Pagrindinė politikos Europos Sąjungos regionų plėtros problemai spręsti dalis turėtų būti atitinkama regionų raidai skirta inovacijų politika, numatant joje įvairias regioninio ir tarptautinio konkurencingumo inovacijų srityje plėtojimo formas, tinkamas skatinti socialinę ir ekonominę raidą. Šiuo metu Lietuva Europos Sąjungos kontekste yra tarp pradedančiųjų inovatorių ir savo inovacinę veiklą plėtoja lėčiausiai. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama inovacijų svarba siekiant šalies konkurencingumo, analizuojama inovacinio indekso, kaip matavimo priemonės, struktūra, vieno iš prioritetinių Europe 2020 tikslų siekimo rodikliai, atliekama Lietuvos inovacinės veiklos tendencijų, stipriųjų ir silpnųjų pusių analizė, pateikiamos tobulinimo gairės siekiant regioninio ir pasaulinio konkurencingumo.
State and local municipalities have certainly provided public services to every state resident. Public services have to transferrable by information and communication technologies to the electronic environment. Electronic public services are significantly important to the rural population, as this innovative supply method of public services allows some service without ever leaving home to get directly. Furthermore, the development of e-services in rural areas decreases societal and digital exclusion evolving and knowledge society development.The first part of research paper is oriented on the characteristics analysis of the organization of e-services in rural municipalities, and the second part – on public e-services organization model analysis. However, the high investment into the physical infrastructure of communications, which creates the possibility of information and communication technologies use in rural areas, includes social exclusion of rural residents because they do not need and the inner tendency to seek to use information and communication technologies. This circumstance creates barriers for faster people integration into the labor market. Moreover, these social groups of rural population with poor computer literacy reduce their access to e-services. The results of scientific literature analysis suggest that the success of e-services organization in the rural municipalities of the necessary conditions is not only suitable for e-service users with level of computer literacy and available information and communication technologies infrastructure, but even with properly selected e-services organization model.Therefore, this research paper examines the theoretical e-service organization models and their organization in the rural municipalities. The object of research – electronic public service organization models. The aim – under the analysis of electronic public service organization models, to submit proposals for the improvement organization it in rural municipalities. The objectives of research: 1) to identify the peculiarities of e-service organization in rural municipalities; 2) to analysis the organization process of public e-services organization models. The following methods used in research paper: literature analysis and comparative analysis, the analysis of secondary statistical data, aggregation, logical analysis and synthesis, the graph depiction method.In summary of research paper presented a study results for making proposals that e-services organization features in rural areas in the fact that:1) e-services can be provided for different customer segments;2) not all e-services can be uniformly transferred to the electronic environment, and are identified five levels of e-services;3) organization of e-services can be added and applied by public and private institutions.In summary, the analysis of e-service models leads to the conclusion that all consider models describe what e-services can be provided for whom, and determine their electronic transfer level to users, in order to obtain e-services characterized by the process of organizing participants and the technology use.
Economic and social indicators need to be given more importance in the management of results-oriented rural social infrastructure (RSI) in order to become an integral measure in the monitoring of country’s development. The research aim – to prepare and test a methodology for the assessment of RSI condition in order to ensure the territorial cohesion. The following objectives have been set out: 1) to summarize theoretical aspects of rural social infrastructure development in the context of social territorial cohesion; 2) to prepare a methodology for the assessment of RSI; 3) to reveal inequalities and critical areas of Lithuanian RSI development. The analysis of Lithuanian RSI data revealed differences in RSI development in different rural regions which negatively affect Lithuania’s competitiveness and social territorial cohesion. While the articles notes that there have been some positive changes in the use of investment projects over the last couple of years, it also indicates that management of RSI availability and accessibility with respect to locations and sectors is not optimal.