Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 223–244
With the popularisation of education in health care, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, thereby strengthening all-round health, with physical, mental and emotional well-being, becomes more relevant. The aim of the article is to reveal the possibilities of education in a healthy lifestyle based on the point of view and experience of health-care specialists. The questionnaire survey of health-care specialists showed that the respondents have a positive attitude towards the need for the education of individuals in a healthy lifestyle, but they lack knowledge about strengthening personal health and education in a healthy lifestyle. Although the respondents’ approach to education in a healthy lifestyle is complex, their health behaviour may not always be a suitable example to others. Not only the functions of information and education, but also guidance, consulting and assistance are important to the interviewees, but they lack the skills of educational competence to perform them. In addition, health-care professionals lack sufficient knowledge and ability to apply educational methods, prepare tools, and use resources, and integrate education in a healthy lifestyle into health care.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 199–222
Because of uncertainties, which are influenced by major external events, such as pandemics, emergence of wars and other phenomena those keep testing organizational abilities to survive and thrive. This article aims to review the existing research on organizational resilience especially in the face of global COVID-19 pandemic – in particular, which factors constitute a successful resilience model. Three branches of organizational resilience were defined and analyzed as follows: knowledge base, resource availability, and social resources & power. Theoretical and empirical research results create a basis for further research in order to analyze the phenomenon of organizational resilience in a broader sense, by adapting a complex approach and covering different sectors.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 180–198
This study examines the influence of historical imprints on attitudes towards volunteering among Lithuanians. Using imprinting theory, we explored how the historically evolved Soviet imprints have influenced modern attitudes toward formal volunteering. Quantitative data analysis (N=358) revealed that some Soviet imprints might have decayed, while some were strong enough to survive until modern times to affect attitudes towards formal volunteering. This study examined three Soviet attitudinal imprints: negative attitudes towards non-governmental organisations, external power primacy, and the authoritarian outlook. The results showed that while some imprints might have decayed, some have survived until today. Our findings underscore the enduring impact of Soviet imprints, and suggest that addressing these historical influences is crucial for enhancing volunteering among citizens of post-Soviet regions.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 171–179
Archbishop Mečislovas Reinys is one of the most outstanding personalities of the 20th century. He was a professor, minister of foreign affairs, priest and martyr. Throughout his life, Reinys tried to spread the truths of the faith. The quest to protect both Lithuania and the whole of Western Europe from the collapse of civilisation after the loss of its Christian foundations led Reinys to the martyr’s crown. Although the articles published in the newspaper Naujoji Lietuva between 1940 and 1944 were rather conservative, they emphasise the tragedy of a society that has lost God as a landmark and a foundation. Reinys not only warned about the imminent catastrophe of Western Europe losing the basis of its civilisation, God and Christian values, but also called primarily for a cultural-ideological struggle using all possible weapons, because matter without spirit leads to destruction. It should be stated that Reinys’ written legacy is not collected and systematised today, and his articles published between 1940 and 1944 in the daily Naujoji Lietuva especially lack a detailed and critical scientific approach. In this article, I do not aim to critically assess Reinys’ statements, but look at them with an apologetic eye in order to analyse and actualise the main topic: the fight against godlessness. The first part of the article discusses the historical context that undoubtedly influenced the publication of these articles. The second part of the article examines the content of the articles published in the daily Naujoji Lietuva.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 151–170
This article presents the results of a study on the levels of knowledge, skill, management and attitudes of physiotherapists working in Lithuania, regarding the application of electrical stimulation (ES) in clinical practice. The study was conducted as part of the Erasmus+ European Union-funded vocational training project ‘The Importance of Clinical Electrical Stimulation in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation’ (CK4Stim). A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with 31 physiotherapists, who completed a questionnaire developed by the project partners to assess their levels of knowledge, skill, management and attitude towards ES. The surveys were conducted using the Google Forms platform. Statistical data analysis of the study was performed using the SPSS 21.0 program. Although the results varied depending on the question, most participants indicated that their level of knowledge regarding the application of ES for various conditions was average. Less than 50% of the participants rated their skill and management level of ES as average. The types of current chosen by participants for the treatment of different conditions varied greatly, and in many cases, the selected sequences of ES currents were inappropriate. In conclusion: the participants generally considered their knowledge and attitude levels to be average, but their skill and management levels were below average. We found that the level of knowledge, skill, management and attitude of physiotherapists working in Lithuania is below average, so it is necessary to change these aspects in the clinical, evidence-based practice of physiotherapists.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 131–150
