Jūrinio turizmo poreikis sparčiai auga visame pasaulyje, buriavimas ypač išpopuliarėjo po COVID-19 pandemijos. Klaipėdos regione darnusis jūrinis turizmas – prioritetinė šaka, kurią plėtoti numatyta strateginiuose dokumentuose ir veiksmų planuose. Atliktu tyrimu siekta nustatyti burinių laivų paslaugų svarbą plėtojant darnų jūrinį turizmą Klaipėdos regione. Taikyti tyrimo metodai: literatūros analizė, kokybinis tyrimas – ekspertinė apklausa. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas atskleidė, kad darnaus jūrinio turizmo plėtrai būtinos papildomos, su buriavimu susijusios paslaugos, skatinančios labiau domėtis buriavimu ir įtraukti šias patirtis į atostogų planavimą, korporatyvinių ir edukacinių renginių organizavimą. Tyrimai atskleidė, kad regionuose, kuriuose tvaraus jūrinio turizmo koncepcija yra prioritetinė turizmo plėtros kryptis, yra vietos valdžios palaikymas, sudarytos sąlygos dalyvauti tarptautiniuose bendradarbiavimo projektuose, labiau vystomas darnusis buriavimo turizmas, auga paslaugų pasiūla visuomenei. Tarptautinė partnerystė, bendri jūrinio turizmo projektai, bendrai vykdoma komunikacija – veiksmingi darniojo jūrinio turizmo plėtros būdai.
Economy operates in a broader social system, composed of households and enterprises but also by all institutions created by people. Law and politics is created and introduced in institutions in parallel to educational, administrative activities as well as any other social activities, including those related to the natural environment we live in. These institutions operate thanks to the social capital i.e. interconnected human resources. The quality of the social capital is dependent on mutual trust and relations in the society. For this reason, social capital is of key importance for sustainable development, both as a controller of the impact of the economy on the environment as well as the basis for the future development. The environment evolves continuously, there are rapidly changing economic processes and, in consequence, their impact on the environment is changing rapidly, tool. This brings some specific challenges to the resource and quality of human knowledge and the competence level of the human capital, as the only tool for a possible reduction of all imperfections.
The article presents the evaluation of organizational culture of SC „Klaipėdos kartonas“. The employees’ attitude towards the importance and influence of OK, values, symbols, history, heroes, traditions and communication is evaluated by questioner created by authors of article. The survey revealed that employees appreciate their OK positively. They are guided by the values of organization in their work. The employees know the values and their impact, the history of organization, and have their heroes-employees. Common traditions are prevalent in organization. The communication in organization is business-like. Statistically important difference was revealed: managers of all levels expressed more agreement for statements about all elements of OK; meanwhile employees without subordinates expressed less agreement or disagreement. It is suggested to involve employees without subordinates in processes of formation and implementation of OK more actively.
Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti Lietuvos organizacijų normas. Analizuota normų, kaip taisyklių ir standartų, samprata, jų svarba organizacijoms, normų klasifikacijos pagal tipus, jų perdavimo būdų, kuriais formalizuojamos normos organizacijose, aprašymą dokumentuose. Atlikta Lietuvos organizacijų darbuotojų anketinė apklausa. Lietuvos organizacijos paprastai formalizuoja darbo, teisines, moralines ir estetines normas. Formalios normos paprastai sudarytos vadovų, neformalios formuojamos grupių lyderių ar darbuotojų. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad organizacijos normos paprastai draudžiamojo pobūdžio ir retai skatinančios pageidautiną elgesį. Akivaizdi tendencija, kad draudžiamosios normos dažniau slopina individualius pasiekimus, nei juos skatina. Rezultatai atskleidė, kad dažniausia darbuotojai Lietuvos organizacijose neskatinami laikytis normų, bet gana dažnai baudžiama už normų nesilaikymą. Todėl, remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, rekomenduojama įtraukti darbuotojus į normų formavimo procesą, kad jos būtų labiau pripažįstamos, sukurtų teigiamą darbo atmosferą ir skatintų savikontrolę.
Creativity in organizations has always been important, but in the twenty-first century, it is becoming object of interest among scientists in the field of management. The article discusses the essence of creativity and its benefits to organizations. Although researchers of various fields, including management, emphasize the benefits of creativity in everyday activities, but the skeptical view, that creativity can be applied only in art and not in everyday activities, still persist. This paper analyzes the scientific problem that is the lack of application of creativity in organizations. The object of research is application of creativity. The purpose of article is to research the applicability of creativity in organization through the analysis of the concept of creativity and its benefits to organizations. Objectives are to identify the benefits of creativity to the organization and to reveal the practice of application of creativity in Klaipeda organizations.
