Straipsnyje analizuojama rinkodaros partnerysčių specifika: pateikiama rinkodaros partnerystės apibrėžtis ir pristatoma nauda, nagrinėjami rinkodaros partnerysčių tipai, aptartas rinkodaros partnerysčių kūrimas ir pagrindiniai jo etapai, sudarytas ir ištestuotas sėkmingos rinkodaros partnerystės kūrimo modelis. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizavus rinkodaros partnerysčių specifiką sudaryti sėkmingos rinkodaros partnerystės kūrimo modelį. Sudarytas modelis leidžia visoms organizacijoms, besidominčioms rinkodaros partnerystėmis, įvertinti veiksnius, kurie užtikrina sėkmingą partnerystę, ir taip išvengti nesėkmių rinkodaros partnerysčių kūrimo procese.
In the world of the globalised economy, local socio-economic structures are gaining importance again. The economies of European countries, including Poland, are mostly based on SMEs, which constitute the majority of all enterprises, employing more than half of the employees in the national economy. In this context, local initiatives that bring together entrepreneurs operating in the area, local government bodies and scientific centres, should be considered, which, by working together, influence local development. The aim of the article is to show the importance of the SME sector against the background of trends in global entrepreneurship. The authors ask whether local government can stimulate local entrepreneurship in the SME sector, and consider the effectiveness of Local Economic Development workshops, referring to the example of the Otwock district. Workshops in Local Economic Development based on the model of the American workshops have developed practical results in the form of ready-to-implement projects. Moreover, they have revived the network of local contacts that is vital for regional entrepreneurship.
The issue of active citizenship is very topical in modern society. Particular attention is paid to the promotion of civic activity by youth and the creation of positive experience. National surveys show increasing engagement among young people in various activities, but they also show that young people are more likely to notice and see the threats posed by active citizenship. Therefore, the article aims to research the attitude of young people towards an assessment of active citizenship in society, the threats and benefits it brings. Qualitative research methods were used to gain a detailed and comprehensive understanding of attitudes: analysis of literature, focus group discussion, and content analysis. In the discussions, informants mentioned most often that citizenship is viewed both positively and negatively (especially in relation to political activity). The study revealed that when discussing the risks of active citizenship, young people mentioned most often the physical threats to the health and life of an active citizen when performing compulsory or voluntary military service. Other possible active citizenship threats indicated were: provoking intolerance and encouraging confrontation between different groups. The discussion also identified the perceived and noticed benefits of active citizenship to young people. Those most frequently mentioned by the informants were: helping groups or professions in difficulty; creating a better environment through basic putting in order and doing one’s duty. Some of the statements by the informants show that examples of active citizenship create a sense of community and tolerance, as well as being ‘contagious’ (setting an example) and encouraging young people to join various organisations.
The social impact of the EU’s climate policies is usually analysed putting the focus on climate neutrality goals, and not on citizens’ well-being. The affordability of energy and energy efficiency is rarely analysed through both running costs and investment costs. Unfortunately, when implemented, climate policies meet limitations from a number of social factors, including poverty and inequality, the share of disposable income spent on energy expenditure, and low incomes. They impact the population’s investment ability, and undermine the country’s capacity to overcome climate change challenges. In Bulgaria, there is no in-depth analysis of the overall economic and social impact of climate policies, despite the presence of separate studies partly examining some aspect or specific climate instrument. This article uses theoretical and secondary statistical methods and data to provide an analytical framework for such an analysis, and offers an identification of the social risks and a systematisation of the social factors impacting the management of climate policies set out in the National Energy and Climate Plan: a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, an increase in energy efficiency, and an increase in the share of renewable energy sources in consumption.
Due to growing environmental concerns, green marketing has become increasingly important in meeting consumer demand and improving a brand’s image and reputation. Green marketing follows the same principles as traditional marketing, but focuses on using eco-friendly materials, production methods, packaging, pricing, distribution channels, and promotion. By incorporating green marketing into a branding strategy, companies can benefit by creating a solid brand image and strengthening their position in a highly competitive market. This paper is based on a review of literature, and aims to summarise and classify extant research on green marketing. The paper reviews green marketing as a new way of creating a sustainable competitive advantage. The literature review establishes the difference between traditional competitive advantage and sustainable competitive advantage. Finally, it introduces a conceptual framework for the development of sustainable competitive advantage, including relationship marketing, green marketing, and the components of traditional competitive advantage.
