The article examines the stereotypes of the Ukrainian, Russian and Lithuanian linguo-cultures of cooperative communicative behaviour in the context of cognitive and communicative categories of cooperativity. The process and mechanisms of stereotyping the national communicative behaviour have been characterized, the individual and collective stereotypical impressions about the concept of “cooperativity”, as well as the cooperative linguistic individual in Ukrainian, Russian and Lithuanian communicative cultures have been identified on the results of empirical research (due to the socio- and psycholinguistic experiments). The universal and national specific parameters of auto- and hetero-stereotypes of Ukrainian, Russians and Lithuanians on their level of cooperativity in communication have been established.
Straipsnyje pristatoma dviejų šiaurės žemaičių kretingiškių tarmei atstovaujančių šaltinių – „Ziwato“ (1759) ir „Purpuros isganima“ (tiksli leidimo data nežinoma) – intarpinių ir sta kamieno veiksmažodžių morfologinė struktūra. Šiuose šaltiniuose užfiksuoti intarpiniai ir sta kamieno veiksmažodžiai analizuojami morfologinės struktūros požiūriu gretinant juos su XX a. antrojoje pusėje surinktame „Kretingos tarmės žodyne“ pateiktais duomenimis ir išryškinant analizuojamų veiksmažodžių sistemos kitimus bei inovacijas. Gauti duomenys lyginami ir su kitų šiaurės žemaičių kretingiškių autorių – Motiejaus Valančiaus ir Simono Daukanto – kalbos faktais bei „Lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ duomenimis.
Lapkričio mėnesį, kai krikščioniškajame pasaulyje nuodugniau apmąstomas santykis su mirusiaisiais, man vienam pirmųjų teko pasinerti į monografijos „Krikščioniškoji eschatologija“ mirties apmąstymų gelmes. Džiaugiuosi, kad dar neišgyvenęs savosios mirties gelmių, pirmiausia galėjau nerti į paskutiniųjų dalykų gelmes per knygos puslapius, kuriuose formuojamas teisingas, atviras, viltingas požiūris į mirtį. Tad norisi pasidalinti keliomis įžvalgomis, kilusiomis skaitant Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos akademiko A. Ramono monografiją, kurioje pateikiama žmonijos kelrodžio į amžinybę paieška, akademiškai atskleidžiamas paskutiniųjų dalykų grožis.
Polish language in Latgale today is only one of many languages spoken in the local community. The Polish minority here forms seven per cent of population but Polish language, which extended to the territory during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, is in fact threatened with extinction. The regiolect in question is mainly exposed to the influence of the Russian and to a smaller extent Latvian language, thus it extensively incorporates foreign linguistic units. The report aims at describing some structural and semantic peculiarities of verbs functioning in the spoken variety of Latgalian Polish. Current research is based on interviews with eighty-six Poles born from 1922 till 2006 representing all generations of the local Polish minority.
The article focuses on kuršininkai ethnic group living in the Curonian Spit since 15th C. as an object of scientific investigations at the end of 19th C. and the beginning of the 20th C. My attention is paying also to the reasons which stimulated scientists interest to this small ethnic community cultural traditions in the German Empire, where the policy of ethnic minorities levelling was growing sharpat that time. I emphasize in this my article the importance of Franz Tetzner’s cultural perceptivity concerning kuršininkai ethnic culture transformations in the context of processes of modernisation and assimilation. It is very important to have a comprehensive information from Tetzner investigations on such ethnic traditions of already disappeared kuršininkai community at present times. This information helps us to understand much better the specific features of kuršininkai local identity (such as Latvian speaking at home, specific customs, fishery terms) and their ties with Prussian Lithuanians’ culture traditions (Evangelical Lutheran confession, Lithuanian language in the church and at school). The investigations from this my article have an idea to enrich particular research works on historical Prussian Lithuania region cultural heritage.
The article focuses on the study of the concept LAW / ЗАКОН in the English and Ukrainian linguacultures. The verbal representation of the concept LAW / ЗАКОН has been analyzed from a diachronic perspective. The system of semantic changes affecting the emergence of modern English and Ukrainian legal terminology has been reconstructed. The basic archetypes of the Anglo-Saxon and Ukrainian legal cultures have been detected. The comparative analysis of paremiological representation of the concept LAW / ЗАКОН in the English and Ukrainian languages has been conducted. The universal and national specific conceptions of the Anglo-Saxon and Ukrainian ethnoses of the phenomenon of law have been revealed. The influence of folklore on the development of legal thinking of the Anglo-Saxons and Ukrainians has been described.
The article presents and analyses the ethnomusicological terminology used by Professor Mykolas Biržiška (1882–1962), an outstanding scholar, publicist, and researcher of traditional Lithuanian songs. The scientific activity of M. Biržiška was very extensive. He researched old Lithuanian literature, wrote textbooks, and published many articles. They include ‘The Life and Writings of Donelaitis’, ‘Textbook of Lithuanian Song Literature’, ‘The History of Our Literature’, ‘Our Ancient Writings’, ‘Old Vilnius University’, ‘Lithuanian Geography’, and others. He was particularly interested in the history of traditional Lithuanian culture, and tried to systematise Lithuanian literature, provide a general overview of it, and systematise all collected Lithuanian folk songs. He drew attention to various important features of Lithuanian folk songs in his writings. An important part of this research was devoted to the analysis of the composition of Lithuanian folk songs and the development of a system for their classification. In Biržiška’s times the dictionary of Lithuanian ethnomusicological terminology had not yet been formed, so he had to create new terms and propose new concepts for these terms. His works on the creation of ethnomusicological terminology are also of interest to contemporary scholars: ethnomusicologists, folklorists, and researchers of traditional Lithuanian singing and instrumental folklore.
Many Hungarian small and medium enterprises are facing problems using management methodologies. Strategic management consulting is a common type of business consulting and is one of the most important in the field. The article analyses two previous Hungarian surveys with the aim of better understanding the market. Two surveys are compared with each other and the size of the Hungarian strategic consulting market is calculated based on secondary data. Trends and problems in the industry are also described briefly. The findings of this paper help to better understand what is happening in the industry.
The tasks of the article are: 1) to survey the EU and the Lithuania documents about R&D priorities and initiatives; 2) to analysis the situation of published applications according to date of filing the application; 3) to determine the main R&D smart specialization directions according to published subclasses of International Patent Classification. To achieve these goals the analysis of scientific literature and survey research was used. The study reviewed 2005–2013 the Lithuanian State patent official Gazette and implemented published patent applications situation analysis.
Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 143–154
The article discloses socialization of children in the family aspects associated with parental psychopathology influence. Children’s emotional experience is classified according to personality traits and experiences of abuse. In summary, children and experts approach the evaluation data, distinguished teaching aid possible, on the organization of the difficulties and problems. The empirical basis of the article – the original master thesis study revealing parental psychopathology, socialization as a risk factor characteristics. Bring out the problems of poor exploration, caused by lack of information, educational excellence and the lack of experience, the prevailing public attitudes and stereotyped situations.