The landscape of any country is the reflection of territorial expression of its socio-economical and ecological processes. Several problems regarding Lithuania’s landscape could be distinguished: a) problems of land parcels; b) problems of forests; c) problems of protected territories and natural frameworks; d) problems of Curonian spit; e) problems of coastal sands. Self contained renaturalization of Lithuanian landscape, implementation of programs from the strategic documents of the government and active participation of local communities, could lead to at least partial restoration of the impoverished Lithuanian landscape and increase of its stability.
Darnia plėtra siekiama išsaugoti ne tik dabarties žmonijos, bet ir ateities kartų galimybes tenkinti savo poreikius, pagrįstus žmogaus vertybėmis. Siekdamas darnios plėtros, žmogus negali ignoruoti socialinių ir ekonominių aspektų, nes tai tampa jo gerovės pagrindu, kartu saugant gamtą su visais jos ištekliais. Ekologinis švietimas padeda suvokti esamos ekologinės problematikos, pasiekusios kritinį lygį, mastą ir pavojus. Dėl klaidingo požiūrio į ekologinį švietimą daugelis žmonių turi menkai išvystytą poreikį praktiškai spręsti ekologines problemas, nes požiūris į gamtą dažnai yra vartotojiškas. Siekiant formuoti ekologinį sąmoningumą, reikia žmonių, kurie išmanytų ekologiją, būtų racionaliai mąstantys, gebėtų priimti teisingus, pagrįstus sprendimus. Tai kelia naujus uždavinius švietimo sistemai, kurių sprendimas padės teigiamai keisti socialines ir ekologines sąlygas, politinį ir ideologinį gyvenimą. Švietimas, išryškinantis žmogaus dorybes, prisidedantis prie visuomenės raidos, suteikiantis žinių apie žmogaus savigarbą, charakterį ir socialinę elgseną, tampa akstinu gelbėti pasaulį. Ekologinio švietimo ir ekologinės kultūros potencialo derinys gali ir turi būti pagrindas, ugdant šiuolaikinio žmogaus sąmoningumą ir jo kūrybinę mąstyseną.
Straipsnyje,remiantis mokslinių šaltinių metaanalizės, mišrios analitinės sintezės,interpretacinio modeliavimo metodais, bandoma atskleisti esmines tinklaveikos,kaip šiuolaikinio viešojo valdymo etapo, tipologijos raiškos formas, tyrimodėmesį sutelkiant į kompleksinį naujojo viešojo valdymo pobūdį, įvertinanttinklaveikos tyrimų metodologinį reikšmingumą, veiklos metodologiją traktuojantkaip viešųjų struktūrų tyrimo ir veiklos valdymo logiką. Straipsnio autoriaiaptaria naujojo viešojo valdymo evoliucijos procesus, kai vis svarbesnė tampavaldymo pokyčių kokybė, į rezultatus nukreipta veiklos vadyba, inovaciniųvaldymo sprendimų rengimas ir įgyvendinimas.
Volume 85, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 46–63
Straipsnyje aptariami du galimi aplinkosaugos ir socialinio darbo sankirtos laukai: žaliojo socialinio darbo konceptas bei aplinkosaugos ir žmogaus teisių sąsajos. Kartu siekiama atverti šią aktualią socialinio darbo erdvę diskusijoms ir tolesniems tyrimams. Analizuojamos žaliojo socialinio darbo ištakos, socialinio darbo profesijos iššūkiai, kylantys prisitaikant prie tvaraus vystymosi siekiančio pasaulio. Konstatuojama, kad socialinio darbo moksle ir praktikoje būtina keisti paradigmą, akcentuojant bendruomenės stiprinimą, kolektyvinę atsakomybę, socialinio ir aplinkosauginio teisingumo sąsajas. Pristatomi du aplinkosauginių žmogaus teisių pagrindimo diskursai: vienas akcentuoja sveiką aplinką, kaip žmogaus teisių įgyvendinimo sąlygą, kitas dėmenis sukeičia vietomis ir žmogaus teises mato kaip aplinkosaugos problemų sprendimo priemonę. Taigi aplinkosaugos idėjų įtraukimas į socialinio darbo veikos erdvę suteiktų profesijai šiuo metu mažai išnaudojamą makrodimensiją, kartu gerokai praplėstų ir įprasmintų profesionalizacijos procesą.
Higher education export is gaining more and more importance taking into account international competition, the benefits offered by the industry and demographic changes in many countries – the number of local students is reducing due to low birth rates and extensive emigration of young people. There are many academic publications on several aspects related to higher education export. The aim of research is to analyse foreign students’ evaluation on the importance of different organisations’ (universities, agencies dealing with higher education export, ministries) webpage content and design for higher education export. Research methods used: scientific literature review analysis, evaluation of webpages by experts, survey of foreign students (using the evaluation scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means ‘do not agree’, and 10 – ‘fully agree’). Data obtained from the foreign student survey are analysed by indicators of descriptive statistics (arithmetic mean, mode, median, range, standard deviations, standard error of mean), cross-tabulations, correlation analysis and factor analysis. The obtained research results have indicated narrow places and challenges for the information placed in respective webpages and webpage design which could be practically implemented.