In the analysis of the scientific literature, these techniques have been applied: systematic and logical analysis, comparative analysis, graphical representation. A qualitative research method of semi-structured interview has been used for empirical research. In order to determine the application of creativity in real life, the qualitative exploratory study has been performed. Semi-structured interview with experts has been selected. Experts – managers of various small and medium organizations – have been invited to participate in this research. The study has been conducted in April 2014 in Klaipeda. The aim was to involve managers-experts from different sectors (services, manufacturing, marketing or educational areas) in order to be able to discern certain trends or directions depending on the organization or the organization’ size or even a different leadership experience. Management experience of experts is very diverse, from 1 year to 36 years.
The study found out that although experts have identified unambiguously that creativity is essential in our daily work, it appears that its application possibilities are not exhausted in practice and most have not showed interest or practical application of a variety of creative methods. Experts do not apply creative approaches in their work, they feel instinctively how to behave or to show creativity, but in reality, it is a serious theoretical gap. The results suggest that the development of creativity is yet neglected because neither managers nor employees are encouraged for creative solutions.
Kadsėkmingai funkcionuotų, organizacijos neišvengiamai turi taikytis prie kintančiųvisuomenės vertybių: nuo nuolankumo darbo santykiams prie partnerystės ryšių,nuo greito ir lengviausio pelno prie ilgalaikės plėtros tendencijos, nuo naudossiekimo tik sau prie atsakomybės visuomenei ir gamtai. Visa tai diktuojabūtinybę įmonėms imtis socialiai atsakingos veiklos, nes darni, atsakinga iretiška veikla yra kiekvienos organizacijos didžiausia vertybė. Įmonės,vykdydamos socialiai atsakingą veiklą, įsipareigoja nebūti abejingos visuomenėsinteresams. Visuomenė iš organizacijų tikisi vis daugiau, todėl organizacijosprivalo prisitaikyti, siekdamos sėkmingai veikti. Straipsnyje tiriamasvisuomenės požiūris į įmonių socialinę atsakomybę (toliau – ĮSA), akcentuojant,kiek pati visuomenė prisideda prie socialinės atsakomybės puoselėjimo.
Organizacinės kultūros teorija svarbi atliekant mokslinius tyrimus, siekiant gerinti vadovų supratimą apie darbuotojų elgesį organizacijoje. Straipsnyje išanalizuotos organizacinės kultūros vertinimo metodikos. Taikant sudarytą metodiką atliktas tyrimas UAB ,,Yazaky Wiring Technologies Lietuva“. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nustatyta, kad organizacijoje mažiausiai dėmesio skiriama ritualų kūrimui ir taikymui, herojų vertinimui. Tačiau bendra analizė atskleidė, kad organizacinė kultūra yra stipri ir ji puoselėjama. Pateikiama rekomendacijų, kaip gerinti organizacijos organizacinę kultūrą.
The aim of this article: To analyze the theoretical assumptions of organizational culture and to investigate the organizational culture in two Lithuanian and foreign capital organizations.
The tasks.
To analyze the theoretical assumptions of the organizational culture.
To investigate organizational culture implementation in the Lithuanian and foreign capital organizations.
The object of the research is: organizational culture in Lithuania and foreign organization.
Research methods: literature analysis, synthesis, questionnaire, data processing SPSS 17.1 (Statistical Package called for the Social Sciences) program.
Research methodology: The research was done in the Lithuanian and foreign capital organizations. Organizations are medium size, activities − production. The research involved 123 respondents. From Lithuanian capital organization 60 respondents and from foreign capital organization 63 respondents participated in the research.
Analyzing the organizational culture in Lithuanian and foreign organizations we can see that those organizations of values are very similar. Foreign organizations and Lithuanian capital gets rituals such as new employee training, celebration during which family members gather together to have a good time, various outings. The Lithuanian capital organization well working employees are honored by manager attention while in the foreign capital organization this ritual is not popular. Foreign capital organization’s employees are friendlier relationship, they feel safer working in this type of organization. Foreign capital organization, according to the workers opinion are strict order, more creativity is encouraged. It may be noted that foreign capital organizations it’s more characteristic collaboration between employees, this organization give more attention for rules and norms compared to the Lithuanian capital organization.