The global tourism marketwitnesses the increasingly intensifying processes of altering competition andcustomer needs. Competition is taking place not only among tourism serviceproviders, but also among other participants in the leisure services market –entertainment business organizations, trade and leisure centres. Within the European tourismsystem the highest potential to increase the market share currently belongs tothe Central and Eastern European states, which include Lithuania as well. Seeking to makeuse of these opportunities, it is indispensable not only to create tourisminfrastructure, but also to search for other ways of representing uniquetourism services. World Tourism Organization experts carried out a number ofsurveys, the goal of which was to determine the aims and presumptions of atouristic travel. It was established that even in the presence of changingleisure and holiday habits and fashions, one of the most important factors forchoosing a target travel destination remains the touristic attractiveness ofplaces of interest.
Changes caused by globalization changed consumer behaviour. It is passed from the era of items to the era of services causingemotions. On the other hand, it’s still a speculation, whether globalization affects the behaviour of Lithuanian people in choosingtourism. The research found that the Lithuanian residents still live in the era of items. For them is most important material safetyand image through items. To meet these needs Lithuanian residents prefer traveling abroad. Outbound tourism is attractive for thepopulation of Lithuania, but they frequently travel in Lithuanian territory. Lithuanian tourists are planning travel usually by themselves;this process is combined with rational. Economic, demographic and cultural factors have the greatest influence on the choiceof Lithuanians to make trips. Social, psychological and situational factors in the marketing mix have less impact.