The article discusses economic growth influence to sustainable development. According to the collected theoretical material, it analyzes the impact of economic growth to social and environmental dimensions of sustainability. The analysis of statistical data using integrated index of sustainable development allowed evaluating the impact of economic growth to sustainable development in in Lithuania on 2000−2011. Studies carried out in foreign universities confirmed a hypothesis that further extensive studies are necessary in order to understand the essence and evaluation of the concept of sustainable development. The basic idea behind the scientific problem studied in the paper can be described as the following: what are the regularities of the concept of sustainable development and its evaluation, that allow assess the economic growth influence to dimensions of sustainability and to sustainable development of the country. The main problem of the paper is stated as follows: how to achieve economic growth considering economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable development? Research object – the impact of economic growth to dimensions of sustainable development. Research aim is to analyze and assess dynamics of sustainable development dimensions in Lithuania. Research tasks: theoretically to analyze the influence of economic growth to social and environmental dimensions; after methodological calculations of indicators of sustainable development in Lithuania, to evaluate the tendencies of changes of sustainable development dimensions and to forecast perpectives. Research methods contributing to this paper are: systematic scientific literature analysis, statistical data and comparative analysis, regression analysis, use of SPSS 17 (Statistical Package for Social Science) and Package Microsoft Excel. Theoretical analysis done in the paper quit well show, that systems of assessment of influence of economic growth to sustainable development must take in account three closely related dimensions: economic, social and environmental. Integrated sustainable development index and trend were used and evaluated that the biggest increasing of index was noticed by given stable inflation rate. Analysis done in the paper quit well show, that for problems solving can be used fiscal instrument – taxes.
Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 45–60
This article analyses the experiences of men who are suffering homelessness. The aim of this article is to identify the main problems of social services and to show their potential development. In today’s Europe, no one can be forced to sleep on the street just because there are no high-quality services that meet human needs. The state must ensure the rights of persons, who are suffering homelessness and to preserve their dignity by providing efficient and high quality social services, because only this kind of services allows to talk about the development of the modern state, shaping and reshaping the model of social services. This research allows to understand the phenomenon of homelessness from the point of view of homeless men and to identify the main problems that hinder to overcome homelessness. This article presents the empirical study, which results showed that social services in Lithuania are based on the material supply, so homeless men have poor access to quality social services. The infrastructure of hostels is not adapted for person with disability; social housing is difficult to obtain because of the long queues; homeless men also have difficulties to access independent living or nursing homes for the elderly.
The article analyses the conscious use of the principle of ethnocentrism in the perception and understanding of Lithuanian vocabulary at the level of short-term education in courses in the Lithuanian language and culture. The use of the methods of analogy and association allowed users of East Slavic languages to identify shared and different characteristics with their native language. Common features include vocabulary with phonetic consonances, among which internationalisms make up a separate group. Various signs are associated with ‘false friends’ and diphthongs.
Advanced internet infrastructure and increasing internet usage both in corporate and home levels broadens opportunities for marketers. The internet as a marketing channel became one of the most important tools for communication between the seller and consumer. More and more companies rely on the internet and increases the budget for the next generation strategies. However, the channels (Search Engines Optimization, Search Engines Marketing, Email Marketing, Invasive Marketing, Syndicated content Marketing, Social Media Marketing and etc.) are chosen intuitively. There is no proven efficiency of different channel or tool. Marketers know the technical description, can calculate budgets but the efficiency differences are unclear. The purpose of the article is to analyse and describe the efficiency of each online marketing channel. Quantitative research method was used to analyse the efficiency of online marketing channels. A survey of Lithuania’s internet users reveals the most acceptable (efficient) online marketing channels. The article scientific aim is to identify which online marketing channels are the most efficient. The findings are valuable at least for Lithuanian market as it reveals the efficiency of different online marketing channels. Companies can make the strategic decisions and choose the most powerful and money efficient channels combination to achieve their marketing goals.
Civic engagement is a core value of democracy that approves legitimacy of democracy itself and decisions made by public institutions. In Latvia, civic engagement rates are decreasing, thus for public institutions it is important to find new ways how to engage citizens in the decision-making process. In the twenty-first century, it means that public institutions should also be present in social media. The objectives of the article are to identify foreign experience how public institutions are using social media for civic engagement and evaluate the reasons for Latvian public institutions to learn from this foreign experience. Accordingly, methods of the research are analysis of scientific publications covering examples about digital democracy, civic engagement and use of social media by public institutions, as well as analysis of data about the Internet and social media usage in Latvia. The study findings suggest that Latvian public institutions are already using social media for one-way communication. Moreover, in Latvia, availability of the Internet and participation rates in social media are above the EU average, thus there is potential to use social media also for two-way communication and foster civic engagement.