The current tendencies of a global society are obvious: the labour market is expanding, people are travelling for various reasons all over the world, every organisation can have foreign workers with different cultural backgrounds, the internationalisation of studies HEIs is constantly being implemented, etc. Successful and effective daily life depends on the readiness of people of any age to be open to global change and innovation. The intense pace of life requires adaptation to new circumstances and the use of internationally recognised tools to address global challenges. This article reveals the benefits of intercultural communication in a global society. This form of communication influences the quality of modern life, and strengthens positive attitudes towards new trends in the labour market, global business, immigrants and foreigners. In addition, intercultural communication can be used to promote local culture to others, and to become familiar with other cultures. The analysis and survey of various sources provides valuable evidence that intercultural communication is beneficial to the quality of daily and professional life, and creates a competitive advantage for labour market professionals. According to the results of the survey, intercultural communication is useful for strengthening self-esteem and confidence, developing new competencies, studying abroad, and managing careers in business.
His article sets out to explore two aspects reported in the literature: we pursued to fulfill the lack of research in the field of preparation and implementation of Lithuanian public management reform; searching for evidence that reforms are based on unclear public management doctrine. Principal – agent theory was applied to execute the aim of current research. The data collected by carried our eight in-depth semi structured interviews. The research sought to identify the change of opinions during the execution of public management reform. It was found, that preparation and implementation of public management reform depends on three factors: (i) value – based public management reform conception; (ii) existence of strong coordination center form reform execution; (iii) support of political – administration resource. However, the participation of political appointees at the reform process highlighted the conflict in their activity. From one hand the support of political appointees reduce control of performance. Otherwise, there is a threat for implementation of public management reform.
Remiantis interpretacijos klasiko F. Tildeno suformuotais paveldo interpretacijos principais bei jų plėtote vėlesnių autorių darbuose, straipsnyje aptariami ir analizuojami ugdymo, pasitelkus paveldą, mokykliniame amžiuje esminiai siekiniai ir priemonės. Tekste atskleidžiama mokymosi, pasitelkus paveldą mokykliniame amžiuje, specifika, atsižvelgiant tiek į amžiaus tarpsnių psichologiją, tiek ir į geografinį vaiko gyvenamosios vietos veiksnį. Daroma išvada, kad lyginant su kitomis šalimis šioje srityje Lietuvoje kol kas nuveikta nepakankamai, todėl būtina edukaciją, pasitelkus paveldą, nuosekliai populiarinti, o jos veiklas integruoti į formalią švietimo sistemą. Be to, pateikiama praktinių patarimų, kaip efektyviau vykdyti Lietuvos vaikų ir jaunimo paveldo pažinimo darbą, akcentuojant neformalių veiklų, ypač vietinio ir regioninio turizmo, reikšmę.
Straipsnyje pateiktas naujas požiūris į austrų ekonomikos mokyklos verslo ciklų teoriją. Požiūris grindžiamas nauja bendrųjų procentų idėja. Bendrai pristatoma pati austrų verslo ciklo teorija. Straipsnyje parodoma, kad egzistuoja iki šiol nepakankamai ištirtas austrų verslo ciklo papildymo aspektas, pasireiškiantis kaip bendrųjų procentų augimo normos priklausomybė nuo rinkos prisotinimo laipsnio. Atliktas tyrimas rodo, kad atsiskleidė nauji austrų verslo ciklų teorijos analizės, orientuojantis į bendruosius procentus, aspektai, leidę geriau suprasti verslo ciklų fenomeną, ypač empiriškai paaiškinti finansinius burbulus.
Tyrimu siekiama, remiantis bendrųjų palūkanų teorija ir rinkos transformacijos principu, iš naujo paaiškinti vertės paradoksą, patikslinant jo pasireiškimo ribas. Atliktas tyrimas atskleidė, kad, atsižvelgiant į rinkos prisotinimo laipsnį, t. y. pasiūlos ir paklausos santykį, rinka gali būti kelių tipų. Pasiūlos ir paklausos santykio pasikeitimas lemia rinkos virsmą. Prisotinimu paremtų rinkų egzistavimas leidžia pagrįsti ir pateikti naują vertės paradokso paaiškinimą. Maržinalistai, atrodytų, išsprendė šį klasikinių ekonomistų vertės paradoksą, taikydami mažėjančio ribinio naudingumo dėsnį. Tačiau jis nėra universalus. Straipsnyje parodoma, kad mažėjančio ribinio naudingumo dėsnis taikytinas tik laisvosioms rinkoms (kur paklausa yra mažesnė už pasiūlą), tuo tarpu deficitinėms rinkoms (kur paklausa yra didesnė už pasiūlą) jis netinka. Retos prekės paprastai yra deficitinės, dažnai – ir vienetinės. Ribinių teorijų pritaikyti vienetiniams objektams nėra galimybės. Retoms prekėms taikytina finansinio burbulo teorija, paremta didėjančio pelningumo fenomeno egzistavimu. Darbe taikyta sisteminė ir lyginamoji mokslinių šaltinių analizė, ekonominė logistinė analizė ir sintezė.
