Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 53–67
The aim of this article is to identify and analyse welfare state models and their features in East and Southeast Asia. With this in mind, the article examines welfare state models in East and Southeast Asia and their characteristics. Different attempts to define the welfare state systems of East and Southeast Asia are provided, as well as a comparison with G. Esping-Andersen’s typology of three models. The characteristics of the welfare states of East and Southeast Asia are distinguished, such as the influence of Confucianism, productivity, the role of the family in the field of social welfare, and the influence of politics and the economy on the development of the welfare state. The article uses methods of analysis of scientific literature, expert evaluation, synthesis, descriptive analysis and comparative analysis.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the aspects of application of Fast Track Solution SAP Business One Model to the business curriculum of a university study programme. With the SAP Business One, students gain knowledge and understanding on how different areas of business interact and integrate and how information technology-based infrastructure simplify business operations. In addition, this research article introduces and identifies the SAP Business One modules that can be applied to the present business curriculums of university studies, which leads to a blended learning approach when education addresses the needs of industry. Blended learning, as a learning approach that applies the SAP Business One modules, complements the skills required by industries thus fostering the industry-based learning approach. Theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience will make business students gain competitive advantage and competency in innovativeness.
Straipsnyje atskleista etiško vadovavimo svarba organizacijų veikloje. Etiškas vadovavimas – tai asmeniniu, teigiamu pavyzdžiu, remiantis asmeninėmis vertybėmis ir visuotinai priimtinomis etikos normomis, formuojama elgsena, kreipianti darbuotojų veiklą, pasitelkus pasitikėjimą, siekiant sėkmingai įgyvendinti tikslus: savo, darbuotojų, organizacijos, visuomenės. Sprendžiama mokslinė problema, kaip pasireiškia etiškas vadovavimas organizacijoje, siekiama išsiaiškinti, teiraujantis apie vadovavimo etiškumą, ar vadovo ir jam tiesiogiai pavaldžių darbuotojų požiūris sutampa. Atlikti du kokybiniai tyrimai organizacijoje: interviu su vadovu ir diskusijų grupės interviu su tiesiogiai vadovui pavaldžiais darbuotojais. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia, kad iš dalies dirbama esant etiškam vadovavimui, vadovas laikosi etikos principų, bet jo ir jam tiesiogiai pavaldžių darbuotojų požiūris į etišką vadovavimą dažnu atveju skiriasi.
The first part of the article is intended to reveal theoretical assumptions for a parish priest’s andragogical functions and possibilities for expansion thereof within a community. The second one – empirical research – is intended to present the approach of X community members towards the andragogical functions exercised by the parish priest within the community as well as competencies required for exercising thereof. The article supports andragogical functions exercised by religious denomination leaders – parish priests, possibilities for expansion thereof, in cooperation with adult educator and andragogists, through sharing of experience and collaborating for the benefit of community. The developed empirical research methodology might be helpful to priests of other parishes, too, in exercising the andragogical functions within the community. This article provides recommendations to andragogists and leaders of religious denominations – parish priests, in terms of improvement of the andragogical functions exercising process.
The development of higher education is amongst topical issues. The modern society realizes that the most valuable capital is a humanbeing with his/her intellectual potential and this has become the main resource for social and economic development. Over thelast decade, all developed countries have introduced national education system reforms, which have received significant financialsupport. National development strategies attempt to focus on the development of adequate education system supported by state policiesbecause it is becoming more and more evident that the quality of education determines further development of a country. Thedevelopment of a strategy for the sustainable development must presuppose the identification of the mission and aims for short-termand long-term activities. The purpose for this article is to analyse the main trends of higher education in Latvia in order to identifythe mission and strategy for sustainable development of higher education institutions in Latvia. There were applied such researchmethods as analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, normative acts and documents that regulate the development of highereducation in Latvia and EU, methods of grouping, comparisons, classification, summarizing, description and prediction.
Strateginio mąstymo sąsajos su priimamais verslo sprendimais straipsnyje analizuojamos teoriniu ir praktiniu aspektais. Akcentuojama,kad strategiškai mąstantys vadovai, priimdami verslo sprendimus, didelį dėmesį skiria aplinkai ir jos teikiamoms galimybėms,pasekmių ir rezultatų analizei apie ateitį ir galimas jos kryptis, grįžtamajam ryšiui ir mokymuisi; visai organizacijai bei santykiųtinkamumui organizacijos viduje. Rengiant straipsnį išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti moksliniai šaltiniai, apklausti Vilniaus, Klaipėdos,Kauno, Šiaulių, Telšių regionų įmonių vadovai, kurie vadovauja rinkoje įsitvirtinusioms ir tarpusavyje konkuruojančioms prekybosbei gamybos pobūdžio paslaugų įmonėms. Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtino hipotezę, kad vadovai, strategiškai mąstantys priimdamiverslo sprendimus, pasiekia aukštų veiklos rezultatų.
