The article draws attention to the distinctive features of Louis Passarge’s art of travel writing and to his originality best seen in the descriptive rendering of the Curonian landscape. The author offers many interesting ethnographic and historical details to describe the customs, the social relationships – the way of life prevalent among late nineteenth century Curonians. Passarge’s philological analyses, no less than his descriptions of landscapes, show that he was a writer of considerable talent. The article’s conclusions suggest that, in addition to factual information, Passarge’s work provides esthetic enjoyment as well as evidence of the intellectual attributes that characterized the writer.
State and local municipalities have certainly provided public services to every state resident. Public services have to transferrable by information and communication technologies to the electronic environment. Electronic public services are significantly important to the rural population, as this innovative supply method of public services allows some service without ever leaving home to get directly. Furthermore, the development of e-services in rural areas decreases societal and digital exclusion evolving and knowledge society development.The first part of research paper is oriented on the characteristics analysis of the organization of e-services in rural municipalities, and the second part – on public e-services organization model analysis. However, the high investment into the physical infrastructure of communications, which creates the possibility of information and communication technologies use in rural areas, includes social exclusion of rural residents because they do not need and the inner tendency to seek to use information and communication technologies. This circumstance creates barriers for faster people integration into the labor market. Moreover, these social groups of rural population with poor computer literacy reduce their access to e-services. The results of scientific literature analysis suggest that the success of e-services organization in the rural municipalities of the necessary conditions is not only suitable for e-service users with level of computer literacy and available information and communication technologies infrastructure, but even with properly selected e-services organization model.Therefore, this research paper examines the theoretical e-service organization models and their organization in the rural municipalities. The object of research – electronic public service organization models. The aim – under the analysis of electronic public service organization models, to submit proposals for the improvement organization it in rural municipalities. The objectives of research: 1) to identify the peculiarities of e-service organization in rural municipalities; 2) to analysis the organization process of public e-services organization models. The following methods used in research paper: literature analysis and comparative analysis, the analysis of secondary statistical data, aggregation, logical analysis and synthesis, the graph depiction method.In summary of research paper presented a study results for making proposals that e-services organization features in rural areas in the fact that:1) e-services can be provided for different customer segments;2) not all e-services can be uniformly transferred to the electronic environment, and are identified five levels of e-services;3) organization of e-services can be added and applied by public and private institutions.In summary, the analysis of e-service models leads to the conclusion that all consider models describe what e-services can be provided for whom, and determine their electronic transfer level to users, in order to obtain e-services characterized by the process of organizing participants and the technology use.
Currently, most companies in the industry generate the largest portion of profit from aftersales of passenger cars (maintenanceservices and sales of spare parts), but before the economic crisis, new car sales was the largest component of profit. Accordingly,in Latvia, there is a need to focus on the provision of aftersales services. The first section of the article describes and analyses thepassenger car park in Europe and Latvia, and discusses the significant indicators as the number of cars per 1000 residents, the firsttime registered cars and dynamics of those indicators. The second section discusses the author’s survey of the Latvian drivers andtypes of repairs they conducted within the last year, and average annual cost of carrepairs, and tires, and the drivers’ plans for thenear-term future on reduction of car costs.
Usually, monumentsepigraphs keep a lot of personal and social information about a buried person.This general information may help to better understand the community orresidents of a specific area. This is especially true in the case of Klaipėda region and itsnative population. The results of analysis of survived epigraphs of old Evangelico-Lutherancemeteries in Klaipėdaregion are presented in this article. The research was done using socialstatistical methods, which are usually used to characterize social community.The obtained results allow modeling the stratification organization of formerpopulation.
Over the years, improved techniques for production and processing of food have resulted in the expansion of our food supply byprolonging keeping times, preventing spoilage and increasing the variety of food products available. The use of new technologies infood production has potential benefits for both food manufactures and consumers. But one of the question raising is how consumersreact to the new technologies and how does it impact their choice to buy or not to buy such kind of food. This article examines howthe new technologies in food production (genetic engineering, nanotechnologies, cloning) affect consumer choice to purchase foodobtained through these technologies. Different literature and scientific data available were summarized to find out the main reasonswhat affect consumers’ attitude towards new technologies in food production. Results suggest that the willingness to consume foodobtained with help of new technologies is directly influenced by the risk consumers perceive and the perception of risk is more directthan the perception of supposed benefits.
The temporal and spatial changes of land use are important while studying the rural landscapes on both the regional-geographical and environmental scales. In the Baltic Sea region with nine countries (including Russian Federation, represented by Kaliningrad oblast, the utilised agricultural land (UAL) makes about 34 % of total region area on the average. The current research revealed the trends of different shrinking rate of UAL in nine studied countries from 1993 to 2008: it varied within the range between 3 % in Denmark and 43 % in Estonia. Research focus was given to the changes in ratio between arable land and area under meadows and pastures: it increased from 6.5 to 10.9 during 15 years period (1993–2008) on the average, that shows the increase in land use and farming intensity even the UAL area was shrunk.
Study programme quality assessment provides higher education quality which in its turn is an essential precondition for the successful national economy development. At the moment the society has a lot of discussion about what is higher education quality and how to assess it. The pragmatic approach makes us set criteria for study programme quality assessment. However, before doing that one must understand what higher education quality is. Developing over the years, higher education has created different quality understandings. The different quality understandings form the necessity of different quality assessment approaches. As the foundation of higher education quality assessment to create the methodological basis there are taken higher education quality assessment conceptions distinguished by R. Barnett: objective, subjective and development. Each of the conceptions intends to use different approaches for higher education assessment. The research approbates the usage of The Analytic Hierarchy process (AHP) method to detect the most significant study programme quality criteria and the most suitable way of assessment for them. AHP method is based on expert surveys, which were taken part by two most important interest groups interested in higher education: higher education administrative staff and students. Higher education administrators are represented by Higher Education Council representative, LU heads of administrative departments and leadership staff who are responsible for study quality and programme accreditation. In their turn, students are represented by members of Latvian Student Association, LU student council representatives and students from different LU faculties.
Knowledge about consumer needs, factors and motives affecting behavior is one of the ways of ensuring entrepreneurship competitiveness. Authors present the results of the study on the A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs within the context of consumer behavior components affecting consumer behavior from a perspective of entrepreneurial decision making. Authors employ well known methods of research – statistical analysis, grouping, evaluation, predicting etc. In the course of the present research by synthesis of theoretical developments and practical experience decision making model is made. A. Maslow’s theory serves as the basis for developing a range of theories dealing with consumer behavior, therefore, when developing the consumer behavior model in Latvia, the author decided to integrate the better known theories. The use of models prepared by the authors in sales, entrepreneurship, and other sectors of economy provide an opportunity to reasonably plan investments for the relevant time period, to avoid mistakes, and to improve the overall economic effectiveness of the company’s operations and usefulness of resource utilization.
The study has been conducted within the ERASMUS+ KA2 partnership project “Improving the initial education of adult immigrants”. Research is based on the anonymous survey in which took part 1127 legal adult immigrants from outside the European Union. The study was performed in 2017 in the six European Union countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Belgium. The purpose of this article is to investigate how information about the host country before immigration is related to immigrants’ basic sociodemographic characteristics, i.e.: age, gender and education. Statistical data analysis showed a statistically significant difference between the information, which immigrants knew before their arrival in the host country, and education as well as age groups. However, there were no statistically significant differences found between the information, which immigrants knew before their arrival in the host country, and immigrants’ gender. Moreover, information that immigrants lack most prior to their arrival is related with health care and the employment system as well as the ability to learn the hosting country’s official language.