Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 157–170
During the soviet times pedagogy in Latvia develops in difficult and controversial conditions. It becomes a specific area of influence and a propaganda tool, in which ideologised guidelines of soviet pedagogy prevail. So far Soviet experience in education theory and practice (1940–1941, 1944–1990) has not been fully identified and evaluated because it is “recent” history. People living during the soviet times have developed self-experience, based on which conclusions can be made. At the same time young people develop this experience in their daily life (communicating with people, watching and reading in the mass media), thus based on other people’s experience. One of the sources promoting teachers’ historical experience is study courses The History of Pedagogy and Literature Didactics, in which future teachers gain knowledge about the historical development of pedagogy, learn different ideas proposed by famous educators, acquire skill in analysing pedagogical ideas in the context of a particular historical period, assess different offerings of pedagogy and their application in nowadays pedagogical situations. At the same time in the study course Literature Didactics future teachers enrich their knowledge about the development of Didactics of Latvian Literature during the soviet period, master their skills in critical evaluation of study contents, study programs, materials, additional materials, study aims, methods and approaches as well as teacher student interaction during the lesson.
This article emphasizes the line of the Christian moral attitude in accordance with didactically significant and attractive insights of the writer Jonas Juškaitis, by positioning the Christian moral attitude and its presentation. The way of religious self-consciousness of the writer is discussed. Some of his ideas, associated with the possibilities of developing a Christian attitude, are revealed, taking into account a popular narrow approach to the human being, to the overall development of the personality, and higher education. The type of the research is theoretical descriptive. The main research methods are analysis, interpretation and synthesis. The methodological principles of the research are: neotomism, which is the basis for the development of the moral attitude of the individual, i.e. the system of his/her moral experiences, aspirations and behavior; and the system of universal education that does not allow to deny personal value and dignity, bases the complex development of the personality and helps to abandon a narrow technocratic approach to the essence and purpose of human existence.