Innovations and innovative activities are becoming themost important feature of a country or region development. For this reason agreat amount of literature highlights this topic. There are a lot of documents,strategies and programs signed which try to enhance business competitivenessand productivity. Formation of regional policy should make that thisdevelopment will ensure a high quality of life throughout the country. Economicgrowth of countries in encouraging to look for more efficienty, which isdirectly related with innovative entities. The significance of innovations isthe focus of EU regional policy. Although the innovation phenomenon is widelyanalyzed, consistent and specified concept is not formulated. Thus, this paperwill primarily discuss the diversity of innovation concept and interface withthe regional concept. Another part of the work aims to reveal the determinantsof the regional development influencing innovation activities by differentauthor’s approaches. The final section of this paper is to present adoptedmethodological matrix for innovativeness evaluation for regions in Lithuania.In Lithuaniainnovativeness is counted just on a country’s level, no territorial importanceis emphasised. Even though innovations are closely related with regionalpolicy. So the main purpose of this paper is to make methodological basis formore detailed (in a territorial contex) analysis of innovativeness in Lithuania’sregions.
The article presents the practice of Capacity Building project (CBP) activities underlining the sustainable development importance in the context of Cross Border Cooperation, which was implemented in Denmark, Germany, Poland, Sweden and Lithuania. The article is based on the analysis of statistical data and South Baltic Program documents adopted by the European Commission. The knowledge and experience of CBP formulated in this paper could be useful for future capacity building initiatives in the South Baltic region or in other territorial cooperation programmes. Article authors were official representatives of this project in Lithuania Region and actively participated during the Capacity Building project activities implementation process, took responsibilities during the interview and questionnaire givens collecting in Lithuania, were mentoring the Rent-of-Expert process and made individual consultations, organized trainings and workshops.
As the subprime credit crisis has attracted attention to financial derivative instruments, more frequently arises questions about fairvalue calculations. Over the time, different models had been introduced. All of those models take into account factors affectingprices. Mostly, factors used in calculations on the same type of financial instruments are approximately the same. Therefore questionarises, which factor affects price more and which less, with no matter which model would be used for fair value calculations. One offinancial derivative instrument types is options. Options are agreements, which give to option buyer rights to buy or sell underlyingasset. While the seller or writer of option has obligation to buy or sell underlying asset. This research aims to explore the impact offactors on option fair value calculations and evaluate most important ones from those, which could be chosen by option buyer orseller. To reach the aim of research following tasks are developed: 1) review of fair value calculation models; 2) compare results ofusage of different models and changes in affecting factors; 3) highlight differences between option price affecting factors, modelsused in calculations and results provided. Research includes literature review and analysis of option pricing results. Option pricecalculations are based on historical option prices, using black-Scholes and Binomial option pricing models.
Emigracijos procesai, vykstantys Lietuvoje, vis dar kelia nerimą dėl didėjančio masto, todėl svarbi tiek mokslinė, tiek praktinėproblema ir siekiamybė ištirti emigracijos priežastis bei įvertinti galimas pasekmes šaliai. Straipsnyje analizuojamos emigracijosLietuvoje priežastys ir padariniai. Lietuvoje ir užsienyje gyvenančių respondentų atsakymai patvirtino nuomonę, kad išvykstamadažniausia dėl ekonominių priežasčių, deja, kvalifikuoti darbuotojai dažniau išvyksta siekdami didesnių saviraiškos, karjeros galimybių.Padariniai: pablogėjusi demografinė situacija, mažėjantis gimstamumas, silpstanti atsakomybė už artimus žmones, į biudžetąnesurenkami pinigai.
The article focuses on problems of chronology and textual development in the Ruthenian translation of the Czech Lucidarius. This translation is known from five published and one unpublished Cyrillic manuscript copies written between the second quarter of the 16th and the early 19th century. A new explanation of the information contained in these manuscripts regarding the time of the translation and the dating of the Czech original is proposed. Particular attention is paid to establishing the initial structure and sequence of the texts in the Ruthenian translation, which reflect its non-extant Czech printed source.
The author of the article deals with the nature of Ukrainian marriage ceremony and content of its main components. Regional differences of historical Uman wedding was investigated and revealed its educational potential. It was noted that Uman wedding with its songs accompaniment included a layering of many ages, the echoes of old ideas and beliefs, heathen symbols. The author proved that wedding had in its meaning high moral and ethical ideals of the people that included experience of many generations. The main task of the research is restoration and revival in youth-wedding ritual customary traditions, and most importantly, wedding texts with their deep educational content.
This paper describes the difference between business social network sites and private social network sites under consideration of the employment seeking process. The objective of the paper is to explain the different use of social network sites for different purpose. The use of social network sites can be explained with social capital theory which has been tested with the collected data. This paper test if the social capital theory can be expanded to explain social network sites under consideration of the employment seeking process for Xing as business SNS and Facebook as private SNS. The purpose of this article: According the survey to analyze the difference of social network sites explained with the employment seeking process. The research methods: analysis of scientific literature, interpretation, quantitative research, data analysis using SPSS program. The research method has been an online survey with 271 young SNS members who are participants for the research project. The sample has a gender bias which has to be under consideration by the interpretation of the results.
Development of agriculture is a substantial element of a balanced development of a country, comprising the development of agricultural, forestry and fishery sectors as well as the aggregate of other economic, social, and ecological activities related to the rural environment. The two main types of state aid provided to agriculture and rural development include direct and indirect support. The state aid shall be fully consistent with the basic guidelines of the European Community regarding the support for agriculture. The aim of the research is to discuss the legal regulation in the sphere of state aid allocation and to analyse the dynamics and impact of allocated national subsidies for the development of agriculture and rural development. Currently, the requirements for allocation state aid in the form of subsidies undergo fundamental amendments within the framework of simplification of regulatory enactments of the EU CAP. The amendments relate to both the content and procedures of the requirements. The goal is to speed up the conformation and approval of state aid payments and to simplify the requirements for allocation of subsidies. It is envisaged that the amendments would not affect the targets of subsidies but they would provide more earmarked state support.
Straipsnyje analizuojamas Lietuvos identitetas Europoje, pateikiant įžvalgas civilizacijų ir istorinės perspektyvos kontekste. Pateikiama įžvalgų apie civilizacijų įtaką šalies identitetui ir regionų skirstymo problemas, atskleisti šalies identiteto formavimosi aspektai, analizuojant praeities ir dabarties politinius įvykius. Mokslinės literatūros analizė ir sintezė atskleidė, kad Lietuvai reikėtų imti pavyzdį iš Vidurio Europos šalių. Dėl bendros istorinės patirties, kultūros, tikslų ir mentaliteto derėtų labiau save sieti su Centrinės Europos valstybėmis – Čekija, Slovakija, Vengrija ir Lenkija.