This study is focused on social media in China and its influence on youth civic participation. In China, a trend of increasing usage of social media platforms has been observed, in particularly WeChat, Weibo, QQ, Douyin, and Meitu. The aim of this research is to explore the link between the use of these social media platforms and civic participation among the youth in China, specifically, whether social media platforms have positive effect on encouragement of youth civic participation. The use of social media platforms is measured by the number of social media accounts, the duration of usage of these accounts, and the average time spending on social media accounts weekly, while civic participation through social media is to measure both civic participation activities and its link with the social media usage.
The object of the research: analysis of ergonomic risk factors in a commercial company. The aim of the research: to substantiate the importance of analysis of ergonomic risk factors in a commercial company. The objectives set to achieve the aim of the research: to analyse the importance of survey of ergonomic risk factors in occupational environment in terms of theoretical aspects. To offer a model for survey of ergonomic risk factors and to verify the model in a commercial company. Research methods: comparative analysis of research literature; quantitative analysis – questionnaire survey. Data of the survey was processed by Excel spreadsheet and Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS 15.0.
The results of the survey have shown that the worst ergonomic factors identified in the commercial company were the following: microclimate factors, working posture and local contact stresses. Management of this company has to take care of its employees’ occupational environment and to assign funds for mechanization of working stations (or purchase of assistive devices). Review of the survey results allows the manager of the company to analyse and improve ergonomic factors at work, the occupational health and safety system, to continuously increase effectiveness of preventive measures. These aims would require wider representation of employees in surveys; other recommended steps include analysis of working conditions, consultations regarding improvement of the occupational environment, proper organisation of work process and other issues of occupational safety.
This article sets out to examine the public policy evaluation model, which is applied for evaluating public policy in Lithuania. The data was collected from the papers published by local researchers, official documents available at the ministries and agencies web sites and other printed materials. Qualitative data for this paper was taken from the series of individual interviews with public officials and evaluators (conducted 200–2010). The data was supplemented with quantitative data from the survey about the scope and significance of evaluation in Lithuania (conducted in 2010). It was found that monitoring system was weak designed and required significant reinvention. The reinvention of the monitoring system will built base for the future evaluation of the results. It is suggested that that the greatest demand for the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity in the government leads to the highest use of performance management and evaluation as a tool for decision-making.
The problem of financial stability of a modern enterprise predestines a long-term development of state. The long-term development strategy-making concepts, binding to each member state, have been legislated in the European Union. A sustainable development is a balanced and socially responsible economic development subject to preservation of the environment and resources for the benefit of future generations. A national sustainable development plan prior to 2020 is required for each EU country. Under the development priorities situation typical to Baltic States, featuring a relative deficiency of mineral resources with some possibilities of development of high-end technologies, transit industry may be deemed the main priority. The enterprise financial stability concept is the main objective, regarded as a mandatory condition for ensuring a long-term and sustainable development as exemplified by the two renowned air carriers. The methods of scientific research most frequently applied in economics domain have been used: monographic, comparative, hierarchical and quantitative methods of financial ratios.
The essence of the “Swedish socialism” created in the 20th century lies in “democratic functional socialism”. During the last 30 years, even after having refused part of its elements, it remains the foundation of the Swedish welfare state, and historically the name of the “Swedish socialism” is mostly related to the famous Swedish and global figure of the smart political powers, social democrat Olof Palme. The article reviews the features of the biography of Olof Palme and his both theoretical and practical activity opting for social justice and by creating a welfare state in Sweden by the means of “democratic functional socialism”. Olof Palme was also an advocate of human rights and freedoms, neutrality of small countries, an international mediator, an advocate of nuclear disarmament policy and a severe critic of neo-liberal ideas.