The long-term principle concept is based on setting and achieving a vision for the future of coastal zone management. The vision for the sustainable development of coastal zone management includes utilizing new advances in scientific, technical, social and economic understanding of coastal sustainability. The coastal environment, dunes and beaches are outstanding natural assets. Their wildlife, cultural, historical and archaeological resources should be passed on to future generations in similar or better conditions than they are currently. The principle of long-term management can be analyzed according to these definitions (economics, ecology, ethics) concepts: comprehensive overview of systems, detailed investigation of issues, and the planning development of management practices that have a positive effect on the future.
2016-ųjų rudens tarptautinėse etnomuzikologų konferencijose svarbios buvo etnoinstrumentologinės temos. Rugsėjo 20–25 d. Sardinijoje vyko Kaljario universiteto Istorijos, kultūros ir teritorinio paveldo katedros ir Santu Lussurgiu miestelio bendruomenės surengta XXXII Europos etnomuzikologų seminaro (ESEM) konferencija „Muzikos, muzikų, muzikologų migracijos“ (angl. ‚Musics/ Music makers/ Musicologistsʼ transhumance‘). Jos pavadinime visų pasaulio šalių muzikinių migracijų, įvairių kelionių ir persikėlimų formoms ir temoms aprėpti simboliškai taikytas terminas transhumansas. Jis reiškia sezoninį kalnų regionų piemenų migravimą kartu su ganomomis gyvulių bandomis: išgynimą pavasarį į kalnų ganyklas ir sugrįžimą rudenį į slėnius. Kaip žinoma, visose šalyse piemenys ganydami mėgdavo dainuoti ar groti, turėdavo sau būdingus, dažniausiai pučiamuosius, muzikos instrumentus. Todėl šios konferencijos moksliniuose pranešimuose, neretai iliustruojamuose vaizdo siužetais, ir pačių autorių komentuojamuose etnografiniuose filmuose daug dėmesio skirta ne tik vokaliniam, bet ir instrumentiniam tradiciniam muzikavimui.
This article presents an analysis of the nicknames of the residents of the eastern part of Šilalė district, mainly Kaltinėnai, Bijotai and Upyna country-side districts. The nicknames are being classified according to some motivational personal features. The motivation groups of the nicknames are reviewed and described in details; moreover, it is established which personal features are mostly paid attention to by people from the Šilalė district. Specific cases of the nicknames’ formal structure are noticed and being discussed as well. After reviewing statistics of the examined districts nicknames motivation, it is compared to other nickname motivation of the whole Lithuania or separate ethnographic regions.
The appearance of portrait miniature is traditionally dated back to the 16th century when the miniature became a portrait genre. The Reformation processes occurring in Europe at the time also influenced the genesis of forms, technique and style of portrait miniatures. This paper focuses on the factors (related to the Reformation) which affected the formation of new images embodied in H. Holbein’s and N. Hilliard’s works. The rise of the portrait miniature as a new type of portrait, its features, and uniqueness of its properties are explained through the study of certain political, social, and cultural aspects of the Reformation movement in the context of English art.
Šioje etnomuzikologinėje knygoje apžvelgiama lietuvių muzikos kaita nuo XX a. pradžios, kai Lietuvos kaimuose dar tebegyvavo ir buvo iš kartos į kartą perduodamos polifoninės giesmės sutartinės, iki XXI a. pradžios, kai sutartines ėmė puoselėti miestiečių bendruomenė, jos tapo nebe paveldimos, o išmokstamos. Šią kaitą, liaudies muzikos persikėlimą į miestą, jos gyvavimą urbanistinėje aplinkoje greta daugybės kitų muzikos stilių ir reiškia knygos pavadinimas „Nuo tradicinės polifonijos iki polifoninės tradicijos“. Tyrimas baigiamas žvilgsniu į šiuolaikinį miestą, kur muzika kuriama, jos klausomasi ir mokomasi pasitelkiant įvairias medijas, kur senosios polifoninės giesmės virsta „elektroninėmis sutartinėmis“.
This article deals with the study of Armenian anthroponymic system, particularly, with the morphological structure and etymological semantic of proper names. The aim of this article is to explore derivative models of proprial word formation in order to show the transformation of lexical units and grammatical units into proprial word formation morphemes. The question of interpretation of morphological structure of foreign proper names becomes actual by their rendering in other languages. A common rendering difficulty is caused by almost lack of any explicitly grammatical gender designation in Armenian personal names and surnames. Commen suffixes serve as proprial signals.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 249–273
This article analyzes the family policy in Lithuania in the light of the concept of subsidiarity. Family policy in Lithuania is not subsidiary but the last decade have seen some examples of the application of subsidiarity through the activities of the non-governmental sector as well as communities’ and families‘ participation in development of the family policy. According to the analysis of literature, law, documents and experts’ interviews insights, the article delineates the assumptions of the development and entrenchment of the principle of subsidiarity in Lithuania. The analysis shows how the principle of subsidarity provides opportunities to revitalize the civil sector develop and implement human-centered and empowerment strategies and reduce the public authorities control mechanisms and operation costs.
This article analyzes the question of the correct use of the phrases for the verb aptarnauti or the forms of this verb. The article discusses the semantic structure of these words and their disparate interpretation in the dictionaries of Lithuanian language. The data is collected from the Corpus of Modern Lithuanian Language, the sources of various functional styles, and the survey shows the real usage of the verb aptarnauti (and the noun aptarnavimas). The correctness of the usage of the examples is analyzed and special attention is given to some problematic cases that require more detailed analysis. This research indicates that some of the phrases, which users view as incorrect, comply with the language norm and specifically describe the characteristics that can help distinguish correct phrases from incorrect phrases.
Basing on critical analysis of Latvia households’ consumption expenditure structure during the period from 2003 until 2010, the authors have identified the main tendencies of changes and characterized the main macroeconomic indicators, which have seriously influenced the consumption structure during different phases of economic cycle. The authors have applied econometric methods to characterize the correlation of particular consumption expenditure groups’ proportion with households’ consumption expenditure. The analysis enabled the authors to detect, which consumption expenditure groups exactly are the most important for ensuring the welfare level, and E. Engel’s regularity was also discussed in this respect. The analysis of the data obtained in scope of the households’ member survey enabled the authors to identify the main directions of consumer behaviour changes during the economic recession period and present proposals for improvement of consumption as a significant indicator of country’s welfare and sustainable development.
2016 m. pavasarį klaipėdiečiams buvo pristatyta Klaipėdos universiteto mokslininkės Jūratės Lubienės monografija Lietuvių kalbos mikonimai: nominacija ir motyvacija. Gausiai į Klaipėdos etnokultūros centrą susirinkusiems klausytojams tema pasirodė įdomi. Ir tikrai, klaũsė ir kláusė, dalijosi grybavimo papročiais ir grybų vardais. Visus grybus autorė pažino ir į knygą su spalvingomis jų nuotraukomis sudėjo. Ir ne bet kaip sudėjo, bet pagal vardo prigimtį surikiavo.