The paper is dedicated to the generalisation of the investigations results for the 13th–15th Curonian Spit archaeological sites, with the analyse of the main types of finds and supposed Prussian and Curonian contact zone problem. Last decade’s established theories about the 13th–15th Curonian Spit archaeological sites populaton are also reviewed and revised. Unpublished till now new archaeological investigations and archival data is reflected in this study.
Volume 79, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 115–124
The article deals with the profession of Caritative social worker, its legitimate status in Latvia, as well with historical roots of the profession and its methodology. It is based on the Judeo-Christian anthropological paradigm and is reflected in European guidelines for Social work development, stemming from the founders’ of the European Union concept of the Social stand of man and human dignity as spiritual subject.
Volume 78, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 115–128
The article deals with the problem of domestic violence against women and assesses the expression of this phenomenon in the context of a society approach. The statistical construct of this phenomenon confirms the assumption that the establishment of legal fundamentals for protection against violence is linked to a process of changing the society approach to this issue. The analysis of theoretical and legal discourse of domestic violence reveals that the consistent implementation of the strategy of legal protection of victims against domestic violence has enabled the creation of a specialized comprehensive assistance infrastructure system throughout the country, which provides access to appropriate medical, psychological, legal assistance and at the same time entitles the society to develop prevention programmes that help to establish intolerance towards violence. The Republic of Lithuania Law on Protection against Domestic Violence (2011) has laid strong foundations for the establishment of specialized assistance centres and implies the development of necessary infrastructure.
Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 115–126
This article is about the empirical research of the relationship between the components of communicative behaviour of young people. Article describes the basic components of communicative behaviour: communicative tolerance, social communicative competence, perceptual-interactive competence. These components make it possible to investigate holistically and comprehensively communicative behaviour of a person, as well as to build a correctional program for effective social dialogue construction. We describe the procedure and statistical methods to research communicative behaviour components. Analysis of relationships between components shows that the communicative behaviour of a person is build up through various systems of relationships between its components. Based on this, we found that components of communicative behaviour were dependent on characteristics of the educational environment (of such specializations as: humanitarian, technical, military). The revealed features of communicative behaviour can be used to resolve problems of discrimination, both within the student group and beyond.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 115–124
The article presents the concept of self-regulation which is based on social cognitive theory of self and identity. The study involves the self-integration and specialization of psychological knowledge of subject-activity theory, structural and functional specificity of self-learning of students with developmental delays, improvement of self-interpretation of mental activity of a student in the learning process. In given conditions teaching self-regulation to students with developmental delays is considered as an act of “trial and error” analysis of conditions, the task of understanding the existing knowledge assumptions (hypotheses), thinking and planning meaningful actions and focused management of substantive actions within integrated system of effective actions and operations, including cognitive processes.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 115–126
In the article there are analysed factors influencing implementation of innovations in Klaipėda city tourism sector. There are discussed the global changes noticeable in Lithuania tourism sector as well. On the basis of conducted in-depth interview with experts there are identified factors, which impede the realization of plans of implementation of innovations in enterprises of the tourism sector such as the following: lack of funding; the problem of attracting investors; unfocused tourism policy, formed in Klaipėda city; not prepared city tourism strategy and its underlying goals; insufficient efforts to attract tourists from neighboring countries. Analysis of the findings showed that with all identified failings there are named technological factors (IT technologies) as the most influencing factors determining implementation of innovations in Lithuania tourism sector, on the basis of which working efficiency may be enhanced and service quality may be improved.
Volume 69, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 115–126
Purpose of the article – to review features of psychological counseling at Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU) and possibilities to apply extensive scale of preventive measures within University. Student mental health is a concern of the whole university community. The paper presents the specific cases and features, according to which the faculty administration should direct the student to a career center (CC) psychologist. The paper gives specific recommendations on how to improve collaboration within the University in order to take care of students’ mental health. The article presents the student’s “XY” case study that illustrates the lack of communication and co-operation within the University. The paper discusses the need to change universities applying procedure in order to assess the student’s mental health to avoid serious problems in studying process.
This article presents burial rites of State of Lithuania in the 13th and 14th centuries, reveals its features and searches for the interaction between the burial rites and the development of the society. Burial rites are analyzed in a broad context of processes: the spreading of the cremation, the reformation of the religion, the unification of the material culture, the disappearance of regional differences and the establishment of the Lithuanian nation. Furthermore, the data of anthropology and genetics is examined. In the article, the burial rites of the 13th and 14th centuries are seen as an integral part of the evolution of State of Lithuania.
The border effect of Russian and Belarusian border on Latgale electoral district has been analysed in this research. The proportionof Latvians in Latgale border area is a lot smaller in total than in the rest of the Latgale territory and the proportion of all the rest ofthe ethnic minorities in the border area is a lot higher while the number of votes for political parties with a mostly Latvian citizenelectorate is proportionally higher. The obtain results indicate that the border effect on the election results for political parties is notstatistically significant.
Disintegration of the USSR and join of Baltic States to European Union made this one a border territory between Russia and EU. After the collapse of Former Soviet Union, the new boundary remained almost easy to cross. In the beginning of the 21th century, it became no more fuzzy but rather fixed. Since European enlargement that had taken place in 2004, the crossing has become more regulated. People need visas that meant administrative papers and cost. The evolution of cargo flows has been more contrasted. Economic policies, political stakes and traditional links, are elements to understand East Baltic area. Kaliningrad Oblast, the Russian exclave lying by the Baltic Sea, strengthens the interest of the purpose.