Jūrinio turizmo poreikis sparčiai auga visame pasaulyje, buriavimas ypač išpopuliarėjo po COVID-19 pandemijos. Klaipėdos regione darnusis jūrinis turizmas – prioritetinė šaka, kurią plėtoti numatyta strateginiuose dokumentuose ir veiksmų planuose. Atliktu tyrimu siekta nustatyti burinių laivų paslaugų svarbą plėtojant darnų jūrinį turizmą Klaipėdos regione. Taikyti tyrimo metodai: literatūros analizė, kokybinis tyrimas – ekspertinė apklausa. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas atskleidė, kad darnaus jūrinio turizmo plėtrai būtinos papildomos, su buriavimu susijusios paslaugos, skatinančios labiau domėtis buriavimu ir įtraukti šias patirtis į atostogų planavimą, korporatyvinių ir edukacinių renginių organizavimą. Tyrimai atskleidė, kad regionuose, kuriuose tvaraus jūrinio turizmo koncepcija yra prioritetinė turizmo plėtros kryptis, yra vietos valdžios palaikymas, sudarytos sąlygos dalyvauti tarptautiniuose bendradarbiavimo projektuose, labiau vystomas darnusis buriavimo turizmas, auga paslaugų pasiūla visuomenei. Tarptautinė partnerystė, bendri jūrinio turizmo projektai, bendrai vykdoma komunikacija – veiksmingi darniojo jūrinio turizmo plėtros būdai.
The subject of the research is the entrepreneurial potential of young people in the development of rural green tourism in Ukraine. Studies of trends in the rural labour market in terms of modernisation of the agrarian sector and the impact of world trends in transforming the role of rural territories have been taken into account. The development of entrepreneurship in the agricultural and industrial complex, including rural tourism, is one way of solving the youth employment problem. In the study, the authors rely on an assessment of the potential of rural green tourism in Ukraine, which is significant. The main directions of youth entrepreneurship in rural green tourism are identified. The article focuses on promoting the realisation of the potential of youth in rural green tourism businesses. Specific examples show features of labour motivation and highlight opportunities for its increase in entrepreneurship in rural green tourism. It is proposed to create conditions for the activation of youth entrepreneurship in rural green tourism. The authors come to the conclusion that modern youth, as a specific socio-demographic group, are a reserve for the multiplication of the labour force in the agricultural sector, and are a strategic resource for the development of rural areas through entrepreneurship in various fields, including rural green tourism.
The paper is part of a research series for ancient Roman sites in Northern Bulgaria which aim to present the possibilities of creating a specialized form of cultural and historical product that ensures sustainable utilization of the Bulgarian tangible heritage. A study of the Roman fortress Sostra, located on the Via Traiani road as a cultural and historical tourist resource was conducted. The castellum is characterized as an object of cultural heritage in the region of Troyan Municipality in Bulgaria. The methodology applied in assessing the potential of the Ancient Roman fortress Sostra is primarily designed for historical and cultural sites. An evaluation was made under the following criteria: potential for development, degree of impact / interaction, degree of modification with relevant indicators. Also an expedition-field method for terrain research was applied. Summaries and conclusions were made in order to highlight the possibility of forming a tourist product of cultural and cognitive tourism.
The image formation and support, reputation-building and active marketing are vital for the existence of the nowadays modern country and its development. Today the country’s nature, history, people and traditions became the exclusive brands that strengthens the economy and cross-border relations, a competitive advantage is obtained. There are many image definitions and classifications, each author analyses it from own perspective. It was found that individual elements make a big influence for a general country’s image. In order to use it effectively systemic attitude is required. Country’s image in the international tourism market is explained by tourist behavioural characteristics: how a person behaves in respect of country, how he or she perceives the country – as a neighbour or distant, closed or open, acceptable or unacceptable, how much the person trusts the provided information, if he or she is ready to travel to the country. Personal characteristics has an influence for perceived location’s image. Despite Lithuania’s efforts to make the image better abroad and inside the country, it’s rank on the international agencies surveys, evaluating country’s political and economic situation in the world context and how famous it is, remains low. There are no innovative strategy for building Lithuania’s image. During the 2006–2015 period, there were no core changes in associations, created for foreigners by the word “Lithuania”. The research found that foreigners imagine Lithuania as underdeveloped, neglected agriculture country, people are closed, not willing to communicate – the same as was imagined in 2006. Lithuania’s touristic image was better after the visit. More facts about Lithuania was known by tourists from neighbouring countries. During the 9 years Lithuania’s touristic image has not changed.
Šiandien susiduriame su situacija, kai turizmo sektorius nuolat sparčiai auga. Skaičiuojama, kad bendras tarptautinių turistų skaičius iki 2030 m. sieks 1,8 milijardo. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama įvertinti turizmo poveikį ekonominiu, sociokultūriniu, aplinkosauginiu aspektais dabartinės turizmo apimties tendencijų kontekste. Taikomi mokslinės literatūros analizės, sintezės, statistinių duomenų analizės, situacinio modeliavimo metodai. Tyrimo apimtyje teigiamas ir neigiamas turizmo poveikis analizuotas išskiriant tris pagrindines dimensijas: ekonominę, sociokultūrinę bei aplinkosauginę. Neigiamo poveikio persvara ypač ryški aplinkosauginiu aspektu. Nuolat augantys turizmo mastai lėmė perteklinio turizmo sąvokos apibrėžtį. Daugelyje labiausiai lankomų pasaulio šalių metinis turistų skaičius viršija gyventojų skaičių. Pernelyg didelė turizmo apimtis stiprina neigiamą turizmo poveikį. Be abejo, siekiant išsaugoti palankią ekonominę, sociokultūrinę ir gamtinę aplinką, paskatinti turizmo teikiamą naudą ir minimizuoti neigiamą poveikį, turizmo reiškinys turi būti kontroliuojamas.
The aim of this study is to compare the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) and Hungary’s economic and social terms in the period from 2004 to 2015, with an emphasized character in the tourism processes. Each of the four countries joined to the European Union (2004). The 2008 economic crisis seriously affected these areas at both national and regional levels. We try to find the answer to what kind of processes took place in the economy and in tourism; and what kind of role has the regional marketing toolbar in each countries’ prosperity; and it is still possible to enhance the affirmation of the tourism potential with the online marketing tools.
Film induced tourism or film tourism is a result of destination image formation and development through film industry with collaboration of other destination image stakeholders (policy makers, private and public investors, scholars and etc.). This postmodern tourism phenomenon links film driven emotions to the filming locations and at the same time is responsible for positive or negative destination image formation. In Lithuanian academic discourses this theory, as well as the impact of films towards local tourism, was not yet recognized. Therefore this article, according to the collected film tourism theoretical material, analyses Lithuanian potential for film induced tourism and how can it be turned into a destination promotion strategy. The conclusions show that there are real opportunities for Lithuania to use film industry as a tool of destination image formation, however it needs further analysis, a clear strategic plan, strong collaboration with Baltic region and the use of two recommendation models, which were presented in this paper. This research can be used for dynamic analysis as well as strategic planning in any specific institution related to filmmaking, tourism and regional image formation.