In this paper the author has developed place marketing strategy model for Latgale region that could be used as the base for working out programs of social and economic development. The author defines essence and specific of the marketing places conception, analyses Latgale region as marketing object based on segmentation and research of target markets. Interrogatory methods were used to investigate target audience of the region. The results of analysis of Latgale region and the results of the research of its target markets became empirical base for Latgale region place marketing strategy model. The developed place marketing strategy for Latgale region is based on regular and systematic investigation of the condition of the territory and its development tendencies in order to take rational decisions and to choose the priority development directions in the conditions of limited resources in accordance with real or potential demand of the target markets and to allocate the existing resources for its satisfaction.
The article reflects on the attitude, understanding and knowledge on sustainable marketing, as well as the essence of sustainable marketing,the strategy of its practical use and the concept of development. As a result of research, definitions of sustainable developmentand sustainable marketing and a model of concept of motivation of its use at a company were developed and the strategy of practicaluse of a sustainable marketing and the motivation of use at Latvian companies was ascertained, confirming the initially advancedhypotheses. In order to fulfil the purpose and objectives, the authors used the following quantitative and qualitative methods ofeconomic research: polls, comparisons, grouping. The study is based on scientific papers published by Latvian and foreign scholars,general and special literature, periodicals. The authors performed an assessment, market research, comparative analysis, arrangedan expert examination and used the computer software MS Excel for the analysis and processing of data. The article is based on theresults of the author’s research in 2013. The authors used examination and monitoring in their research.
The article covers the essence and the key role of marketing communications in the market and business of nowadays, the trends of development of marketing communications – the growing popularity of the Internet, changes in the consumers’ communications, the increased importance of direct marketing, as well as the selection of marketing communications based on the stages of product life cycle. Attention is devoted to the types of marketing communications at a particular stage of buyers’ behaviour. The authors availed of the results of their piece of research of 2011 where they used data of companies, polled consumers with the sample totality of 417 respondents, as well as performed an examination.
This paper examines what benefits business can achieve by implementing corporate social responsibility reports in its activities.There are also analyzed the evolution of CSR reporting, systemized theoretical aspects of CSR reporting in marketing field. Thearticle emphasized that then satisfying stakeholders’ expectations, needs, and informing them of the action taken to meet these expectations,the organization have greater success of the business, i.e. stability and profitability. Literary analysis showed that CSRreporting is becoming the main tool of linking different holistic marketing programs.
Customer satisfaction is considered as key factor determining organization’s success in today’s competitive market place. The growthof popularity of catering services in Lithuania substantiates the necessity of evaluation of their customer loyalty. Accordingly, theresearch was provided endeavouring to evaluate customer satisfaction with catering services in Lithuania. The obtained resultsreveal that evaluating either customer satisfaction with overall catering services in Lithuania, or customer satisfaction with particularcaterer, Customer Expectations and Image has no direct effect on Customer Satisfaction, in addition Complaints has no direct neitherindirect effect on Loyalty. Furthermore, the created model of Customer Satisfaction with catering services in Lithuania can be usedfor any type of research that evaluates customer satisfaction with catering services in Lithuania: any the place in Lithuania and / orthe type of catering facility.
The article reveals the essence of relationship marketing concepts and expression in Klaipeda health care institutions. Investigated the following main relationship marketing dimensions: trust, commitment, interdependence, reciprocity, cooperation, power, communication, satisfaction, value, justice and empathy. It is stated that the direct impact on consumer loyalty in health care market has the confidence, commitment and satisfaction. Relationship marketing principles – mutual interaction and power – in health care market only partially causes consumers loyalty.
Tourism is becoming a very important and fast growing industry, where rural tourism is a very important part. Tourist loyalty is a very important factor determining tourist’s wish to revisit the destination; and main loyalty’s antecedent is tourist satisfaction. Accordingly, the research was provided endeavouring to determine how to turn satisfied Lithuanian rural tourists into loyal ones. The aim of the research was to reveal core factors affecting Lithuanian rural tourist loyalty. The obtained results reveal that variables that have to be considered to turn already satisfied tourists into loyal are: ‘natural features’, ‘destination marketing’ and ‘environmental preservation’. Considering that the variable ‘natural features’ remains at the constant level due to the requirement of large investments, ‘environmental preservation’ and ‘destination marketing’ are variables necessitating specific level of compatibility.
Sparti internetinės rinkodaros plėtra neišvengiamai skatina investicijų šioje srityje augimą, tačiau įmonėms gana sudėtinga prognozuoti internetinės rinkodaros programų atsiperkamumą. Internetinės rinkodaros efektyvumo vertinimo kriterijai ir jo didinimo kryptys mokslinėje literatūroje nepakankamai ištirtos. Tyrimu siekta išanalizuoti internetinės rinkodaros krypčių efektyvumo vertinimo kriterijus ir jo didinimo galimybes. Straipsnyje, atlikus lyginamąją mokslinės literatūros analizę, atskleistos naujausios internetinės rinkodaros tendencijos, siejamos su antros kartos žiniatinkliu, lokalizacija ir daugiaekraniškumu. Pagrindinėmis internetinės rinkodaros kryptimis tampa paieškos sistemų optimizavimas ir rinkodara, elektroninio pašto ir invazinė rinkodara, sindikuotas turinys ir RSS, reitingų tinklalapiai, socialiniai tinklai, forumai, tinklalaidė, tinklaraščiai, valdikliai. Šių krypčių efektyvumas gali būti vertinamas finansiniais ir nefinansiniais rodikliais. Nefinansinių rodiklių pagrindas – vartotojų teikiamos pirmenybės. Finansiniais internetinės rinkodaros efektyvumo rodikliais tampa lankomumo, investicijų pelningumo (ROI) ir konversijos rodikliai.
The research aims to update the corporate marketing role in promoting sustainability. The study is based on the assessment of today’s economic, ecological, and social responsibility issues, as well as public issues associated with the development of sustainability. The following scientific research methods have been applied in the research: analytical, comparing, graphical, statistical and surveillance methods. The authors have studied sustainability issues, i.e., economic, environmental and social, in the world and particularly in Latvia, as well as their impact on public welfare. In research, there was chosen and analysed the Latvian food retail industry, which makes a significant contribution to the economy of the trade sector. Companies, which take on social responsibility, should focus in their activities on the education of consumers. Using marketing communications, they can educate their consumers about ecological characteristics of products and their environmental impact on the public health, i.e., composition of products, acquisition, storage, use and disposal possibilities, also putting great emphasis on the Latvian products. Thus, companies can support the domestic market and promote sustainable development of the Latvian economy in general.
Maitinimo įstaigų populiarumo Lietuvoje didėjimas pagrindžia vartotojų pasitenkinimo šiomis įstaigomis tyrimo aktualumą. Vertinant itališkos virtuvės atitikimą tradiciniam lietuvio skoniui, tyrimą nuspręsta atlikti picerijų sektoriuje. Tiriant siekta įvertinti vartotojų pasitenkinimą Kauno miesto picerijomis. Tyrimo duomenys leidžia daryti išvadą, kad siekiant didesnio vartotojų pasitenkinimo picerijomis, svarbiausia suderinti vartotojų lūkesčius ir produktų bei aptarnavimo kokybę. Apibendrinus atlikto tyrimo rezultatus, sudarytas vartotojų pasitenkinimo Kauno miesto picerijomis modelis, kuris gali būti taikomas apskaičiuojant vartotojų pasitenkinimą visomis picerijomis arba konkrečia Kauno miesto picerija, taip pat adaptuotas kitų miestų picerijų ar kitų maitinimo įstaigų vartotojų pasitenkinimui matuoti.