Pub. online:15 Jun 2020Type:Source PublicationOpen Access
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 40 (2020): The Anti-Soviet Resistance: New Approaches to the Lithuanian Partisan War = Antisovietinė rezistencija Lietuvoje: partizaninio karo tyrimų naujos prieigos, pp. 143–377
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 40 (2020): The Anti-Soviet Resistance: New Approaches to the Lithuanian Partisan War = Antisovietinė rezistencija Lietuvoje: partizaninio karo tyrimų naujos prieigos, pp. 97–139
The survey and excavation of bunkers and dug-outs from the anti-Soviet partisan war in Lithuania which started in 2010 was a turning point both in the research into guerrilla warfare and Lithuanian archaeology. The next decade was marked by an increasing number of surveys and excavations at Lithuanian guerrilla war sites, the expanded directions of research, and their dissemination both to scholarly and general audiences becoming an integral part of Lithuanian archaeology. The article outlines the research into guerrilla war sites that were conducted in Lithuania between 2010 and 2019, presents their results, and discusses the survey and excavation directions of bunkers, dug-outs and their surroundings, camps, battlefields, disposal sites, and other partisan war sites. The author outlines the changes that have taken place in the research into the partisan war, and discusses the significance of archaeological data and the future prospects of research into the anti-Soviet partisan war in Lithuania as a separate field of archaeology.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 40 (2020): The Anti-Soviet Resistance: New Approaches to the Lithuanian Partisan War = Antisovietinė rezistencija Lietuvoje: partizaninio karo tyrimų naujos prieigos, pp. 69–95
Between 1944 and 1953, the Soviet security forces sought to suppress the armed resistance in Western Ukraine and Lithuania by applying similar kinds of measures. These resistance movements were not directly related to each other, but there were similarities and differences. In Western Ukraine, the movement covered a bigger area, with a correspondingly larger number of people living there, and the fighting, especially in the initial period, was fiercer compared to Lithuania. The article compares these anti-Soviet resistance movements according to several criteria. The author puts the main focus on issues of the suppression of the resistance, comparing the situations in Western Ukraine and Lithuania at the time. He examines critically the material left by the Soviet security forces, and analyses the use of the agency and military actions against the partisans. The research is based mostly on Soviet security agency documents preserved in the Haluzevyĭ derz͡havnyĭ arkhiv Sluz͡hby bezpeky Ukraïny (Sectoral State Archives of the SBU, the Ukrainian Security Service) in Kyïv. This material has not yet been widely used by Lithuanian historians, although it is relevant for understanding the mechanisms of the activities of the Soviet security forces, not only in Western Ukraine, but also in Lithuania.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 40 (2020): The Anti-Soviet Resistance: New Approaches to the Lithuanian Partisan War = Antisovietinė rezistencija Lietuvoje: partizaninio karo tyrimų naujos prieigos, pp. 25–67
Historians have so far analysed the historical narrative used for modern Lithuanian nation-building in terms of its structure, the main storylines and images, and the most important historical figures rooted in it. Previous studies have revealed how the narrative was constructed. However, less research has been done on how it was received by individual social groups. The article analyses the Lithuanian historical narrative promoted by partisans who participated in the anti-Soviet armed resistance in 1944–1953. The author discusses how the narrative was used to strengthen and perpetuate the struggle, and looks for connections between the organisational unification of the guerrilla fighters and their relationship with historical images and figures. She provides an outline of interpretations of history presented in writings by partisans of various ranks, and reveals features of the historical awareness of the resistance fighters. The main sources used for the research were publications (proclamations, bulletins, periodicals, etc) issued by the partisans. In addition, the author examines the pseudonyms used by 935 fighters, and the names that were given to their organisational units. Data from all three anti-Soviet resistance areas, southern, eastern and western Lithuania, are analysed.
Pub. online:15 Jun 2020Type:IntroductionOpen Access
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 40 (2020): The Anti-Soviet Resistance: New Approaches to the Lithuanian Partisan War = Antisovietinė rezistencija Lietuvoje: partizaninio karo tyrimų naujos prieigos, pp. 15–21
Pub. online:15 Jun 2020Type:IntroductionOpen Access
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 40 (2020): The Anti-Soviet Resistance: New Approaches to the Lithuanian Partisan War = Antisovietinė rezistencija Lietuvoje: partizaninio karo tyrimų naujos prieigos, pp. 7–14
Pub. online:15 Jun 2020Type:Editorial NoteOpen Access
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 40 (2020): The Anti-Soviet Resistance: New Approaches to the Lithuanian Partisan War = Antisovietinė rezistencija Lietuvoje: partizaninio karo tyrimų naujos prieigos, pp. 5–6
A method for the calculation of the one-particle generalized coefficients of fractional parentage for an arbitrary number of j-orbits with isospin and an arbitrary number of oscillator quanta (generalized CFPs or GCFPs) is presented. The approach is based on a simple enumeration scheme for antisymmetric many-particle states, an efficient algorithm for the calculation of the CFPs for a single j-orbit with isospin, and a general procedure for the computation of the angular momentum (isospin) coupling coefficients describing the transformation between different momentum-coupling schemes. The method provides fast calculation of GCFPs for a given particle number and produces results possessing small numerical uncertainties. The introduced GCFPs make it feasible calculation of expectation values of one-particle nuclear shell-model operators within the isospin formalism.
This paper is focused on the Bayes approach to multiextremal optimization problems, based on modelling the objective function by Gaussian random field (GRF) and using the Euclidean distance matrices with fractional degrees for presenting GRF covariances. A recursive optimization algorithm has been developed aimed at maximizing the expected improvement of the objective function at each step, using the results of the optimization steps already performed. Conditional mean and conditional variance expressions, derived by modelling GRF with covariances expressed by fractional Euclidean distance matrices, are used to calculate the expected improvement in the objective function. The efficiency of the developed algorithm was investigated by computer modelling, solving the test tasks, and comparing the developed algorithm with the known heuristic multi-extremal optimization algorithms.
Pub. online:18 Dec 2019Type:Book ReviewOpen Access
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 38 (2019): Creating Modern Nation-States in the Eastern Baltic = Šiuolaikinių tautinių valstybių kūrimas rytiniame Baltijos jūros regione, pp. 243–253