In this paper the author has developed place marketing strategy model for Latgale region that could be used as the base for working out programs of social and economic development. The author defines essence and specific of the marketing places conception, analyses Latgale region as marketing object based on segmentation and research of target markets. Interrogatory methods were used to investigate target audience of the region. The results of analysis of Latgale region and the results of the research of its target markets became empirical base for Latgale region place marketing strategy model. The developed place marketing strategy for Latgale region is based on regular and systematic investigation of the condition of the territory and its development tendencies in order to take rational decisions and to choose the priority development directions in the conditions of limited resources in accordance with real or potential demand of the target markets and to allocate the existing resources for its satisfaction.
Straipsnyje, taikant Kinijos mokslų akademijosModernizacijos tyrimų centro pasiūlytą metodiką, apskaičiuota Lietuvosapskričių pirminė modernizacija 2000–2011 metais. Atliekant skaičiavimus,paaiškėjo, kad ši metodika lengvai adaptuojama ir galimá sėkmingai pritaikytitiriant Lietuvos regionų modernizacijos tendencijas. Nustatyta, kad įgyvendinant pirminę modernizacijąpirmiausia būtina sumažinti žemės ūkio sektorių ir užimtųjų žemės ūkyje dalį.Antra, reikia didinti švietimo aprėptis didinant studentų skaičiųaukštesniosiose ir aukštosiose mokyklose. Tyrimo metu pasitvirtino autorių ex ante formuluota prielaida, kad modernizacijos sąvokos siaurinimas ikiinovacijų yra klaidinga nuostata. Inovacijas derėtų laikyti jau postmoderniomisvertybėmis. Bandymas ieškoti šių postmodernių vertybių tuose teritoriniuosevienetuose, kurie dar tik siekia modernizuotis, lemia neatitikimą tarpvyriausybės kuriamų plėtros strategijų ir vietinių raidos realijų.
The role of cross-border cooperation of Kaliningrad region’s of Russian Federation border municipalities in its development strategies are observed. Significance of cross-border cooperation of small and semi-medium cities for its socio-economic development is analysed. The main spheres of cooperation between small and semi-medium border settlements of Kaliningrad region, Poland and Lithuania have been defined. The theoretical base on cross-border cooperation (Russian and foreign researchers) was analysed, and five geographical methods were used on preparation the article.
Unemployment stands out as a major concern of policy makers, particularly in the case of youth unemployment. We intend to depict the reality of youth unemployment among university graduates in the Guar Municipality, as well as ascertain the possible causes and consequences of the phenomenon. We also aim to give some recommendations for decisions makers, so that these young people would take up residence in this region, which suffers from aging and depopulation issues. The main respondents of a questionnaire reported that it is not easy to get a job in a depressed area, i.e., the Guar Municipality, because labour supply has been reduced due to the closure of industries and companies in traditional sectors and to the lack of incentives for people and companies to take up residence in the area.