The main objective of this study is to show the willingness of citizens to act through the prism of opportunities offered by participation at the local level. Citizens’ activity in public life is the core of democracy. Their engagement may assume various forms, among which the most common form is participation in elections. When it comes to direct democracy, participation in referendums is most widespread. However, an element of democracy, which is cognitively equally important as the above ones, results from citizens’ engagement in institutional activity through membership in political parties, trade unions, non-governmental organisations or local associations. It is also worth mentioning the participation expressed through signing of petitions, taking part in demonstrations or involvement in local initiatives. Having considered all the above data, one can state that it is clearly visible who undertakes political participation in Poland more often, and for whom this is a less frequent activity. This analysis with its conclusions seems to be a crucial suggestion for people who would like to take effective steps in order to increase citizens’ engagement in politics.
Straipsnyje kalbama apie politiką, kaip komunikacijos lyderį. Aptariamas politiko, kaip kalbėtojo, įvaizdis televizijoje. Šiame straipsnyje politika traktuojama kaip pasitikėjimo kūrimas. Politikos neįmanoma kurti be kalbos, kuri yra jos gyvybės šaltinis. Gebėjimas pasitelkus žiniasklaidą perduoti manipuliacinius (angl. spin) pranešimus, lėmė nepasitikėjimą lyderiais. Politikai ir patys neslepia, kad naudojasi kitų žmonių sukurtomis kalbomis, vartoja specialiai jiems parinktus žodžius, tačiau politinis kalbėjimas, turint omenyje retoriką, sėkmingas bus tik tada, kai auditorija pamatys ir išgirs politiką, kuris ir savo balsu, ir išore perduos susikurtą įvaizdį. Retorika apibūdinama kaip galimybė konkrečiu atveju taikyti turimas įtikinėjimo priemones. Atlikto kokybinio tyrimo duomenys atskleidė, kad Lietuvos politikos lyderiai retorinei persvazijai (įtikinimui) pasiekti televizijos debatuose su auditorija projektuoja kalbą, kuri yra trumpa, aiški ir suprantama plačiajai auditorijai. Informantų patirtys rinkiminiuose debatuose retorikos aspektu nagrinėtos remiantis Aristotelio išskirtais trimis klasikiniais būdais (apeliacijomis): ethos, logos, pathos
Public television is an important source of electoral information in Poland. The scope of its duties is regulated by the Election Code and media regulations. The presented content can fundamentally influence electoral attitudes of Poles and shape their views in this respect. The analysis of the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) reports on the monitoring of public television and the analysis of the opinion polls’ results carried out by the Public Opinion Research Centre (CBOS) revealed that the key factor that determined a low turnout in the 2015 parliamentary elections was not the lack of information or knowledge on the voters’ side, but more a disappointment in the quality of political life in Poland. In the local government elections of 2014, the phenomenon of insufficient provision of information indeed did occur, as the main media for informational and educational content were not nationwide but rather regional broadcasts with low viewership. The author used the following research methods to address the above issues: critical literature analysis, comparative and descriptive analysis, as well as analysis of legislation, documents and surveys.