Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 171–190
This article analyzes the survival strategies of homeless men in the night shelters and in the street. Homeless people face social and economic lack of resources and because of that, their daily life is related with hope to meet their minimal needs: to find the shelter and food, to protect themselves from the cold and violence. The article presents empirical study the goal of which was to find out how the homeless people construct their hope to survive the homelessness on the streets and shelters. The results of the research show that homeless men use these survival strategies: in order to get food they go to the charity canteens, get food from their friends, try to buy food with their minimal incomes or beg in the streets. In order to protect themselves from the violence homeless men try to be open-eyed at any time of the day, take the role of “conflict fighter” or try to be brave and proud when there is a threat to their health. Trying to protect themselves from the cold homeless people look for the relevant things and find remote places to hide from wind and cold.
In this paper the author has developed place marketing strategy model for Latgale region that could be used as the base for working out programs of social and economic development. The author defines essence and specific of the marketing places conception, analyses Latgale region as marketing object based on segmentation and research of target markets. Interrogatory methods were used to investigate target audience of the region. The results of analysis of Latgale region and the results of the research of its target markets became empirical base for Latgale region place marketing strategy model. The developed place marketing strategy for Latgale region is based on regular and systematic investigation of the condition of the territory and its development tendencies in order to take rational decisions and to choose the priority development directions in the conditions of limited resources in accordance with real or potential demand of the target markets and to allocate the existing resources for its satisfaction.
This article is aimed to describe linguistic metaphors and to reconstruct the conceptual metaphors which determine the origin of these linguistic metaphors in Tony Blair’s political discourse. Political discourse is an object of discourse analysis, which studies political language with special consideration of its contextual factors. Research into political discourse is an accelerating trend of modern linguistics that includes the findings of different branches of the humanities such as logic, philosophy, political psychology, sociology, etc.This study presents and examines conceptual metaphors and the identification of metaphorical expressions in Blair’s political texts. The majority of metaphorical expressions forms a particular system, which can be explained through their relations to conceptual metaphors – cognitive structures, existing in the sub-conscious, that determine the interpretation of the world and unfold through linguistic metaphorics.
Teritorija, iš kurios rinkti žodžiai, yra šiaurės rytiniame Klaipėdos krašto pakraštyje ir priklauso Klaipėdos rajonui. Žodžiai buvo renkami kelis dešimtmečius – iš pradžių įsidedami į galvą, o paskui surašyti popieriuje. Rašymas vyksta ir toliau, nes atmintis retkarčiais ką nors sugrąžina. Juk ir patys lietuvininkai, apsupti iš kitur atvykusių žmonių, daugelio savų žodžių jau nebevartoja ir net nebeprisimena. O ir mokančiųjų vakarų žemaičių tarmę Klaipėdos krašte liko tik apie 100. Gal kiek daugiau jų dar yra užsienyje. Bet daugelio jų amžius jau per 70 metų. Tad šis darbelis bent dalį senųjų klaipėdiškių žodžių išgelbės nuo užmaršties.
Tourism is a sophisticated activity of any national economy. The originality of regional tourism impacts the application of special mix of means concerning insufficient professional knowledge and competences of enterpreneurs in the frame of providence of high quality services, hence, the regional tourism development interferens with specific problems. By current driven factors in regional tourism, such as high entrepreneurship, investments, variety of serviness, warrant a new era of local economy and serve for the strategic tourism development as tools and specific scenario. Sustainable tourism sector accesses new stock of acitivities concerning competitiveness amplification and popularization or implication of new resources. The current task of research is to identify the impacts of sustainable tourism development in the frame of amplification of new tourism resources concerning business range and sustainability of regional development.
The folk song culture of southern Ukraine has only fragmentarily been studied. One of the most annoying blank spots is the traditions in areas where Ukrainian Cossack culture formed, the area of the Dnieper rapids and the adjacent territories (the lands of the modern Dnipropetrovsk region). Several expeditions were conducted there by ethnomusicologists from the 1990s to the 2020s. The article provides an overview of the main song genres obtained during these expeditions, and a general look at local song styles at the beginning of the 21st century.
The following article is devoted to determine what the main tendencies are concerning the Environmental Management Systems’ certification in the accordance with ISO 14001 and EMAS’ registrations in the years 1999–2013 from a different countries’ perspective. Giving examples of representative quantitative data, the author presents dynamics of the growth of environmental management systems and also absolute positional qualifications (describing numbers of certificates and registrations), as well as relative qualifications (presenting numbers of certificates and registrations per million residents) in various European countries. The quantitative analyses that have been conducted show a general increasing tendency regarding the number of certificates and registrations. Looking from a perspective of different European countries, Italy and Spain have gained highest evaluation concerning the certification of environmental management systems according ISO 14001 and registration in EMAS.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 169–190
The laws regulating the educational system of the Republic of Lithuania guard the right of every person to receive eligible education meeting the needs and abilities of such persons. It is emphasised that the compulsory education should be accessible to all children irrespective of their abilities and needs. Thus one of the fundamental features of educational system is to create conditions for children with developmental disorders for learning according to programs adjusted to their needs and abilities and to seek optimal learning achievements by applying special teaching aids and methods. Many recent research works go deeper into various phenomena of integrated learning process. There is an obvious necessity to analyse the possible educational solutions for integrated learning of concrete subjects by students with various impairments. The present article deals with special aspects of teaching geography to students with mild intellectual disabilities.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 169–182
The technological revolution gives the opportunity to upgrade the quality in education, through new ways of learning. Self-regulated learning is an active and constructive process where self regulated learning proposes learning strategies in monitoring regulations. The aim of this study was to investigate the process and the benefits of the application of self-regulated learning to groups of learners. Findings of this study, demonstrated that self regulated learning in groups of students effectively regulated the learning process of all participants in the study.
The subject of the research is the entrepreneurial potential of young people in the development of rural green tourism in Ukraine. Studies of trends in the rural labour market in terms of modernisation of the agrarian sector and the impact of world trends in transforming the role of rural territories have been taken into account. The development of entrepreneurship in the agricultural and industrial complex, including rural tourism, is one way of solving the youth employment problem. In the study, the authors rely on an assessment of the potential of rural green tourism in Ukraine, which is significant. The main directions of youth entrepreneurship in rural green tourism are identified. The article focuses on promoting the realisation of the potential of youth in rural green tourism businesses. Specific examples show features of labour motivation and highlight opportunities for its increase in entrepreneurship in rural green tourism. It is proposed to create conditions for the activation of youth entrepreneurship in rural green tourism. The authors come to the conclusion that modern youth, as a specific socio-demographic group, are a reserve for the multiplication of the labour force in the agricultural sector, and are a strategic resource for the development of rural areas through entrepreneurship in various fields, including rural green tourism.