Economic sustainability based on the triple bottom line is not new, but topical in the scientific discussion on the development of economic growth. International organisations globally, together with governments, budget an increase in funding for education as the main tool for sustainable annual economic growth. On the other hand, it is difficult to measure the outcome of financial effort, as it is an intangible asset. The current research is based on interviews with 20 professors and 20 students at Klaipėda University and LCC International University, to learn how they understand their role in economic development, and to verify the dependency of their desire to contribute more to their awareness. The findings of the qualitative research show that productivity by both students and educators depends on their awareness of their economic role. On the other hand, as the study shows the limitation of participants’ perception of their economic role, its promotion is suggested.
One of the most important aspects influencing the quality of life is education. The paper includes the research results from an analysis of how the level of education affects quality of life, and the development of different initiatives and values. An analysis of scientific literature is performed, with a more detailed analysis of data from Latvia, taking into account the level of household income and satisfaction with life. Research methods applied: analysis of scientific findings, analysis of time-series on several indicators of development related to different education indicators, and income indicators depending on educational level, with a calculation of income confidence interval with a probability of 0.95 for households with different educational levels. Data used in the research: data from databases of the Official Statistics Portal of the Republic of Latvia, Household Finance and Consumption Survey. The research results indicate that households in Latvia with a higher education have a significantly higher income than households with primary or no education.
Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje vaikai patenka į krizines situacijas, susiduria su šeimos problemomis, jiems kyla mokymosi sunkumų, visa tai veikia jų socialinę ir emocinę brandą. Vaikų ugdymu ir apsauga rūpinasi daug įvairių organizacijų, vis dėlto, be institucinės globos, jiems ypač svarbi individuali suaugusiojo parama ir socialinis palaikymas, tad kuriamos įvairios socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos programos, kurios rengia suaugusius savanorius, kurie pasiryžta tapti vaikų mentoriais. Straipsnyje analizuojamos savanorių, dalyvaujančių programoje “Big Brothers / Big Sisters” (BB / BS), veiklos galimybės teikiant pagalbą vaikams. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo trys grupės informantų: vaikai, tėvai (globėjai), savanoriai (16 dalyvių). Kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad visų trijų grupių informantai įžvelgia neabejotiną šios programos naudą vaikams. Savanoriai šioje programoje ne tik tampa vedliais sprendžiant vaikui iškylančias gyvenimiškas problemas „čia ir dabar“, bet ir sudaro geresnes sąlygas jų saviraiškai, padeda tobulinti vaikų bendravimo įgūdžius, skatina labiau pasitikėti savimi. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad šioje programoje dirbantiems savanoriams ypač svarbi profesionali programos koordinatoriaus pagalba, dalijimasis patirtimi su kitais savanoriais ir jos reflektavimas.
In scientific sources that deal with the activities of headmasters in educational institutions, the headmaster is considered to be one of the most important people in an educational institution, with the greatest authority, and on whom the success and smooth functioning of the institution depends. Every education system and educational institution needs a sufficient number of teachers to ensure that the demand for educational services is met. In face of the declining number of teachers, both in Lithuania and in Europe, strategic documents set targets to ensure a sufficient number of teachers by the end of the decade. The article analyses actions by headmasters of general education institutions directed at attracting new teachers, and the reasons for choosing a general education institution as a workplace for new teachers. It presents a study which found that headmasters attract new teachers by creating an organisational culture, and retain them by providing the support they need. Heads of educational establishments believe that attracting new teachers is not dependent on managerial decisions, and that better financial opportunities for the establishment would attract new teachers.
The article examines the crucial role of innovative analytical and statistical technology in electoral forensics, which are increasingly used for detecting and preventing electoral corruption and fraud. By analysing vast amounts of data and detecting anomalies, electoral forensic investigations can contribute to fair and transparent democratic processes. The research aims to explore the effectiveness of these technologies and their potential impact on improving the transparency and fairness of electoral processes, using a multi-method approach that includes analysing relevant documents, media coverage, public opinion, and recent fraud cases. The authors divide the implementation of innovative analytical and statistical technologies for combating election corruption into four groups. The first is the analysis of statistical data and research on corruption, including election processes, which can be called secondary data analysis. The second is the analysis of documentary data containing information on corrupt actions and offences, including election processes. The third is the development of mathematical methods and algorithms using cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning for detecting anomalies and hidden patterns. The fourth is experimental developments in information technologies as a means of ensuring proper governance and combating corruption. While the use of algorithms for detecting anomalies in electoral statistics data can be an important tool, it should be used with caution, and in combination with other sources of information, to avoid the consequences of delegitimising the election results.