Straipsnyje susieti autorių pateikti organizacijų, turinčių tinklines struktūras, suvokimo lygiai ir pagrindiniai tinklinių struktūrų tipai. Pastebėta, kad ne kiekvieną tinklinę organizaciją galima pavadinti organizacijų tinklu. Tai lemia du skirtingus požiūrius į tinklines struktūras. Organizacijų tinklas vienareikšmiškai susieja kelias juridiškai nepriklausomas organizacijas, kurios siekia sudaryti naudingą sąjungą, užtikrinančią sėkmingą organizacijos veiklą greitai kintančiomis sąlygomis. Šių tinklų, kaip verslo organizavimo formų, koordinavimo sistema gali iš esmės skirtis. Straipsnyje parodoma koordinavimo sistemos organizacijų tinkle svarba, užtikrinant organizacijos veiklos efektyvumą, išnagrinėtas koordinavimo sistemos CPFR modelis ir priemonės, būtinos užtikrinti šio modelio funkcionavimą.
Strategic management and operations management are widely used concepts. The role of operations management in planning and implementation the strategy is shown in this article. After a deep literature review the author presents those ideas which are crucial for the long-term planning of a modern company. Next to the change of the external environment the time factor is also considered as an important issue. The goal of companies within the framework of these conditions is to gain competitive advantage. The author shows ideas how to achieve this.
The research aim is to analyse the peculiarities for application of immovable property tax in Latvia and to assess the main factors affecting the amount of immovable property tax and contradicting the basic principles for imposing taxes. It is essential to review the methods how the State Land Service determines cadastral values for real estate, since the cadastral value is the base for calculation of immovable property tax. The revision is required as the establishment of a fair tax system is impossible without adequate and comparable cadastral values. In the future, land shall be valued pursuant to lease and not to expropriation transactions in Latvia, while the cadastral valuation of buildings might be done consistent with the method of expenses by determining construction expenses of buildings. The issue on mass inspection of physical condition of buildings and data updating shall be solved in Latvia. In addition, an issue on possibilities to apply the most fair procedure for tax calculation shall be solved on the governmental level, i.e. to calculate taxes consistent with procedure for the use of immovable property registered in the Land Register as well as to cancel the limitation for increase of immovable property tax stated by the municipality and to regulate the tax burden through tax rates.
The article contains the analysis of features of marketing communications of companies in the conditions of economic crisis, when, from one side, the financial capabilities of companies are limited, but, from the other side, this is also the period when the necessity of retaining the market share and changing the strategies of companies’ marketing communication increases. The article contains the analysis of the changes in consumers’ behaviour in the conditions of crisis. The results of interrogation of representatives of Latvian companies, conducted under the guidance of the author of the article in order to reveal the directions of changes in their marketing strategies in the conditions of crisis, are also analysed in the article.
The article analyzes the possibilities of use of innovative methods of instruction for adult learning in the regions with the purpose to intensify the knowledge management system and ensure the principle of equal opportunity for the inhabitants of the regions. The data were acquired in the course of implementation of the national programme Support for Vocational Education with the Aim to Develop Professional Skills and Competences of People Involved in Agriculture and Forestry within the project Vocational Education 2005–2006. The project was being implemented in the time period from 2006 to 2008 inclusive. In the course of project implementation, trainings in 21 regions of the Republic of Latvia had been carried out. All in all, 2,562 people in 119 groups had been trained.