Straipsnyje atskleidžiamas įvairiapusis požiūris į verslumo atmosferos problemas Lietuvoje. Steigiant „startuolius“ susiduriama su veiksniais, kurie susiję tarpusavyje ir lemia verslo aplinkos pokyčius. Sudarytas adaptyvumo modelis gali sistemiškai padėti „startuolių“ steigėjams geriau suprasti verslumo aplinką, įvertinus verslumo atmosferos veiksnius, ir greičiau prisitaikyti prie verslo sąlygų sprendžiant problemas. Atliekant kiekybinį tyrimą 226 respondentai („startuolių“ steigėjai) įvertino verslumo atmosferos veiksnius, kurie daro įtaką „startuolių“ steigimui Lietuvoje. Nustatytos pagrindinės „startuolių“ steigimo problemos: nepakankamos kreditavimo galimybės steigti „startuolius“; „startuolių“ steigimo regionuose rėmimas nėra prioritetinė Vyriausybės veikla; švietimo ir mokymo įstaigose nesuteikiama pakankamai informacijos apie verslumo svarbą, naujų įmonių ir inovacijų kūrimo galimybes; nepakanka organizacijų, kurios padėtų sėkmingai steigti „startuolius“; nepakankama intelektinės nuosavybės apsauga; kūrybiškumas ir inovatyvumas dar nėra svarbiausi verslo kultūros bruožai Lietuvoje; kyla problemų ir bendradarbiaujant su viešosiomis organizacijomis bei kitais verslo subjektais. Šioms problemoms spręsti siūlomas adaptyvumo modelis, kurio privalumas – funkcionalumas ir sisteminis požiūris į analizuojamas „startuolių“ steigimo problemas.
The European Union data surveys give evidence of the growing trend of population ageing in the Member States. The aim of the study was to analyse the social structure of population in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland in comparison with the average population in the EU-27 and present recommendations for policy makers for further improvement of the social policy development in these countries. The authors used monographic method to study theoretical aspects of society aging and welfare and statistical data analysis of secondary data aggregated by Eurostat reports, Eurobarometer survey and databases of national institutions. The analysis of the society aging indicators in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland clearly shows that the policy makers of these countries so far have been mainly focusing on unpopular measures – either increasing taxes or raising the retirement age, which have caused citizens’ dissatisfaction with the existing social policy that does not provide any hopes for the existing and becoming pensioners to approximate to successful aging. The authors consider that the national institutions responsible for society’s welfare issues should further encourage socially innovative solutions by finding unusual ideas for obtaining multidimensional support, including the assistance provided by policy-makers and involving local agents to enhance inclusion of the aged population in the labour market, especially in creating jobs for themselves, being able to retain employment as temporary workers or being encouraged to work in other professions.
Volume 84, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 51–74
The article analyses a relatively new position in the field of social services for the family: the complexity of the professional activity of a case manager, and the prospects of applying supervision as a form of professional support. In the field of social work, supervision is already a well-known way of counselling professional relationships. While improving their professional qualifications, social workers seek to participate in group, team and individual supervision. The supervision of the manager and the whole organisation is also well known in social work practice. In Lithuania, as in the rest of the world, supervision first established itself in the field of social work, which only proves the complexity of this profession.Social work as a profession is undergoing constant change, services are expanding, and more and more attention is being paid to specialised methodologies when the global approach no longer satisfies the current situation of empowerment. The case manager is a new position, the content of which is still being formed. The research has revealed that employees experience stress and tension as a burden of responsibility, they become the creators of the content of this position, and they face obstacles to inter-institutional cooperation.The qualitative research presented in this article, the interviews with case managers, and the reflection on the experience of supervision, allow us to draw conclusions about the prospects for supervision, and allow us to offer specific forms of supervision; and individual and team supervision become unique in this situation.
Volume 78, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 51–62
Straipsnis skirtas tarpdiscipliniškumui, kaip metodologiniam šiandieninių mokslinių tyrimų pagrindui, tiriant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, turinčių cerebrinį paralyžių, socialinių ir kasdienių įgūdžių formavimąsi. Pateikiama „socialinių ir kasdienių įgūdžių“ koncepto metainterpretacija. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad socialinių ir kasdienių įgūdžių sąvokos yra integratuotos, todėl gali būti diskutuojama tarpdiscipliniškumo kontekste. Svarbiausi šios sąvokos dėmenys teoriškai pagrįsti lingvistikos, kultūrologijos, sociologijos, ikimokyklinės specialiosios pedagogikos, ikimokyklinės ir specialiųjų poreikių psichologijos, rekreacinės terapijos ir socialinės pedagogikos mokslų.