Recent developments of information technologies have supported fast development of Internet shopping worldwide and also using mobile devices. Internet shopping creates convenience for customers, bigger selection of goods and services from one side, but also creates several challenges for companies as well as some problems for companies and customers from the other side. Active research on different aspects is done by businesses, academic researchers alone and in co-operation of business and academic researchers. The aim of research is to find recent ideas of customers on Internet shops and problems raised in Internet shopping using mobile devices and to compare the results with other countries. The authors used the research methods such as: scientific publications’ studies, analysis of statistics on Internet shopping development, a survey realised in Latvia at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 on Internet shopping in co-operation with the company iMarketing, University of Latvia, and Chamber of Trade and Commerce of Latvia. The main results and findings of the study, theoretical and practical implications are the following: the response rate of respondents was very high in comparison with other surveys, respondents have also expressed their suggestions and improvements for Internet shopping using mobile devices. The main conclusions of research: increase in Internet shopping in Latvia using mobile devices is not so fast as in other countries, mobile devices for shopping on the Internet are used not so often as in other countries; several local brands already having experience on Internet shopping encounter big challenges in development of Internet marketing; customers highly evaluate previous personal experience and good references of relatives and friends (word of mouth) in use of a respective brand for Internet shopping, but does not want to leave personal information (bank card information, personal code, etc.).
The territorial government election held in 2018 had significant influence not only on the current situation in Poland but also on the functioning of the country on the international scene. This event was very important for building the future political situation in Poland and it was a kind of prediction before the European Parliament election, the Polish Parliament election and before the Presidential election which are coming in the following years. The results of this election showed not only what can happen but also how Poland may function in the international environment – the Polish cooperation with other countries in the region and Poland’s functioning in the European Union. The subject of this research is to analyse the territorial government election in Poland in 2018 and to show what kind of changes were done in the Polish electoral law. Also, there are some indications presented how the role of local government should be shaped in the near future. The paper is also discussing some issues related with the way how Poland will function in the future with the focus on international cooperation, especially the cooperation with neighbouring countries and the European Union. The method which was used in this study is the observation method and the analysis of the situation in Poland as well as the analysis of changes in the electoral law in Poland. The aim of this paper is to show what changes should take place in the near future in the role and shape of territorial governments in Poland on different levels seeking to improve the functioning of these very important bodies of the political system in Poland.
Tvarių investicijų vertinimo klausimas plačiau nagrinėtas globalaus, šalies ar regiono kontekste, tačiau šių investicijų vertinimas investuotojo (organizacijos) požiūriu – gana siaurai. Siekiant užtikrinti Nacionalinės darnaus vystymosi strategijos įgyvendinimą, būtina sukurti integruotą tvarių investicijų vertinimo metodiką investuotojo (organizacijos) požiūriu, kuri skatintų investuoti. Labiausiai esmę atitinkantis tvarių investicijų apibrėžimas galėtų būti: investicijos, kurios padeda įgyvendinti darnaus vystymosi tikslus. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad tvarias investicijas investuotojo (organizacijos) požiūriu priimtiniausia vertinti remiantis trijų ramsčių teorija, kuri integruoja tvarių investicijų vertinimą ekonominėje, aplinkosaugos ir socialinėje srityse.
Vartotojų komunikacijos procesas socialiniame feisbuko tinkle gali būti apibūdinamas kaip socialinė percepcija (socialinis suvokimas, pažinimas), esant abipusiam ryšiui, kai tiek siuntėjas, tiek ir gavėjas atlieka vienas kito vaidmenis – keičiasi informacija. Vartotojų komunikacija feisbuke daro socialinę įtaką: bendraujant su kitais veikiamas elgesys, kuris pagrįstas orientaciniais modeliais. Lietuvoje feisbukas yra populiariausias socialinis tinklas, kurį renkasi 97 proc. socialinių tinklų vartotojų. Vartotojų komunikacijos feisbuko socialiniame tinkle percepcija gali būti įvairių formų, jos priklauso nuo gaunamos ir naudojamos informacijos interpretavimo, įprasminimo, vartotojo asmenybės, asmeninio požiūrio ir informacinių poreikių. Socialinis feisbuko tinklas vartotojams yra reikšminga socialinio bendravimo priemonė ir svarbus informacijos šaltinis bei pramogų paieškos erdvė. Jo vartotojų asmeniniai informaciniai poreikiai, individualūs komunikaciniai tikslai ir orientaciniai modeliai lemia komunikacijos percepciją. Jeigu vartotojų informaciniai poreikiai susiję su neigiamo pobūdžio informacija, jie labiau linkę į neigiamas emocijas ir jų percepcija apie socialinį feisbuko tinklą taip pat turės neigiamą foną ir atvirkščiai.