Šiuo straipsniu siekiama išanalizuoti Kinijos Liaudies Respublikos (KLR) galios augimo priežastis pasitelkiant dvi tarptautinių santykių teorijas – konstruktyvizmą ir realizmą. Remiantis konstruktyvizmo ir realizmo autorių darbais, epistemologiškai analizuojami šių teorijų esminiai principai ir jų taikymas kintančioje KLR galios dinamikoje, išskiriant nacionalinės tapatybės, gynybinių ir puolamųjų interesų tematikas. Atlikus empirinę analizę, tyrime siekiama išryškinti dominuojančią teorinę paradigmą, tiksliausiai apibūdinančią KLR iškilimo priežastis tiriamuoju laikotarpiu nuo 1978 iki 2023 metų, ir pateikti tarptautinės sistemos scenarijus, atsakant į tyrime keliamą klausimą, Kinija status quo ar revizionistinė valstybė? Šis straipsnis papildo lietuviškąjį politikos mokslų diskursą apie KLR galios augimo priežastis bei suteikia pagrindą akademinei bendruomenei plačiau nagrinėti Kinijos vidaus ir užsienio politikos procesus.
This study presents an internationally (cross-border) representative picture of the school environment, atmosphere and action taken by schools aiming at the involvement of students in their actions. The study was conducted within the framework of the CaSYPoT project (Capacity Building for Strategic Youth Policy and Transnational Cooperation) under the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 (Project No STHB.05.01.00-SE-0024/15). The main aim of the CaSYPot project was to encourage young people to get involved in local democracy, and to present youth as a resource in the development of society. Furthermore, for the design and implementation of the southern Baltic youth strategy, it is important to gain an insight into the current situation regarding the environment in schools. One section of this survey was addressed to the situation of youth in schools. The international survey for the CaSYPoT project was conducted among 1,593 students, in six towns in the southern Baltic region, in Sweden, Poland, Russia and Lithuania, from April to June 2017. The project partner’s towns carried out a survey on teenagers aged 16 to 19, identifying their needs and problems in school, and providing comparable data. The questionnaire contained questions addressing young people’s well-being and atmosphere of safety, the climate at school, and their experience in getting involved in the work of the school and their influence on decision making. To sum up, the study describes the current situation in schools, which is essential for the development and evaluation of future policies and actions. The survey covers a wide range of student opinions on school, and begins with a summary of the key findings drawn from an analysis of the survey, and strategic recommendations for the future.
Innovation is often recognized as a vital source of competitive advantage for business. Taking into account the conditions of increasing globalization at a high level of intensity as well as a rapidly changing technological landscape and also continuous customer demands for new products and services on the modern market, it is needed to assume that businesses have to innovate in order to survive and prosper in the contemporary environment. In the context of the paper at hand the main attention is given to the analysis of the theoretical and empirical aspects of the concept of innovation. There were applied such economic science research methods as monographic, grouping, reference, generalization, graphical analysis and content analysis.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an initial description of youth policy and highlight some relevant data. There has been conducted a survey in the framework of CaSYPoT project (Capacity Building for Strategic Youth Policy and Transnational Cooperation) under the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014–2020 (Project No. STHB.05.01.00-SE-0024/15). The overall aim of this project is to encourage young people to get involved into local democracy and to present the youth as the resource in the development of society and democracy. The goal of the project is the survey that was carried out in Klaipėda municipality, in the period of April–May 2017. Thus, the article analyses the findings of this survey. The questionnaire contained questions addressing young people’s well-being and safety in their neighbourhood and at school, as well as their experience getting involved in the municipality work and their influence on its decisions. The target group of the survey was young people aged 16–19.