A social worker’s individual work with the client, empowerment and leadership as the professionalisation of social work are analysed in the research article. This area of social work activity has become especially relevant in recent years, due to the new functions that have been taken over: the empowerment of clients who come out of prison. The article emphasises the change in the relationship between the social worker and the client, as well as the need for diverse methods of social work and the search for innovative solutions. The social worker’s activity in the community, and the change of attitudes while presenting a positive image of the client to achieve greater social participation, are reviewed in the article. The results of the qualitative study are presented with the content analysis method. The aim of the study was to bring to light the most essential competencies for social workers which allow them to achieve the greatest social participation results for people coming out of prison. In total, nine social workers who work directly with clients after prison took part in the qualitative study. The findings of the research revealed that social workers are in need of broadening their competencies. The most important qualities mentioned by social workers in competencies were: empathy, communication, and motivation. They tend to be the most essential factors determining social workers’ possibilities to construct the social support and better integration of clients into society. The study also revealed that social workers need continuous improvement, participation in training, and the use of various methods and programmes, in order to implement their new functions effectively.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 114–130
The study aimed to better understand elementary students’ mental health and well-being before and after the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as whether there are differences in elementary students’ self-reported mental health between racial groups. Minnesota Student Survey results were analysed, and the results of Bonferroni post-hoc tests found significant differences in worrying a lot and feeling sad between racial groups. Hispanic or Latino/Latina students are significantly more likely to worry a lot than all other racial/ethnic groups. Black, African or African American students are significantly less likely to feel sad than all other racial/ethnic groups, except White students. Hispanic or Latino/Latina students reported the largest increases in worrying and feeling sad between 2019 and 2022. The study findings hold implications for practice, including building educators’ cultural responsiveness, increasing mental health support in the schools, and implementing social-emotional learning in elementary schools.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 94–113
The article focuses on problems of the integration of migrants in Lithuania from the perspective of social workers working in NGOs. The research highlights various difficulties that migrants face during their transition from migration to integration, such as mental, physical, socioeconomic, spiritual and other challenges. Also, language, housing, health care, education, socio-economic integration and self-identity were identified as common challenges faced by all groups of migrants during integration, with those from Third World countries facing more complex issues. These difficulties include issues related to financing, resettlement, access to hospitals and state institutions, nutrition, communication, identification, and more. The research emphasises the importance of a third party to ensure that the needs of migrants are met, and that they are treated normally and without discrimination. It also emphasises the need for migrants to be able to participate in decision-making, to prevent situations like mass demonstrations or attempts to create a state within a state. Social workers in NGO settings play a crucial role in helping migrants integrate into Lithuanian society, and policymakers must develop policies and programmes that address the unique challenges faced by Third World migrants.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 77–93
The changes in migration flows in Europe have challenged not only those countries which have received a large influx of new residents, but also countries which had less experience of this in practice. One of the reasons is related to the fact that welcoming is followed by an integration process into different spheres of social life. Therefore, this research focuses on migrants’ integration into the host countries’ legal environment, particularly with respect to acquiring legal information. The study aims to answer what are the internal and external factors that contribute to new residents’ experience in acquiring knowledge in the host country’s legal environment. The results are based on analyses of the experiences of Ukrainian immigrants living in Lithuania and in Spain, focusing on the research subtopics: a) What are the conceptual challenges faced by new residents while integrating into the linguistic space of legal relations? (b) What are Ukrainians’ experiences in obtaining legal information in Lithuania and Spain? and c) What are the observed patterns for the dissemination of legal information? The analysis reveals that new residents face systemic and personal obstacles in accessing and applying information about the legal framework of the host country. Ukrainian citizens residing in both Lithuania and Spain face difficulties in obtaining information on legalities, although the challenges they face are not identical, due to the different institutional characteristics of the countries. The study shows that it is not the institutions, but rather an inner circle of informal contacts, that help obtain, verify and share knowledge about legal regulations.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 62–76
In this interdisciplinary article, the authors analyse the historical development of the Dutch state, the specificities of its governance, and its key features in the context of the 21st century. The theoretical analysis identifies the most important political, social, economic and cultural features, and their historical evolution. The situation of the current political-public governance is assessed. The paper analyses various scientific sources, statistical information and different historical phases in governance, which help to reveal not only the key strengths of the Dutch state, but also the challenges inherent to the Netherlands. The article expresses the opinion that an analysis of the good practice of the case of the Netherlands could be significant for the improvement of democratic and public governance processes in Lithuania.