Volume 85, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 84–96
Straipsnyje analizuojamas profesinio mokymo proceso kokybės valdymas. Aptariami teoriniai profesinių mokyklų kokybės valdymo aspektai, pristatomi juridiniai dokumentai, reglamentuojantys kokybės valdymą, ir atlikto tyrimo duomenys. Iš viso atliekant tyrimą apklausti 628 tyrimo dalyviai (240 mokytojų, 340 mokinių ir 48 mokyklų vadovai). Atsitiktiniu atrankos metodu pasirinkta po tris profesinio mokymo mokyklas iš kiekvieno Lietuvos regiono (Marijampolės, Alytaus, Utenos, Panevėžio, Šiaulių, Telšių, Tauragės, Klaipėdos, Kauno, Vilniaus).
The world wide experience of communication and cooperation of diasporas and origin countries shows various ways and forms how diasporas can contribute towards sustainable development of origin country. Lithuania also has relatively huge diaspora and faces increasing emigration every year. However, it still neglects the potential of it’s diaspora involvement in contributing to well-being of the country. In order to reveal the potential of Lithuanian diaspora the qualitative research was conducted. It used expert interview method with 12 leaders of foreign Lithuanian communities and organizations. The research revealed that Lithuanian diaspora is willing and could contribute significantly to the country’s sustainable development in various areas: scientific, business, cultural and social ones. In order to facilitate this cooperation, Lithuanian government should decrease barriers for cooperation and implement measures that would take into account the diversity of diaspora groups interests and possibilities, provide relevant information about means of engagement and support already existing and new diaspora networks and their initiatives.
Importance of sustainable coastal governance also in the Baltic sea region has been widely recognised and since such governance has to have integrative nature that requires horizontal cross-sectorial integration as well as involvement of all governance levels and subsequently organisation of vertical integration among the levels. Besides some succesfull local cases around Europe, mainly special outside projects based, there is to be recognized that the municipal integrated sustainable coastal governance has not been yet neither well and widely locally developed in practice nor sufficiently researched field in order to permit necessary design of adequate policy innovations. Practical development and local realisation of the municipal integrated coastal governance often encounters obstacles of the basic nature, e.g. because there are not sufficiently understood and applied cross- and trans-disciplinary approaches – studies and governance of the coastal territories as the complex social-ecological systems (SES). For understanding the process and structure of coastal governance, application of system thinking and system dynamics methods are to be emphasized as well. The paper demonstrates adaptation of coastal nature studies based System Analysis Framework (SAF) methodology for its application to coastal governance studies and general municipal governance system adjusting and upgrading towards coastal issues, what could be seen as the new step for SAF further planned developments. As the part of the EU BONUS programme BaltCoast project, the authors performed, including main stakeholders participation elements, the issue identification step, system definition and also a conceptual model building steps of the SAF methodology application in the particular, local governance innovations rich, case study territory – Salacgriva municipality in Latvia. Coastal governance problems in Latvia are especially relevant for rural coastal municipalities with limited administrative capacities and long and low populated coastline territories. The next SAF application steps will include development of coastal governance system scenarios using a systems modelling tool and the design and testing of complementary set of governance instruments as science-policy interface, that shall support sustainable use of coastal resources in the interests of coastal nature and culture protection, and local socio-economic development.
The article shows what information the press between 1905 and 1940 provided Lithuanian readers about Shrovetide celebratory traditions around the world. The information collected, consisting of seven articles, thirty photographs and drawings, is fragmentary but fairly informative, providing a good and concise understanding of this cultural phenomenon in a popular manner. By surveying and interpreting the available data, it tries to answer several questions: what significance these publications might have had on Shrovetide celebratory traditions and methods of celebration in early 20th-century Lithuania; how this information correlates with current academic research and known empirical data; what Lithuanian Shrovetide had in common with the winter-spring carnival celebrated around the world.
In the 1960s, when the Second Vatican Council and the Moscow Patriarchate invited Christian churches to develop closer ecumenical relationships, the first signs of ecumenism appeared in Lithuania. In 1965, the first ecumenical service was held in the Šilutė Lutheran Church, which was attended by representatives of four denominations. Such ecumenical relations soon became a common phenomenon in Soviet Lithuania. The article analyzes the origins of the ecumenical movement and its development in Lithuania, as well as the reaction of the Commissioner of the Council of Religious Affairs in Moscow for Lithuania to this new religious phenomenon.
The major for archeology of southeast Baltic of an era of Vikings are Korallenberge connected among themselves the settlement and Stangenwalde burial ground. These monuments of archeology are located in southwest part of Curonian Spit. The thesis about synchronism and communication among themselves “before - and early Ordertime” time in O. Tishler and other Prussian archeologists of the XIX century of doubt didn’t cause these two monuments. Nowadays this point of view was supported by R. A. Shiroukhov. Got by excavation on Korallenberge settlement the material allows to call into question synchronism of this settlement and a soil burial ground of Stangenwalde. The joint analysis of the finds occurring from these monuments to archeology, allows to assume that the population which has left traces in settlement activity on a platform of the settlement of the X-head of the XII centuries, buried dead on a site of a burial ground of Stangenwalde, while unknown to archeologists.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 83–96
Positive orientation has become widely recognized in many scientific fields during the last decade. Possible nature of positive orientation in social work could be derived from positive psychology. However this topic is just starting to be discussed and researched in Lithuania and other European countries. In this article the authors represent complementary social work approaches that are proved as effective in a contradiction to most applied and dominant in practice nowadays problem-oriented model of social work. Therefore, the aim of the article is to overview social work practices as a ground for starting modeling Positive Social Work (PSW). Literature analysis was employed to ground different approaches of social work and set the basis for possible Positive Social Work beginning.
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 83–90
In this article, the theoretical aspects of educational and social inclusion are considered. The level of educational services in Ukraine for children with disabilities is analysed. The basic problems of the successful implementation of educational and social inclusion into the educational process are specified. Practical recommendations for the development of educational inclusion in Ukraine are given.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 83–98
The Estonian concept of ecological networks (the Green Network) is implemented at different administrative levels by including multiple stakeholders. Building ecologically coherent Green Infrastructure is also one strategic aim of the European Union’s environmental policy. An embedded case study shows that contradictions between governance levels and ineffective stakeholder involvement measures have caused negative influence on land use decision-making processes on a local level. We further identified that the process of integrating the ecological network concept into the land use planning system has characteristics of vertical decentralisation, but the lack of relevant coordination have precluded achieving satisfactory results regarding stakeholder involvement and co-operation.
In the article results of the comparative analysis of world experience of stimulation of innovative-investment process through the formation of a favorable tax climate are generalized. Development of tax stimulation of innovation activity is considered as a crucial factor in building a new model of economic growth. It is concluded that within the subject principle there are three elements of the stimulation instrument: amortization privileges, preferences concerning the profits tax, indirect measures of tax stimulation. Conclusions on potential use of foreign tax instruments of stimulation of innovation activity in the Russian conditions are presented.