective authority in Europe? The Nordic countries and the Baltic States cooperate in the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Bank and the IMF, and six of them are among European NATO member states. When it comes to European integration the lack of common approach complicates their cooperation. Within this group there are internal divisions between the hardcore EU and euro area member states (the Baltics and Finland), EU members (Denmark and Sweden) and EU outsiders (Iceland and Norway). Common pathways for the future cooperation in Europe may be hard to find. Also, the Nordics are high income welfare states, but the Baltics are neoliberal with minimal governments and low-tax regimes. Additionally, external forces continue to challenge the Nordic Baltic region, including revanchist Russian policies threatening Baltic Sovereignty, unpredictable US policies towards NATO as well as reduced military presence in Europe, and dismal EU and euro area post crisis economic performance. All point to a future of uncertainty including both economic and security risks.
Šiame straipsnyje aptartos etikos kodekso taikymo skirtingą veiklą vykdančiose organizacijose problemos. Atliktas tyrimas trijose Lietuvos verslo organizacijose atskleidė, kad susiduriama su labai panašiomis etikos kodekso taikymo problemomis. Jų pagrindas – klaidos, padarytos įvairiuose etikos kodekso kūrimo, taikymo ir peržiūros etapuose. Pagrindinė klaidų priežastis – etikos kodekso taikymas, neteisingai suvokiant jo veikimo metodiką. Pasirinkti valdymo metodai nepadeda organizacijų darbuotojams veiksmingai pasinaudoti etikos kodeksu, jie nesusieti su konkrečios organizacijos etikos infrastruktūra. Probleminių sričių koregavimas – viena pagrindinių kiekvienos organizacijos vystymosi ir augimo, atsižvelgiant į savo galimybes bei nuolat kintančius išorinius veiksnius, sąlygų. Tam būtinos etikos žinios, kurias reikia nuosekliai taikyti. Tik tada tikėtini pokyčiai: pavienio žmogaus sąmonės, organizacijos, visuomenės.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the reaping rituality of Ukrainians to demonstrate its close relationship with Old Slavonic ones, and partly with Indo-European mental constants, which has a pre-Christian basis. Thus, memorial motifs (honouring of the dead ancestors for their assistance to living descendants of reach yield) extremely clearly occurs in the reaping rituality.
The article reveals the essence of relationship marketing concepts and expression in Klaipeda health care institutions. Investigated the following main relationship marketing dimensions: trust, commitment, interdependence, reciprocity, cooperation, power, communication, satisfaction, value, justice and empathy. It is stated that the direct impact on consumer loyalty in health care market has the confidence, commitment and satisfaction. Relationship marketing principles – mutual interaction and power – in health care market only partially causes consumers loyalty.